Where does Baimayu Village belong to

Baimayu Village is an administrative village under the jurisdiction of Xuezhuang Township, Feixian County, Linyi City, Shandong Province, with an urban/rural classification code of 122, which is a township/village combination area. The zoning code is 371325102267, and the first 6 digits of the resident ID number is 371325. the postal code is 276000, the long-distance telephone area code is 0539, and the license plate number is Lu Q. Baimayu Village is located in the same area as Yaojiazhuang Village, Maogou Village, Tanjiazhuang Village, Xuezhuang Village, Xinhezhuang Village, Changxing Village, Sanshing Village, Juxinzhuang Village, Haoyan Village, Chengyang Village, Yimeng Village, Xiangyang Village, and Hushanqian Village, Beitanggou Village, Longqian Village, Huangshan Village, Matouya Village, Daqingshan Village, Qingshanyu Village, Shilan Village, Shengguanzhuang Village, Changguozhuang Village, Yanlin Village, Tongzhuang Village, Yandian Village, Beiwangjiazhuang Village, Dingwang Village, Xinzhangzhuang Village, Majayao Village, Luyang Village, and Xindongmeng Village are neighboring.

Baimayu Village is near the Dazingshan Victory Breakout Memorial Museum, Dazingshan Red Tourism Area, Feixian Martyrs' Cemetery, the birthplace of "Yimeng Mountain Minor Ditty", Dazingshan Nature Reserve, Wanglin Cao's Aster Fei's Tomb and other tourist attractions, and there are Feixian hawthorns, Mengshan chestnuts, paeoniae mountain walnuts, huyang tomatoes, Feixian pancakes and other specialty products.