At night to see a lot of old people will jump square dance, what kind of disease of the elderly is not suitable for a long time to jump?

Speaking of square dancing some people immediately on the music, those who dance every day after dinner can be said to be not happy, in addition to the square sometimes even in other places can see the figure of the big mom, although the square dance for the body has many benefits, but the bad side of the square dance you know, perhaps it is not for you.

Choose the right time

While the square dancers are usually out dancing after dinner, but there are also a lot of women who get up in the morning and start to dance, and then the night will also dance very late to go home, in fact, this is not desirable, too early and too late will disrupt the body's biological clock affecting sleep. So it is best to go dancing an hour after dinner, this time to exercise each dance time is not too long, an hour or so can be.

The bad thing about square dancing

Diabetics should not dance

Experts pointed out that there has been research to prove that people in the noise environment, blood lipids, blood glucose levels will increase. Square dancing, the music is louder, some music is also very strong, the joints also have an impact, so he does not recommend that the elderly with diabetes square dancing.

Controlling blood sugar in winter is harder than in other seasons. Because it's cold in winter, people are instinctively willing to eat high-calorie things, like red meat and other things that they rarely eat in summer, and they eat a lot more in winter, so they have to pay more attention to exercise in winter.

Exercise for diabetics takes a relatively gentle form. For the elderly, Dr. Mou recommends walking, brisk walking, warming up first, and then brisk walking when the body is active; for the more physically active young people, jogging, cycling, swimming and these relatively slow-paced sports.

Square dance should not be long enough to jump 40 minutes

Experts believe that the old man exercise time is too long, the body will prompt the release of a large number of hormones to break down the protein, to supplement the excessive movement of energy needs to accelerate the aging of organs. If beyond the heart load capacity, but also cause the heart function decline, but harmful to health.

Suggests that the total exercise time should be no more than 60 minutes, the 60 minutes should be reasonably distributed: before jumping to do 5-10 minutes of simple stretching muscles and ligaments of the warm-up exercise; the most jumping for 40 minutes, the intensity of the pulse rate of 120-140 times/minute or mild sweating shall prevail; after jumping to rest 10 minutes or so, can do some slow movements, and then the heart will be able to move to the next level. After the dance, rest in place for 10 minutes or so, you can do some slow, relaxing finishing exercises, do not go directly home, otherwise it will affect the brain oxygen supplementation and venous blood return, so that the blood pressure is lowered. In addition, the elderly square dance, should try to avoid large-scale neck, waist, hip and other movements. Wear sweat-absorbent cotton clothes when dancing, and at the same time, it is best to bring an extra jacket to prevent cold after sweating.