Dance is divided into which seven kinds of dance, what are the characteristics of these seven kinds of dance

The classification and characteristics of dance are as follows:

1. Classical dance

It is on the basis of national folk dance, through successive generations of professional workers to refine, organize, process and create, and after a long period of testing of artistic practice, passed down, is considered to be a certain exemplary significance and characteristics of the classical style of dance. Many countries and nationalities in the world have their own unique style of classical dance. European classical dance, generally refers to ballet.

2, folk dance

is a form of dance created by the masses of the people in the long-term historical process of collective creation, accumulation, development and formation, and widely circulated among the masses. It directly reflects the thoughts and feelings, ideals and aspirations of the people. Due to the differences in the way of life and labor, historical and cultural mentality, customs and habits of the people of various countries, nationalities and regions, as well as the natural environment, thus forming different national styles and local characteristics.

3. Modern dance

is a dance genre that emerged in Europe and America at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. Its main aesthetic point of view is to oppose the classical ballet's tendency to stick to the old ways, detach from real life and purely pursue the formalist tendency of skills; advocate getting rid of the classical ballet too rigid action program, in order to conform to the laws of natural movement of the dance movement, free to express the true feelings of the people, and emphasize that the art of dance should reflect the life of the modern society.

4, contemporary dance (new dance)

Different from the above three styles of new styles of dance, it is often based on the content of the performance and the need to shape the characters, unconventional, borrowing and absorbing the various styles of dance genres, various means of dance expression and performance methods, and eclecticism, so as to use for me, so as to create a different style of dance with a unique new style of dance that has been formed. The dance of the unique new style.

5. Ballet

is a kind of highly programmed theatrical dance refined and processed by professional dancers in the court. The word "ballet" is a translation of the French word "ballet", meaning "jump", or "dance".

The word "ballet" was originally a translation of the French word "ballet" meaning "jump", or "dance", and its original meaning was simply a general term for movements involving the legs and feet.

French Palace of dance masters in order to rebuild the ancient Hitchcock integration of poetry, music and dance in one of the theater ideals, created the "ballet" this integration of dance movements, mime gestures, facial expressions, theatrical costumes, musical accompaniment, literary tableaux, stage lighting and scenery and other ingredients in one of the comprehensive form of dance drama. In the Western theater dance art dominant for more than 300 years, has been more than four centuries.

6, street dance style, Funk

Funk (Funk), street dance (Hiphop) aerobic dance and Funk, Hiphop music has a lot to do with the music, these music are more cheerful, so that people have a kind of feeling of jumping. funk, Hiphop is with the freedom of dance and the black dance style of aerobic dance. The movement is relaxed, free and varied, it can improve the coordination of the exerciser and achieve the purpose of fitness.

After dancing Funk and Hiphop, it makes people's spirit very happy. So this kind of aerobic dance is very popular with the youth. Several common types of street dance: Breaking (breakdancing), Poppin (mechanical dance), Locking (locking dance), Punking/Waacking/Voguing (dumping dance), Hiphop (free dance), Raggae (reggae) and so on.

7, Latin style

The earliest aerobic dance with Latin dance style aerobic dance, such as jazz style aerobic dance Jazzaerobics; later appeared Salsa aerobics Salsaaerobics, which is also a relatively fast Latin dance style aerobic dance, absorbing many of the dance, such as the mambo, cha-cha-cha, tango, Samba styles. These aerobic dances are characterized by a lot of hip action and beautiful movements.