It's easy to stick to the dietary regimen

1, can stand don't sit, can walk don't stand

Long time sedentary will not only cause the lower body microcirculation is slow, reduce the body's metabolism function, will also cause the waist below, especially hips, thighs, excess water and metabolic wastes can't be properly discharged, at the same time, the sedentary will make the abdominal organs are extruded, visceral fat is easy to hoard in the waist and abdomen, so people usually suffer from pear-shaped figure, abdominal obesity, sagging hips, thigh fat hoarders.

Since this is the case, the work that can be accomplished while standing should not be done while sitting as much as possible. Standing not only allows the muscles to be in a relatively tense state, allowing the fat to actively participate in the metabolism, but also effectively accelerates the blood circulation of the legs and promotes the discharging of toxic elements. In addition, during the commute to walk instead of taking the bus subway and other means of transportation, walking is a very good aerobic exercise, not only can exercise the muscles to burn fat, but also to strengthen the cardiorespiratory function, no matter for the body or health is positively beneficial.

2, hungry to calm down, do not grab what all into the mouth

Bad eating habits must be overcome, such as hungry to eat. You can eat when you're hungry, but that doesn't mean you can eat anything you grab. Don't eat noodles, greasy noodles and sauce will not bring any benefit to the body; don't eat cookies, there is no nutrition at the same time will be ingested should not have sugar; don't eat potato chips, fried food will only help you increase cellulite.

3, do not pick food

Nutritionists believe that comprehensive nutrition is to ensure that the human body is the material basis of health, but also one of the tips to lose weight, because the body itself that get the best supply, thus accelerating the metabolism. Here, please note that "comprehensive" refers to purely natural food. The body needs plenty of carbohydrates, including whole grains, fruits, dairy products, and starchy vegetables; proteins, mainly from beans, meat, fish, poultry, and eggs; and healthy unsaturated fats from nuts and olive oil.

4, more deep breathing

Doctors often let us exhale and inhale during medical checkups, and this lack of depth and skillful breathing will not help in slimming down. As the author of "Kick-Start Your Metabolism" and a breathing instructor, Pam Grout is a big fan of abdominal breathing and believes it's a great way to stay in shape with long-term practice. How can we tell if we're breathing correctly? She says, "Place one hand on your chest and the other on your abdomen, and when you breathe normally, if your hand on your chest moves up instead of out, you are only getting one-third of the oxygen your body needs. If the body does not have enough oxygen, then the fat will not be completely decomposed and will remain in the body as a result of gaining weight."

There is a simple way to quickly master correct breathing, lie flat on the ground, put a book on the abdomen. When you inhale, the book should rise; when you exhale, it should fall. The process should be slow, very slow and smooth.

After learning the basics of belly breathing, Grout introduces the 1-4-2 Breathing Exercise, which is specifically designed for weight loss. First, inhale air from the nose in a single, comfortable breath, hold it for four breaths, and then exhale it out of the mouth in two separate breaths. If you inhale air from the nose in four separate breaths, then you can hold your breath 16 times (4x4) and exhale in eight separate breaths (4x2). Both inhale and exhale as much as you can to the "limit," i.e., inhale until you can't inhale any more and exhale until you can't exhale any more, Grout recommends ten sets of ten exercises, twice a day.

5, the first thing you do when you get up is move it

When the clock is pointing at 6 a.m., your first thought is definitely not to mess with your abs. However, five minutes of intense abdominal activity in the morning definitely helps your waist two inches less. Exercise speeds up your metabolism and energizes you throughout the day.

6, make full use of fractions of time efficient fat burning

Office white-collar workers often complain that there is no time to exercise, in fact, as long as you make full use of the daily life of a little bit of time, you can effectively burn fat, to achieve the purpose of weight loss. Coach suggests that morning and evening when you wash your face and brush your teeth, you can stand on tiptoe and let your heels move up and down, 50 times for a group, which is conducive to reducing the flab of the legs and buttocks. When taking a bath, you may want to move your neck, twist your waist and lift your legs, which can burn off a lot of calories. Climbing stairs is an excellent way to lose weight, in the same time, climbing stairs consumes four times more calories than walking, two times more than playing table tennis. Climbing stairs for 5 minutes a day can burn nearly 418.7 joules. When taking the bus or subway, try to stand, you can do some hand exercises, such as holding the "pull ring", sometimes tight, sometimes relaxed, so that the wrist can be thin. When sitting on the seat, you can do some foot exercises, such as pressing the ankles of both feet alternately for 8 seconds, 3 times for each foot. Then legs apart, knees and then slowly together, in the knee hard to squeeze each other for 8 seconds. These two sets of movements can be alternated. It is most boring to wait by the stove while cooking soup or rice, so take this opportunity to do some exercises to reduce the weight of your lower limbs. Holding the stove with both hands, lift your leg straight backward, as fast as you can, and raise it upward. Each leg 10 to 15 times, can reduce the thighs and buttocks fat.