The Three Dos: Warm Faces, Soft Words, and Cuddling
Real love is felt in warm faces, soft words, and cuddling. Men and women, young and old, are afraid of angry, gloomy faces.
In fact, people who are angry and lash out look like tigers, but in fact, deep down because they don't feel the cry of being cared for, hugged, seen, and respected, anger and lash out are only used to cover up the inner vulnerability of the smokescreen.
If we can see the vulnerability through the anger, we will be more tolerant to the person who is angry, and we will not be easily hurt.
Three don'ts: don't blame, don't complain, don't vent
In the relationship, think about how you want the other side to treat you, and then treat the other side with empathy, almost invariably, everyone desires to be recognized, respected, and loved, and when there are problems in the relationship, think about how you do it, "three to three don'ts". The first thing you need to do is to get your hands dirty.
When you don't, ask yourself if you still want the relationship, and if you do, go in the right direction and do what you can to help the relationship.
Intimacy is like a duet, it takes two people ****ing together. It's not about just wanting what you want, it's about allowing both people to be nourished and blossom in the relationship.
Mr. Aquamarine says that love is not a noun, it's a verb.
Love takes real action, and it is the willingness to give real action and make the other person feel it that makes the spark of love happen.
The prerequisite for love is to discover what the other person needs.
Each other can work for each other's needs, the other can feel the love. Otherwise, what you give is not what the other person wants, and you can't get a reaction even if you try very hard.
Love each other, is not to tolerate, is not rampant, more is not no desire. Love is needy, humble, and conditional.
Love is a verb, and love is a force of action that makes both parties more willing to give to the other.