World of Warcraft 9.1 Zorval Ghost Walk Dance Furnace Location Coordinates Summary

World of Warcraft 9.1 Zorval Ghost Step Dance achievement requires players to dance in Zorval's crucible near the furnace, then these furnaces are where it? Below together to see World of Warcraft 9.1 Zorval Ghost Walk Dance Furnace location coordinates summary.

World of Warcraft 9.1 Zorval Ghostwalker Furnace

Requires the "Ashes to Ashes" quest to refresh.

Take the Abyssal Umbrella from Garbins, who may appear at the following coordinates during raids.

/way 39,8, 40,7

/way 35,2, 43,5

/way 31,9, 42,5

Dancing near five different furnaces in Zovar's Crucible / Dancing with the Umbrella Buff.

/way 38,9, 39,8 Furnaces 1

/way 35,1, 44,7 Furnace 2

/way 35,8, 45,2 Furnace 3

/way 36,4, 43,8 Furnace 4

/way 32,5, 41,3 Furnace 5