During the Tang Dynasty, Akui and Agu lived at the foot of Zhongnan Mountain in the Qinling Mountains. A Kui and Agu were a loving couple. They bought a home of more than ten acres, where men farmed and women weaved, respecting each other, loving each other, and respecting the elderly. Love children and be harmonious with neighbors. The couple had been married for six years, had one child every year, and raised five sons. They worked hard, managed the family diligently, and lived a hard life. It can be considered happy and healthy, living and working in peace and contentment. One day, an old bachelor named Zhang Niao came to the Guadi Mao'an adjacent to Ah Kui. From then on, there was a lot of chaos, the neighbors were uneasy, the villagers were frightened, and the girl stayed out at night. Zhang Niao had to climb on the back wall of Ah Kui's house every day to feel free. Seeing that Ah Kui was too angry and dare not speak out, he got even more aggressive and pushed down the back wall of Ah Kui's house. Still dare not object. Ah Kui built the wall himself and it was destroyed many times. He was desperate and the sky and the earth were not working. Seeing this, Zhang Niao became even more unscrupulous and even built a gate on the back wall of Ah Kui's house for himself to easily occupy Ah Kui's house. In order to completely occupy Ah Kui's wife, children and family property, Zhang Niao actually ordered Ah Kui to get out immediately.
A Kui was afraid of Zhang Niao's power, bowed his head in tears, and fled to Jiuhua to become a monk and become a Taoist who devoted himself to spiritual practice. In order to protect her family, Agu also took a bath and dressed herself up carefully, and was ready to sacrifice her body to be ravaged by birds. However, Zhang Niao also restricted Agu to kill Akui's five younger sons within three days. Agu said lovingly, "Zhang Niao, brother, you love me to the end of the world, I know it! You chase me to the end of the world, I realize it! Let's shake hands to make peace, hold eggs to make peace, let's boil the raw rice first Let's talk about it when we're done!" After Zhang Niao heard this, the monkey hurriedly took off his human skin and pounced on Agu. He saw Agu clenching his jade hands, beating eggs, dancing wildly, leaping over the harrier, and howling like ghosts and wolves. At this point, Zhang Niao lost all his descendants and died without a burial place under the peony flowers; A Kui practiced Taoism and became Zhong Kui, the holy king of the town who punishes evil and promotes good, bestows blessings and exorcises evil spirits; Agu became the Guanyin Bodhisattva who is worshiped by good men and women for rescuing people. ; Nowadays, A Kui’s descendants, some with the surname Zhong and some with the surname Kui, have flourished and spread all over the world. The manor of A Kui and A Gu was handed over to their friend King Zhong Kui to take care of and open to the public. It is today the A Gu Quan Zhong Kui’s hometown tourist attraction in Shijing Town, Hu County. Since then, people have called those who have no flesh in their cheeks, are solitary and heartless, have scheming eyebrows, cut off their descendants, gnaw their beards, plant flowers in the summer, stir up trouble, and cause harm to their neighbors, as: ——Zhang Niao". People call a daughter-in-law who can only mate but not produce any offspring and has no offspring as a "rotten peony". People say: If you don’t smash dishes and bowls, you don’t count as visiting Xi’an! Legend: At the beginning of chaos, in the barbaric years, primitive people used their hair to drink blood, used stones as tools and bones as knives, hunted on land and fished in water, and worked hard, but it was still difficult to eat. Occasionally they got fire from the sky, and burned earth to make porcelain, pots and dishes. Ladles, fried and roasted, no longer hairy, burning copper as utensils, spears, swords, bows and knives, farming and breeding, leaving meat and grain, for some reason, the plague is raging, primitive humans are on the verge of extinction, matrilineal patriarchs, breaking bowls The pot, reheat the dishes, and smash them after use. From then on, all diseases will disappear, and everyone will recite the goddess, set it as a holy scripture, smash the dishes and bowls, pray for blessings, entertainment, health and happiness, and this will last until the present day. This event turns out to be to commemorate China’s greatest mother!