Haoshi Village is an administrative village under the jurisdiction of Shangguan Township, Daixian County, Xinzhou City, Shanxi Province, with an urban/rural classification code of 220 for villages. The zoning code is 140923100216, and the first 6 digits of the resident ID number is 140923. The postal code is 034000, the long-distance telephone area code is 0350, and the license plate number is Jin H. Haoshi Village is located in the same area as Orange Grass Gully Village, Two Boundary Gully Village, Xiaoyanwang Village, Bailizhuang Village, Dazhiyanwang Village, Hanqu Village, Guijiaoyao Village, Sucun Village, Wuli Xincun, Shangpingcheng Village, Shimopingcheng Village, and Wuli Village, Upper Wanyao Tou Village and Yaozitou Village are adjacent to each other.
There are tourist attractions such as Daixian Ayuwang Pagoda, Daixian Literary Temple, Zhou Dalian Residence, Daixian Bianjing Building, Guandi Temple on Southwest Street, Shouning Guanzhuo Di and other tourist attractions in the vicinity of Haoshi Village, and there are Daixian Crispy Pear, Daixian Rice, Daixian Chili Pepper, Daixian Hemp Slices, Daixian Wooden Ware and other specialty products.