Thirty years old and still addicted to three things, the man, eighty percent is a? The first one is the one that is not.
After a man reaches thirty, some of them are already very successful, they have their own company, and the company's business development is very good. Or, they work for someone else, and they are already in a very high position and earning a lot of money.
If a person is a freelancer, by thirty, the ideals that he set out to achieve are likely to have been achieved.
Besides being successful in business, a man of thirty should be happily married, he should have an amicable family, and he should be faithful to his wife and loyal to his family.
But many women don't trust their men and feel that their man may be a womanizer, or will probably become one in a few years, and many women, live with this apprehension.
Women, so you can judge your man, if he thirty, also indulge in the following these, then he may be a lecherous man.
Using cell phones and strange women chat
Small cloud is busy all day work of the woman, her husband Xiaojun, never suspected anything, but her husband and Xiaojun often strange women chatting on the phone. He is over thirty along, but still addicted.
Small cloud is very angry, she criticized her husband should not do this, ? Xiao Jun, you should put more energy and time into your work so that we can make this family life richer.? .
Xiao-jun sophistically said: ? I do this to relax, and a strange woman on the phone chatting is nothing? Xiaojun these words, Xiaoyun do not know how to refute him.
Later, Xiaoyun inadvertently look at Xiaoyun cell phone, she found Xiaoyun and those strange women engaged in ambiguous, she suddenly woke up, ? Xiaojun is a womanizer? , she ruthlessly fought with Xiaojun.
A man, if over thirty years old, is still addicted to chatting with a strange woman on his cell phone, this man's mind is not on work and career, his own family, but on a strange woman, such a man is not a womanizer is what?
Dating with female friends
Many men, after thirty, they especially like to date female friends, such as dinner, coffee with the opposite sex.
A man past thirty who goes on one or two occasional dates, we can't say he's a womanizer for doing so.
But if a man indulges in it, or does it often, then he is certainly not a good person, he is a womanizer.
The purpose of this is obvious, he often dates other women, to be frank, he just wants to further develop a relationship with that woman, the atmosphere on the date, it is easy for two people to move forward to develop a relationship further, his lustful nature is revealed.
Browsing the Internet for information on beautiful women
Linda and Kai are a couple who are over thirty years old, and Linda has found that her husband, despite his age, is still often browsing the Internet for information on beautiful women, and that he often watches some beautiful women dancing, but now she has found that Kai is actually in love with beautiful women live.
Kai is so addicted that he has been watching live girls after dinner, sometimes until midnight.
He told his wife Linda, ? I'm just here to watch, I'm not doing anything else.?
After thirty, if one is addicted to browsing the Internet for information about beautiful women, then the man is a womanizer. He doesn't think that his career development information plays a contributing role, but browsing beautiful women's information all day long shows that his mind is completely in this area and he is a womanizer.