It was dark, I looked down and realized that the water was full of twinkling stars.
I always meet the most beautiful surprises in the deepest despair.
2. All sadness always leaves a trail of joy.
All regrets always leave a corner of perfection.
3. I was searching for the gap of hope in the frozen deep sea. But when I woke up in the middle of the night, I suddenly glimpsed the absolutely beautiful moonlight.
4. The world without resistance is less touching and dramatic tension.
5. The touching things we experience are the subtle details of our own lives.
6. I am waiting for the "wait".
7. The years
Sometimes a minute is long,
Sometimes a minute is short.
Sometimes I can understand the world,
sometimes not at all.
When I love you, everything is beautiful,
When I resent you, life is gray.
Why is it that after the joy,
only a piece of sadness remains?
8. Why is it that joy is easy to share, but sadness can only be savored alone?
9. I don't know where my loneliness comes from, but I do feel lonely.
9. I don't know where my loneliness comes from, but I do feel lonely. You're lonely too, and everyone in the world is lonely, just not
the same way.
10. It's clearing up outside the window, but it's still raining inside the house. I'm not happy because I'm smiling. I hold an umbrella, not just to avoid the rain.
You will never understand what I am thinking.
I want to hug everyone, but I have to hug myself first. Please tolerate me, because I'm already practicing tolerating you.
11. My heart began to snow, and the snow covered everything silently, annihilating confusion, pride and grief, and when everything fell silent, the world suddenly became clear
So don't be sad for me, I have my beauty, it is just about to start ......
12. Hungry, start to eat
Eat enough, start to think of you
Feel sleepy, start to sleep
Open your eyes, start to think of you
The moment the night was low, in fact, nothing happened ......
13. Later they went through the gap in the sky and found the entrance to the secret garden again ......
14. Sometimes I like to look at the time with my eyes wide open. One second by one second by one second ...... passes
I don't care, I can't do anything about it
15. I'm sorry!
16. We missed Noah's Ark, we missed the Titanic, we missed all the thrills and spills, and we're going to continue to miss
17. Thank you! Hard work!
18. Even though I grew up with a robot mom
I'll still love you, I'll always love you
19. I practiced walking the tightrope, jumping through the fire ring to turn the Frisbee, and dropping apples to shoot the flying dagger.
Pigs practice walking happy, jumping happy to turn happy, throw loneliness to shoot melancholy
20. The wind blew across the lake, the willow swayed, the stones were covered with old moss, the bottom of the lake was covered with stale dead leaves, the fish were chasing each other in the clear water, the birds
were singing, and the air was filled with the fragrance of fruit, which is just like a fairyland.
And I was only worried about how to tell my mother when I got home that I had accidentally dropped another pair of my beloved little red shoes
21. The flying broomstick, which is often in a foul mood, is sentimental as hell
22. Surely you can see at a glance that I will never be able to find the person I'm looking for.
I brought the wrong dog, the wrong glasses, the wrong hat.
What was even more suspicious was the fresh beef stew gleefully simmering on the stove at home.
I did not turn or off the door.
You saw at once, of course, that I had no desire whatsoever, to find the person I was looking for
23. People who wear spectacles usually have a fixed and peculiar expression.
They're tired of having to look through lenses to see a world that's tired of them
24. I'm the devil, and the devil's child, of course, is the devil, and when we show our true colors as the devil, we're usually benign
I saw it at the time ......
I just shrieked! I wasn't startled at all, huh!
As soon as three minutes past midnight, mischief begins in the hotel, and they go from room to room, ringing the bells of the tenants, and then quickly ducking around the corner to giggle and giggle
and laughing, and the game doesn't stop until morning
and they're so happy every night
25. The devils under the beds, the impatient beds, the tedious dialogue, the fixed habits of love
They even tire of them.
They even get bored, when they see them, they make, the same screams, the same horrified expressions
They get so bored, they decide to move
26. My friend, B, told me, very seriously, that his computer is humane, it has a mind, and his computer has a soul
27. Hey! Do you think a ghost with one eyelid is scary, or a ghost with two eyelids
28. Finally, someone is dancing on the grave
writing beautiful poems to make the wandering souls, feel the happiness of dying
29. Whoever lets which book fall down, has to read that book
30. When the boiled duck flew off, the big chef's heart had a great shaking, and he started to believe in unbelief and started vegetarianism
31. He began to believe in what he did not believe in, and began a vegetarian diet
31. He spent his days worrying that young scholars would no longer read, and his worries, which later proved not to have been in vain
32. They are all accustomed to looking up at the sky with their heads raised at forty-five degrees
33. Thinking of you, would you also happen to be thinking of me.
34. We all need to get as close to the light as possible to keep the mood warm.
35. If you do the right thing and do the wrong thing in your life, will it be just as much
36. I kept raising my hand to ask questions, but no one told me the answers
37. I hugged a cat, and inexplicably, I was touched by the happiness and beauty of the cat
However, when I was suddenly furious and angry, it often brought harm to innocent people, and it wasn't my intention
39. When I was sad, my friends just disappeared
40. Finding someone to love me and love me became a dream
41. Lying down in the snow for three days and three nights, no one would have noticed
The invisible world may be the real one, or not
How can I understand the sorrow of the fish;
The fish is not a bird, how can I understand the happiness of the bird;
The bird is not a man, how can I understand the absurdity of the man;
The man is not a bird, how can I understand the freedom of the bird;
The bird is not a fish, how can I understand the depth of the fish;
The fish is not a man, how can I understand the childishness of the man;
The you are not me, how can you understand me ......
43. The leaves are falling off, are the trees hibernating?
Hair is falling out, is the head hibernating?
When the leaves fall out, they grow back in the spring,
When the hair falls out, it's not so lucky.
These are just quotations that can be imitated .