Reminder: this thing on the legs, be careful!

As the saying goes: people old legs first old, many people think, when you get older legs and feet that is normal! But there is a very common disease called a one-legged infarction!

Have heard of brain attacks, heart attacks, but never heard of legs will be infarction ah!

Yes, that's right, you heard right! Lower extremity blood vessels can also be blocked, resulting in lower extremity arterial ischemia, severe limb necrosis, which is called the "legs of the infarction".

The professional term for "leg infarction" is "arteriosclerosis of the lower extremities", which is the same as cerebral infarction and heart attack, and is a symptom of vascular obstruction, which is caused by clogging.

In fact, the incidence of leg infarction, the degree of harm, are no less than the "heart attack" and "cerebral infarction". The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on some of the most popular products and services in the world, and then you'll be able to get your hands on some of the most popular products and services in the world. The "leg", to put it bluntly, is the blood vessels in the leg blocked.

"Legs" four different stages

1, no obvious symptoms period:

just legs and feet appeared cold and numb, feel uncomfortable. 2, intermittent claudication period:

2, walking a distance after the appearance of muscle pain, spasm and fatigue weakness, was forced to stop to stop activities or walking, the symptoms can be completely relieved. Walking, the symptoms can be completely relieved, walking again after the symptoms appear again.

3, resting pain stage:

Even if you don't exercise or walk, you will still have pain in the lower limbs, especially at night when you go to sleep. This stage must be treated aggressively in a hurry, otherwise it will enter the gangrene stage.

4, gangrene stage:

Development to the end, the foot plate appears cyanosis (that is, purple ecchymosis), ulceration, gangrene, this time to amputate the limb, amputation of toes.

A good person will become disabled. Therefore, the "legs" can not be ignored! Lower extremity blood vessel blockage. Easily disguised as 2 kinds of disease:

One, the old cold legs

Commonly known as "old cold legs" in medicine called "knee osteoarthritis". And the lower extremity arteriosclerosis occlusive disease, and the old cold legs have similar symptoms.

Two, lumbar disc herniation

Lumbar disc herniation will also appear lower limb pain, intermittent claudication and other symptoms.

But generally from the symptoms, a walk on the pain may be lumbar spondylosis, walk a distance o start pain may be lower extremity atherosclerosis.

What kind of people are prone to "leg cramps"?

With "lower extremity atherosclerosis occlusive disease" related factors, including high blood pressure, diabetes, smoking, obesity, therefore, "nine high and one less" high blood lipids, high blood glucose, high uric acid, high body weight, high blood pressure, high blood viscosity, high age, high mental stress, high smoking addiction and less exercise of middle-aged and elderly people, is atherosclerosis occlusive disease of high-risk factors, the disease occurs more often in patients over 50 years old.

After about 30 years of age, the human body begins to have lipid

deposits in the arteries, and after middle age, one should be concerned about the atherosclerosis of one's arterial vessels, and go to the hospital every year for regular checkups of the arterial vessels.

With regard to the leg infarction, self-checking can be done at home, i.e., "look, feel, and walk".

Take a look

It is to look at the color of the foot, there is no whitening or purplish darkness


It is to feel the temperature of the foot, cool or not, the existence of the arteries of the foot dorsum does not exist, weakened or not, the comparison of the two sides of the first is to walk at a normal walking speed for a period of time, and to feel the calves or lower limbs there is no soreness and other feelings of discomfort.

If there is a change in the color and temperature of the foot, the dorsalis pedis artery is also weakened or disappeared, and then there are symptoms such as pain and discomfort in the lower limbs after walking, we should pay attention to it, and be sure to go to the hospital regular peripheral vascular department for consultation.

These actions foot infarction don't do

One, don't walk cobblestone road

Because of foot infarction patients with blood vessels in the legs have problems, the feet of the perception of the low degree of pain perception is also not sensitive to walk cobblestone road is likely to cause infection, aggravate the degree of necrosis of the legs.

Second, don't exercise strenuously

For example, many aunts and mothers are very fond of square dance, and the grandfather and uncle every morning morning running, which is not very suitable for foot infarction patients as a sport. For foot infarction patients, it is more suitable for more moderate exercise, such as: slow walking walk, tai chi, eight duanjin, and so on.

Three, don't use hot water to soak your feet

"Legs infarction", dry ten thousand don't use hot water to soak your feet, because of the local heating, may lead to limb oxygen consumption increase, but aggravate the condition. The right way is to use thick socks to wrap the cool feet and get medical attention as soon as possible.

The correct prevention of leg infarction

1, the diet should be based on light vegetarian, reduce the intake of salt, eat less greasy, sugar, calorie is very high in food, usually drink more water.

2, quit smoking. This is one of the most important measures to prevent atherosclerosis.

3, control blood pressure, high blood pressure is very damaging to blood vessels, high blood pressure that lasts for 10 years can cause many complications.

4, adhere to the physical exercise, make the appropriate walking program, even if the work is busy should be twice a week.

5, the discovery of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease at the same time should check the lower extremity vascular condition, because most of the above diseases are all accompanied.

6, careful care of their feet, pay attention to keep warm.