Lyrics:Guo Ling
Sung by:Guo Ling
Is your love for me
ever true
Is your love for me
Ever deep
If the words you say to me
If the words are true
If you love me
If you love me, then don't lie to me anymore
If the eyes in your eyes
If you don't love me, then don't lie to me. love me
You should stop lying to me
Have I ever been in your eyes
Have I ever been in your dreams
Have your loving doors
Ever opened for me
I'm really too tired of your love
No love for me
Don't let my love get lost
Break up without saying who's right and who's wrong
Two people's destiny is predestined
Woo...ah yi hei...
Yi yea yi woo...
Hey iye...
Has your love for me
ever been deep
Which of your words to me
have been true
If you love me
don't lie to me
Is there ever a love for me
in your eyes
Is there ever a love for me
In your dreams
Has there ever been a love for me
Your loving heart
There's a love for me
Is there a love for me
Is there a love for me
If there is a love for me
Has it ever opened for me
My love for you
It's really too tiring
Not loving me
Say it to me earlier
Don't let my love get lost
Break up and don't talk about who's right and who's wrong
Two people are destined by heaven)
Your love for me
Has it ever been True
Has your love for me
ever been deep
Which of your words to me
is true
If you love me
You should stop lying to me
Has I ever been in your eyes
Have I ever been in your dreams
Have I ever been in your dreams
Have I ever been in your dreams
Have I ever been in your eyes
Have I ever been in your dreams?
Have you ever opened the door of your love for me
My love for you
I'm really tired
Don't love me
Say it early
Don't let my love get lost
Break up and don't tell me who's right and who's wrong
Two people's destiny is predetermined by God
Don't love me
Say it sooner
Don't let my love get lost
Break up without saying who's right and who's wrong
Two people are destined for each other
Don't love me
Say it sooner
Don't let my love get lost
Break up without saying who's right and who's wrong
Two people are destined for each other
Woo! ...ah yi hey...
Yi yi yi woo...
Hey yi yi...
Rap:(Your love for me
Is there any truth
Your love for me
Is there any depth
There is no love for me
Is there no love for me
Is there no love for me
Is there any love for you?
Which of your words to me
have been true
If you love me
don't lie to me