Write 350 words after watching rocky kingdom, the main talk of the content of the skimming

Everyone has a list of Hayao Miyazaki's movies in their mind, and for me, NO.1 will always be The Thousand and One. In addition to Miyazaki, I love the Pirates of the Caribbean series, with the fourth mermaid at the center of my heart. So when I was "forced" to sit in the theater with two small children, I thought "let's just catch up on some sleep, just in case I fall asleep", but I didn't fall asleep.

This is a very familiar movie to me, it's like "Pirates of the Caribbean" + "Spirit of the Thousand and One".

Beautiful pirate Zora is too beautiful, a set of Captain Black Jack has become a complete setup, a whip thrown forceful, delicate voice spit out is the stubbornness of the woman. Vaguely feel Jack's old lover Angelica in the animated version of the raised eyebrows to avenge. But what about this ship, not open in the sea, but in the sky, a gust of wind whistling in the ears, so that people trance have Miyazaki Hayao "City in the Sky" rush. Blue sky, white soft clouds, driving a boat in the sky, driving to an unknown faraway place. My childhood fantasies have been realized twenty years later, but unfortunately too late, heartbreaking.

It reminds me of a recent popular microblogging quote, "I didn't take my medication today, and I feel like I'm budding," because there was a cute little pet in the movie named "Leo," who literally threw away a year's worth of medication. At first I thought the main character's pet Abu cute, pure white, pure white, a small white innocent, Leo appeared, instantly set off Abu androgenic hormone secretion. Well, Leo's role with the Pirates of the Caribbean mermaids, do not have to say a word, just rely on a pair of timid eyes, captured the hearts of people. After all, animated movies, like adult movies, have to have a central character to attract the eyeballs.

On the other hand, children's animated movies, "cute corner" is the king. The character of Leo is the "cute corner" of the role. There is a little suspense in the movie that makes me very satisfied, Leo, this weak and cute, no hands, is actually the most powerful magic in the whole movie, the winged elf king, to save the kingdom of the key characters. The little guy's comeback is always a boost, a little bit of a Starz movie. Who would have thought that the unassuming underdogs around you, the losers in life, would be the most powerful characters.

Again, the soul of "A Thousand and One". Many people empathize with the faceless man, a man who has lost himself, a ghost wandering in the darkness of the night. This feeling of not being able to find yourself sucks; it's the opposite word of fulfillment and peace of mind. It's as if Chihiro's name had been erased by the Soup Lady, and he almost forgets his own name as he is called "Chihiro" and "Chihiro" in the day-to-day drudgery of his work. In fact, this is a metaphor for the process of self-loss. The more you grow up, the more you realize the importance of the word "self".

This movie is also about such a "self". The villain Maxwell's fall is due to the king's cold shoulder, and the director even uses a very straightforward sequence -- the king can't get Maxwell's name right every time, and sometimes even calls him "the loofah seller". Names are the most direct symbol of a person's awakening of self-consciousness.

Odo, the fat little man, also regretted that he was trapped in a tortoise shell and was unable to help his friends, and fell into deep remorse and low self-esteem, and began to try to lose weight to escape. In the end, under the guidance of the dean, instead of using his "shortcomings" to beat the odds, the turtle shell burst, and become one of the little heroes to save the kingdom. It's a pretty obvious mystery.

Not so obvious, such as the little cute Leo, the main character of the Dragon Star, do not give up, so that it has not given up on themselves, always trying to explore their own strengths, and finally ushered in the nirvana.

Looking at the children around me, I suddenly understood them. Perhaps, for this group of 00 years later, The Rock is their idol, just as Miyazaki Hayao is my favorite. Watching a movie that belongs to you is more of seeking a kind of nesting rush, right? This is like I often go to patronize a noodle shop, not grand, not upscale, but it is that kind of a lineage of flavor and warm and bright environment atmosphere, let me become a habit.