What are the symptoms of hypertension?

High blood pressure is a common chronic disease in our daily life, which is extremely harmful to cardiovascular health.

Surveys show that the number of people suffering from hypertension in China is more than 300 million, which is more than the total population of several countries, including Germany, France, Britain and Italy! It can be said that almost one in three adults suffers from high blood pressure, seriously jeopardizing the lives and health of our people and lowering their quality of life.

High blood pressure is a disease with a long latency period, its initial development is slow, some symptoms are not obvious enough, some patients will even be latent for decades, in the early stages of the disease is very difficult to self-awareness, and often through routine physical examination to check whether the blood pressure is abnormal, so regular medical examination is very important!

The Lotus Health will give you a list of some of the common early symptoms of hypertension, so that you can correspond one by one and be vigilant, so that you can do a good job of blood pressure control.

High blood pressure 4 pre-symptoms


Dizziness and headache

High blood pressure is often manifested in the head to appear dull and uncomfortable, or dizziness, with dizzy feeling, especially squatting exercise is especially obvious. In severe cases, there may even be persistent dizziness and visual trance, which may even hinder the patient's normal life and work.


Chest tightness and shortness of breath

If there is an abnormal blood pressure will cause persistent impact on the patient's heart function, chest tightness and shortness of breath. Elevated blood pressure can lead to dilation of the ventricles and can even cause heart rate irregularities.


Limbs stiffness and numbness

High blood pressure patients due to elevated blood pressure, will lead to vascular contraction dysfunction, in severe cases, there will be limbs paralysis, stiffness, and in severe cases may lead to the patient hemiplegia.


Red eyes and tinnitus

High blood pressure patients due to increased blood pressure, will also correspondingly increase eye pressure, pressure in the ear, resulting in eye congestion, tinnitus in both ears, and more patients will have persistent nasal bleeding.

When the above situations occur, we must be vigilant, it is likely to be high blood pressure.

We know that there are many reasons for high blood pressure, including genetic factors, excessive obesity, chronic stress and anxiety, aging, dietary habits and medications, all of which have a great impact on blood pressure.

Generally, the clinical determination of whether you have high blood pressure is made by measuring your blood pressure. Generally in the absence of antihypertensive drugs, non-same day three measurements, systolic blood pressure ≥ 140mmHg or diastolic blood pressure ≥ 90mmHg?can be determined as hypertension.

How should I manage my daily life if I am diagnosed with hypertension?

5 daily notes for hypertensive patients


Reasonable diet

High blood pressure patients should pay attention to a reasonable diet, especially pay attention to three points:

Reducing sodium intake: no more than 6 grams of sodium per day;

Controlling the total number of calories: especially pay attention to the intake of animal fats and oils, and reduce the intake of trans-fatty acids;

Ensure balanced nutrition: supplement protein in moderation, increase intake of vegetables and fruits, and eat more coarse grains as staple food.


Reasonable exercise

High blood pressure patients must control their weight, weight loss can help control hypertension. Studies have shown that for every kilogram of body weight lost, systolic blood pressure can be lowered by 4mmHg.


Quit smoking and stop drinking alcohol

Cigarettes contain nicotine, which can lead to a faster heart rate, resulting in the constriction of the small arteries, which can cause an increase in blood pressure. Alcohol consumption, on the other hand, can counteract the blood pressure-lowering effect of antihypertensive drugs. Patients with high blood pressure should try to control it and quit smoking and drinking.


Moderate exercise

Moderate exercise can improve cardiovascular function and lower blood pressure appropriately. The type of exercise can be determined according to age and blood pressure status, and it is generally recommended to do some aerobic exercise, such as walking, square dancing, jogging, etc., which can be done 3-5 times a week for more than 30 minutes each time.

Young people, on the other hand, can try strength exercises, such as lifting barbells, push-ups, etc., 2-3 times a week can be.



High blood pressure patients must maintain peace of mind, to avoid large fluctuations in mood. Because modern research has shown that large mood swings can also lead to blood pressure fluctuations, causing blood pressure to rise. Hypertensive patients may want to listen to comedy and soft music often, close your eyes and let yourself relax as much as possible.

Besides this, the main thing for hypertensive patients is to follow the doctor's instructions, take medication on time, and keep their blood pressure within a reasonable range. middle-aged people over the age of 40 should have a physical examination every year on time. Constipation patients should drink more water, regular defecation, do not force too much. You should also pay attention to the weather changes, the weather is cooling down to increase or decrease the clothing in a timely manner, especially pay attention to the winter wear a good hat, do a good job of keeping your head warm.

High blood pressure of these daily care methods, you understand?


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