"Taking losses is a blessing" reflects a person's generosity and kindness, is "love out of love back, blessing to the blessing of the deep wisdom", upholding this principle of dealing with people will let others feel at ease with him, willing to cooperate with him, get along with, and, thus, the height of their own life to a higher level of support. The height of his life to a higher, this is a kind of wisdom, but also a kind of cultivation, is to become a great man must have a quality.
Secondly, to eat loss is blessed to see the object, if the other person is good, know how to cherish, such a person will not let others suffer for nothing, he will find ways to return you, so there are examples of eating loss is blessed, for those who take advantage of the not enough, hope that you lose in the end of the people, never expect to eat loss is blessed, you are only in the connivance of the evil behavior only.
Once again, you eat the loss must be you can afford, some of life's big loss, eat may pay the price of a lifetime, this kind of loss is definitely not a blessing, but a disaster, we must always work hard and introspection, in order to avoid placing themselves in the point of no return.
Of course, no matter whether it is a real loss or a fake loss, to be able to eat a loss is a blessing to ease their own people, are people with a good mindset, always better than the nagging, difficult to let go of much stronger, but, please be sure to remember: the next time, do not eat the same loss.