You can buy a Switch.
But according to many gamers, the best device to use for Dance Dance is the xbox Kinect, and the most convenient and economical solution is to use your phone and download an app to control it. It's best to bring a lanyard or cell phone case, otherwise it's easy to fling it out.
The country line version of "Dance Power" landed on the Nintendo Switch introduced by Tencent, so that the country line players call for addiction and B station "rainbow beat" as a brand new song to join the country line "Dance Power", I believe that in the future there will certainly be more excellent Chinese songs to join.
Dancing process need to pinch the Joy-con, with the NS gift lanyard can avoid handle flying out of the smashed flowers and grass, but pinching is not very convenient. It's a great way to keep the Joy-con safe and beautiful when it's on your wrist with a wrist strap.
Other devices:
The ps3 and ps4 versions of Dance Dance Dance have to be played via psmove or camera.
xbox360, xboxone and pc versions are best played with kinect, the most convenient and economical solution is to use your phone and download an app to control it.
Switch version players just need to remove the joycon grip and follow the on-screen instructions to dance.