2016-08-26, Zhang Yunlei and Yang Jiulang.
2016-07-24, Zhang Helen and Lang Heyan.
2016-08-28, Zhang Yunlei and Yang Jiulang.
2016-09-25, Zhang Helen and Lang Heyan.
2016-10-09, Zhang Helen and Lang Heyan.
General director of "The Pride of Laughing" Zhu Hui said that when making "The Pride of Laughing Season 3," the program team worked out a 50+30+n+1 model: there are 50 TV comedy directors, 30 TV comedy writers, n comedies as well as a system that can cultivate a lot of talent.
Comedy shows aren't just about the one or two performers on stage, but the structure behind them.
The show also puts forward the concept of "comedy PLUS", in addition to the traditional language and physical expression, such as pole dancing, rainbow hoops, basketball props can be used to make fun of the show, said Zhu Hui, the director of the show, hoping that the comedy show can be made more international and youthful.