World of Warcraft 9.1 Zorval Ghostwalker Furnace
Requires the "Ashes to Ashes" quest to refresh.
Take the Abyssal Umbrella from Garbins, who may appear at the following coordinates during raids.
/way 39,8, 40,7
/way 35,2, 43,5
/way 31,9, 42,5
Dancing near five different furnaces in Zovar's Crucible / Dancing with the Umbrella Buff.
/way 38,9, 39,8 Furnaces 1
/way 35,1, 44,7 Furnace 2
/way 35,8, 45,2 Furnace 3
/way 36,4, 43,8 Furnace 4
/way 32,5, 41,3 Furnace 5