We hold hands, we hold each other’s hearts, and practice the core values ??of socialism. Keep the twenty-four characters firmly in mind. The goals of prosperity, democracy, civilization, and harmony, which are national values, inspire us, hey! Encourage us! Hi! Determined to develop in an all-round way since childhood!
We hold hands, we hold each other’s hearts, and practice the core values ??of socialism. Keep the twenty-four characters firmly in mind, freedom, equality, justice, rule of law, and the orientation of social values ??to guide us, Hi! Guide us! Hi! Determined to develop in an all-round way since childhood!
We hold hands, we hold each other’s hearts, and practice the core values ??of socialism. Keep in mind the twenty-four characters, patriotism, dedication, integrity, friendliness, the principles of citizen values, standardize us, Hi! Standardize us! Hi! Determined to develop in an all-round way since childhood!