Unlike other equatorial countries, Peru’s climate is not uniformly tropical; the Andes Mountains and the Peruvian cold current make the climate vary greatly across the country. The coastal area has a mild climate, high humidity but low precipitation, but the temperature and precipitation in the northern part of the area are higher; [48] The plateau area is rainy in summer, and the temperature and humidity decrease with increasing altitude; [49] The Amazon forest area is warm and rainy , but the winter in the south is cold and precipitation does not occur all year round.
Peruvian residents have maintained many Spanish customs, such as being keen on cockfighting and bullfighting, and also like movies and dramas. They also enjoy hiking and often visit cultural areas and cities in their country. Dancing is a favorite activity among Peruvians, and a nationwide dance-based carnival is held every year. Chinese martial arts are also popular in some cities in Peru. Peruvian residents usually dress more casually and wear suits on formal occasions. Peruvians eat mainly Western food, but it is full of ethnic characteristics. Since Peruvians are proud to be the descendants of the sun and have always admired the color yellow, their food is mostly yellow, such as yellow potatoes, yellow pumpkins, yellow bell peppers, etc. The main foods of the residents include beef, pork, chicken, peppers, vegetables, fish, rice, corn, etc. Many Peruvians also like to eat French and Spanish food. Peruvians are particularly fond of chili peppers and spices in general. Peruvians are conservative and reserved. Both men and women can shake hands when meeting and breaking up. Good friends of men hug each other, and good friends of women kiss each other on the cheek. Flowers can be used as gifts on any occasion. Most dinners start at 9pm or later, and it is considered normal to arrive half an hour after the dinner starts. The only thing that requires absolute punctuality is watching a bullfight. The conversation should avoid involving the politics of the country concerned. During the festivals in Lima every October and November, there is a bullfighting competition every Sunday in the ACHO Plaza. After the Inca colonies and independent areas destroyed and controlled the Spanish possessions in South America, Spizarro founded Lima, known since then as the King of the City and became the center of all political, social and commercial activity on the continent. The governor of Peru, who was rich and powerful, had to fight against the colonists who abused their power and abused the Indians. Their leader and one of the Inca nobles, Tupac Amaru II, rebelled in 1780 but was defeated and, along with the other leaders, executed in Cusco. Along with several other failed uprisings, this occurrence led to a strong desire for independence. The liberators, with the help of Argentinian general José de San Martín, declared independence on July 28, 1821, and Venezuelan liberator Simon Bolivar eventually took charge of Peru, which had been liberated in a decisive battle on December 9, 1824. Eventually Spain ended its expansion in America. In terms of accommodation, local hotels do not provide disposable toothbrushes, slippers and other supplies, and tourists need to bring their own. The voltage is the same as in China, 220 volts. Do not drink raw tap water. There is a local custom of tipping, usually $2 to $3 is enough to be paid to the waiter who carries the luggage or the waiter in the restaurant.
There are many restaurants in Cusco with unique flavors and moderate prices.
If Chinese tourists are not used to Western food, they can also find local Chinese restaurants that suit their taste.
Spanish: A difrencia de los países equinocciales, perú no sólo cuenta con un tropic.entre andes, y el Friede in perú, haken a todo el país diponer de much diferencia.el clima de littoral aera es muy templado.la temperatura es muy alta, no obstante la percipitacón es muy baja. .en el norte de esta región, la percipitación es muy alta .en verano, altiplanicie llueve mucho.la temperatura sube, y baja dependence de la humedad de la temperadura, y la elevation de altura.pero en amazones, es muy templada, y llueve bastante.pero en el sur, hace mucho frío en invierno.no llueve las cuatras estaciones,
Elegant perú conserva much of the costumbres of los espa?0?9oles.como por ejemblo, a ellos les gustan muchísimos las peleas de gallos, la corrida, también les gustan The película, the teatro.y viajar.hacen, the contestant element, the cultural heritage, the cultural heritage, the baile, the actiidad muy aficionada.para, the peruanos.todos los a?0?9os, the celebrity carnaval en forma It’s a good time to be in a moda and it’s a peruanas. It’s a natural thing. It’s a natural thing. It’s a forma occasion. It’s a good thing. It’s a good thing. Como los peruanos se sienten orgullosos de hijos del sol.admiran mucho amarillo.la mayor parte de sus comidas son de marillos.por ej
Emplo las patatas, los pukines, etc. Los alimentos básicos que tienen los habitantes son carnes de res, carne de cerdos, pollo, chiles, verduras, pescados, decámetros, maíces etc.... muchos peruanos les gustan comer la comida francesa y La espa?0?9ola.sobre todo el chile y la esencia.
Sea hombre o mujer, los peruanos son muy reservados y cohibidos.se estrechan las manos, cuando se ven y se despiden.entre los buenos Amigos, abrazan and mujeres, besan and cara.en cuaquiera occasion pueden regalar flores como regalo.la mayor parte de los banquetes empiezan a las 9 de la noche o más tarde.en los ojos de la gente,es muy natural It’s a great experience in the media, it’s a good thing, it’s a bad thing, it’s a tiempo, it’s a good thing, it’s a good thing, it’s a contagious thing, it’s a good thing, it’s a no-brainer, it’s in Centro de Lima, it’s la Fiesta, todos los domingo, to celebrate the corrida of toros in the Plaza de Acho.la colonia de inca y algunas regiones erguidas se destruyeron.y se apoderaron la economieda de espa?0?9a donde estaba en americano.pizarro construyó lima,a Part of the deal, it’s a great place to be. It’s a política, it’s a social center, it’s a negotiator, it’s a converter, it’s a continent, it’s a disease, it’s a disease, it’s a disease. It’s a disease. It’s a colonizadores, it’s indianos. era uno de los hidalgos de inca.pakeama luer shi en 1780
, se rebeló.pero fue batido.además fue matado con otros dirigentes.aparte de otras insurreciones fracasas,produjo esta situasion,causó el deseo de estar solo and erguido drásiticamente.los libertadores ayudando por el general argentino,josé san martín,declaró que estaba Solo and julio in trinity and uno in 1831. What’s the difference between 1831 and 1831. What’s the difference between Blívar llegó and Administrative Perú Donde puso in libertad and batalla.en 12 by 9 in 1824.en estados unidos americanos al fin, terminó su dilatación espa? 0?9a.en Cuando a hospedaje,los hoteles locales,no prestans los cepillos de los dientes,y las zapatillas.los turistas llevarlos tras sí mismo.la tensión es igua a la china.220v.no se puede beber directamente agua Cruda.en esa ciuda, la gente tiene la costumbre de pagar las propinas.genelamente se paga 2 o 3 dolores a los camarecos quien transportan las maletas.
Hay muchos restaurante en el centro de cuzco.el sabor es Muy especial, además noes muy caro.si Los turistas chinos no están aostumbrados a comer la comida occidental, también pueden elegir de acuerdo con los propios gustos un restaurante chino.