Does anyone have the Strictly Come Dancing Free Steps?

Website's bobblehead steps aren't complete ``I've got all of them here

<bobblehead steps>

L6:269614 896883 291686 667636 226321 246316 688897

L7:9726481 6887677 7929664 4698376 9414788 8892293 8869293 8768767

L8:29126871 47671483 72338326 83267376 83641978 89788279 91634346 91649924 96213364 98213342

L9. 476176233 441719876 387327233 378499867 18279673 271841114 468111112 233728741 167669123 479672873 677418873 94881833 96843187

The all-steps are easier to learn`

The bobble head is the most difficult set of steps among all the steps ``I hope you practice more``

Bobble head is not guilty, long live Mike~!55

Strong Dance: V1.7 version of the Strong Dance Authentic bobble head steps

L6 442866 2916 2696 627216 8968 6623 6676 7246 18266

L7 97264 6887 7929 63666 4793 7242 3442 3883 8869 9414 8768 8413

L8 2912 36234 4767 7233 8326 9163 9164 9621 9821 9322 8382 8364 44312 4431

L9 47617 18279 4417 3873 378499 78727 2337 49378 13963 3399 1748 1623 49812 7988

Korean 2.1 New Steps

L6 442266 812184 444738 698166 298849 141888

L7 2334168 9874481 7243946 8782114 1784498 1812388 3941646 6637823

L8 84788737 82634993 33242992 96227239 96844317 26313724 32349412 47891324 61374618 66299974


L9 488731783 323433472 781332461 232923147 171646167 749283781 987436718 269623177 68791 21842913 863778877 991742667 6886977 769628

Please close the jump as you go! *^0^*

How about this set of steps L6 L7 L8 (with floor extra) L6 7 A bit of a semi-machine-like .

L9 full floor action. Super cool *^0^*

Magic God Steps

L7: 2382299 2833292 3468789 4487813 4967787

4943216 6679661 8944318 6121186

L8: 13879428 62271947 19182834 26717883 27237818

41963287 34416912 83412918 86721196 89774216

91964689 44314763

L9: 948116916 118423147 968168911 742141189

837829318 111963824 232323392 777736684

671164796 111623227 971622329 219262377

121478417 746997643 697183836 994769487

379829632 772388297 337446273

L6 192224 696683 263166 976482 282831 264389

L7 2833 4487813 4867787 1662787 6121186 4943216 6679661 2382299

L8 62271947 13879428 27986932 26717883 41963287 91693628 86721196 44312183 23221316 44314763

L9 772388297 667843397 83789318 11162322 746997643 9947 697183836 379829632 777736684

4K Steps

Mechanical Dance

←←→→↑↓↑→ 44668586

↓←←←→↑↑→ →←↑↓↑→ 54648586

↓→←↑↓→↑→ 56485686

→←↓↑←→↑↓ 64584685

↑↑↑←→→↑← 88846684

↑↓↑←↑→↓← 85848654

Floor Moves

↓↓↑↓↑↓→ ←↓ 58585645

↓←→↑↓↑↓↑ 54685858

↓↓←→↓↓↑← 55465584

←←←←←→↓↓↓ 444546545

→↑←↑↓→↑↓ 684485685

→↓↑↓↑←←→ →↑←↓↓ 468568455

→→↑↑↓←↑→↓ 668854865

↑→↓↑→↓↓← 865865454


←↑→↓←↓→↑↓ 486545685

→↑→↑→↑→↓←↑→ 686865486

↑↑→←→→→→← 884646664


←→↓↑↓↑↑↑↑↓→ 465858456

↑←→↓↑↑↑↑↓↑ 846588858

↑→↓↓←←↑→↓ 865445865

←←←→↓→←↓→ 546456456


→→↑↓←↑→↓ 666854865

↓↓→←↑↑←← 556648844

→↑↓←←→←→↑ 685446468

Pretty Moves → →→↓←↑↑↓←(HOT) 66548854

→↑↓→→←↓ 64856645

→←↓↓↓↓↑← 64555584

↓↑←←↓→↓← (Slide) 58445654

A continuous dance step

54648586-64584685-566448585-88846684-44668586- 85848654-56845686-55588545

Latest fully modified steps (genuine street dance) Level 6 is JAZZ (Jazz) Level 7 LOCKIN (Lock Dance) Level 8 POPPING (Mechanical) Level 9 BBOY (Floor) Level 6: 646464 464646 858585 545688 555648 645888 Level 7: 5648886 5648884 5648856 5648656 8548685 5644485 Level 8: 54648586 64584685 88846684 44668586 85848654 56845686 Level 9: 566448585 658584646 865845654 868648685 886458468 468568

Latest West Street Hip-Hop Steps

Lv6 555648 648568 668544 668455 546548 486555

Lv7 4865486 4568465 4585684 5546884 5855486 6845646

Lv8 56486548 58585645 54685858 55465584 64555584 58656854

Lv9 858854865 546456456 644855486 658584646 486545685 684485685

V2.1 Lynx

L6 446268 767464 266819 964663 692834 114242

L7 3419 4194 81344 44362 4868 7674 7676

L8 69777228 64791368 3619 9841 27766 4171 4789 613746 8376 1969 662999

L9 2434 771 18228 7337 39388 9917 68869 86377 6879 2124 7696

Latest 2.1 Dance Steps--Feather Crack

L6:878 2916 8968 83482 741 2828 832474 9412

L7:23822 2833 3468789 44878 4867 4943 6679 8944 6121

L8:13879 622 2631 3234 2671 9622 9684 8672 41963 2798 7466 7621477 739887

L9:32113 323 488 781 2329 1716 749 9874 2696 21242 86377 76962 1828 68869 69869

Mechanical Step


< p>LV6 863823 167822 893862 326898 326188 884473 261849 672298 884143 822114 968849 118462

LV7 3812412 1612342 8833962 6789249 8326817 7224699 6197628 2297342 4191866 2871889 2846717 7114222 9821782 3632142

LV8 88767316 74741812 68732727 66721174 44696771 33271628 23196412 36383892 63416699 19638144 47349326

LV9 242431333 499243321 497798261 419169261 972986178 634136617 261171227 292883993 932477986 411271496 877671634 238418179

Handsome Steps for Boys Stompers

L6:424886 2699 8411 2828 9764 8687 49269 2878 6124 8324 1848 6676 2296 92646

L7:7474 8781427 6723 7127 2894 7494 63666 6719 6413 2988 2297 6349 8768

L8 472698 23633 83649 74663 64839 44314 44312 36234 76184 76214 76216 62211 72371 13419 148899 33284

L9 16766 96843 948813 67741 468111 89262 869723 111623 746997 6711 638796 918978 393234 161643 337446 28333 22713 883976 66784 96197

The above set of LV9 is too wear plus rotating floor .

Handsome Steps for Boys Stompers (with 2.1 new steps)

L6:424886 2699 8411 2828 9764 8687 49269 2878 6124 8324 1848 6676 2296 92646

L7:7474 8781427 6723 7127 2894 7494 63666 6719 6413 2988 2297 6349 8768

L8 472698 23633 83649 74663 64839 44314 44312 36234 76184 76214 76216 62211 72371 13419 148899 33284

L9:32113 72333 323433472 688697731 488731783 781332461 232923147 171646167

687912213 863778877 769628399 749283781 987436718 212429137< /p>

Space Step

L6 128966 194448 438843 286167 687661

L7 6889992 3912684 6794612 3249148 6174694 8963696

L8 94697366 31214212 96983498 99849636 19666499 97674746 12389881

L9 167669123 677418873 968431187 948813833 479672873 667843397 487212773 961976483