Personally, I think it's the most high song of black beans, and one of my favorites, every time I listen to him, I can be energized, especially in the back of the climax of the section, too passionate, too exuberant!!!!
12.I gotta feeling
This 09 year's most high song, continued to the United States 26 weeks champion song, as well as the Grammy Award, who listen to who knows.
13.The time
This is the 2010 new album hit, the style and dont stop the party similar, just this one more let everyone know, the climax part is also very powerful, very like.
14. Just can't get enough
Also from the 2010 album, this song is well known because the music video was shot in Japan a week before the Fukushima earthquake. High-quality headphones required!
15.My humps
The lead single from the '05 Monkey Business album, featuring Fergie's magnetic voice and a sexy music video, reached #2 on the billboard top 100.
16. Boom boom pow
09 "the end" hit song, as the title, listen to feel the heart boom boom pow, a fast one, the climax is very high!
Linkin Park: one of the world's finest live performance metalcore groups, you can say you've never heard of them before, or you can scrutinize them with the most critical eye you have for music and fashion, but either way, Linkin Park is truly the most unique hybrid musical juggernaut of our time.
A very powerful song to listen to, with a crescendo of passion.
18.Numb encore
Another version of Numb But the difference is that this song by Jay-z , Eminem , Dr. Dre three big kings to participate in the more powerful, I prefer this version.
19. In the end
Lincoln Park in the world's most influential song, not the prelude to the sadness, not to raise the tide of shock, single lyrics, at the end of the sentence: "In the end, it doesn't even matter!
20.New divide
The Transformers 2 theme song, Chester Bennington's angry shouts are still powerful. in every loss, in every ile of the climax of the part of the passionate!!!!