Which version of Swan Lake was Nina's dance in the movie Black Swan based on? Or was the movie choreographed separately?

Most of Swan Lake ends the same way as the one nina dances, which is Act IV, The Death of the Swan. Act I Prince Siegfried (Зигфрид) is on the eve of his birthday when his mother tells him that Siegfried, who has come of age, is to choose a bride the next day. In the evening, the prince goes to Swan Lake to hunt swans. Act II Siegfried meets Princess Ojeta (Одета), who is under the spell of Rotbart (Ротбарт). She is a swan by day, but transforms into a maiden at night. She can only be saved if a man falls in love with her sincerely. Siegfried invites her to come to the ball the next night and will show his mother that he is willing to take Ojeta as his wife. Act III Princesses and ambassadors from various countries come to attend Siegfried's birthday party. Rotbart also comes with his daughter, Ogilia (Одилия). Ogilia displays the image of Ojeta, only dressed in black. Siegfried is mesmerized and enters into a marriage contract with her. Siegfried is shocked when he realizes what is happening and immediately rushes to Swan Lake. Act IV The prince asks for Ojeta's forgiveness, and Ojeta forgives him. At this point Rotbart uses his magic to roll a large wave to drown Siegfried. Ojeta leaps into the lake to save him. Depending on the director's choreography, the endings are different: either both of them die to form a tragic ending, or the swan returns to its human form, the prince saves the princess, and love finally triumphs over evil. Chinese ballet companies often use this kind of ending. If the answer is useful to you, please adopt in time.