Age of Sail 4 Mighty Enhanced Edition new continent of the treasures to get how to get all, some know where is just can not search!

The Age of Sail 4 Strategy Secret Map Introduction

The Age of Sail 4 Strategy

The Age of Sail IV Specialty List

Mediterranean Sea

Port Country Location Specialty

Lisbon Portugal N38W08 Salt Olive Oil Saffron Almonds Guns

Serbia Spain N36W06 Raisin Cotton Fabrics Guns Armor --

Genoa Italy N44E08 Cheese Woolen Armor -- --

Athens Greece N38E23 Olive Oil Raisins Painting Sculpture --

Istanbul Turkey N41E28 Sulphur Velvet Woven Bones -- --

Alexandria Egypt N31E30 Olive Oil Cotton Hemp Bones --

Madeira Portugal N32W16 Sugar Coconut oil Raisins Wine --

Las Palmas Spain N28W16 Fish Coconut oil -- --

Hueda Portugal N35W05 Coconut oil Ambergris Ivory Fur --

Valencia Spain N39W00 Salt Ceramics Wool Almonds --

Algiers Egypt N36E02 Olive oil Rum Almonds Ivory --

Marseille Italy N43E04 Yogurt Salt Saffron Ivory Artefacts --

Tunisia Egypt N36E09 Cotton Hemp Rhinoceros Horn Iron Ore --

Venice Italy N45E12 Wine Engraving Glass Crystal --

Tripoli Egypt N32E13 Cotton Hemp Gold ----

Siracusa Italy N36E14 Wheat Yogurt Olive Oil Raisins Wine

Lagusa Turkey N43E16 Soybeans Olive Oil Rhubarb ----

Creta Greece N35E25 Yogurt Olive Oil Wine ----

Syprus Greece N35E33 Wheat Olive oil Wine Almonds --

Beirut Turkey N34E35 Glass Ceramics Fleece -- --

North Sea

Port Country Location Specialty

London United Kingdom N51W00 Potatoes Wool Woollen Woolen Fabrics Guns Cannons

Amsterdam Flanders N52E05 Yogurt Glass Ceramics Fleece --

Hamburg Germany N53E09 Fish Beef Brandy Iron Ore --

Stockholm Scandinavia N59E18 Fish Timber Swords Copper Ore --

Brussels England N51W03 Beef Wool Swords Tin Ore --

Nantes Flanders N45W01 Wheat Salt Raisins Wine --

Bruges Flanders N51E02 Cheese Yogurt Glass Ceramics Woolen Weavers --

Bruges France Flanders N51E02 Cheese Hemp Hemp fabric Guns ---

Lubeck Germany N54E10 Wheat Beef Brandy Iron ore ---

Oslo Nordic N59E10 Fish Armor Timber ---

Copenhagen Nordic N56E12 Beef Glass Cannons ---

Riga Nordic N57E23 Wheat Potatoes Furs Amber Wax


Port Country Location Specialty

St. George West Africa N06E03 Gold Cotton Ivory ----

Sofala East Africa S24E34 Frankincense Coffee Ivory ----

Greenhorn West Africa N14W17 Salt Tamarind Cotton Copper Ore

Shiraleo Huangshun West Africa N09W13 Salt Gold ----

Sao Tome West Africa N00E06 Sugar Ivory Fur ----

Luanda West Africa S09E13 Coral Amber Diamonds ----

Cape Town East Africa S34E18 Gold Diamonds Iron Ore Fur ----

Mozambique East Africa S14E40 Coffee Ivory Coral Emerald ----

Madagascar East Africa S15E45 Fur Timber Tamarind -- --

Mombasa East Africa S03E39 Rhinoceros horn Frankincense Coral Sweet peppers --

Mogadishu East Africa N02E44 Gold Frankincense Ruby Copper ore --

Indian Ocean

Port Country Location Specialty

Basrah Arabia N30E47 Beef Cheese Coconut oil Nitrate Velvet fabrics

Kalihet India N10E76 Cardamom Cotton Gauze Nephrite ----

Aden Arabia N13E45 Wheat Coconut oil Coffee Amber Antiques

Sogdra Arabia N12E54 Coconut oil Fish Ambergris ----

Homez Arabia N27E56 Coconut oil Cotton Sulphur Musk Velvet fabrics

Ports Location Specialties Woven fabrics

Muscat Arabia N23E58 Fish Coconut oil Hemp fabric Honey --

Karachi India N21E70 Rice Fish Sugar Ambergris Silk fabrics

Goa India N14E74 Pepper Cotton Cotton Cotton Fabrics Gauze Lapis lazuli

Ceylon India N06E79 Cinnamon Vanilla Tea Sapphire Ruby

Madras India N13E80 Cotton Diamond Sapphire Indigo Cinnamon

Maslipadam India N16E82 Gauze Lapis Lazuli Betel nut Nitrate --

Kolkata India N22E87 Rice Gauze Nephrite Iron ore --

Amman India N16E96 Litchi India N16E96 Tortoiseshell Crystal Emerald Wood

Southeast Asia

Ports Country Location Specialty

Malacca Indochina N02E101 Cinnamon Tin Ore Betel Nut Sugar Gum ---

Jakarta Indonesia S06E107 Rice Quinine Indigo Tulip ---

Ajeng Indonesia N05E95 Cardamom Tamarind --- ---

Palembang Indonesia S01E104 Betel Nut Tin Ore Timber Sugar Gum ---

Jiadin India N16E96 Litchi tortoiseshell Crystal Jade Wood

Southeast Asia

Ports >S03E111 Cardamom Sugar Gum ----

Surabaya Indonesia S07E112 Rhubarb Fish ----

Hanjerumachen Indonesia S03E114 Tin Ore Banana ----

Makassar Indonesia S04E119 Banana Coral Tulip ----

Manila Indochina N14E120 Rice Cardamom Gold ----

Delnat Indonesia N01E127 Banana Pepper Cardamom ----

Ambana Indonesia S03E127 Clove Cardamom Cinnamon Tulip ----

East Asia

Ports Countries Locations Specialty Products

Hangzhou China N30E120 Ceramics, silk fabrics Musk Jade --

Kyoto North Korea N36E126 Hazelnuts Ceramics, silks Silk fabrics Ginseng

Nagasaki Japan N33E129 Silver Cotton fabrics Paintings Tortoiseshell armor --

Macao China N22E113 Pumpkin Litchi Tea Ceramics --

Quanzhou China N25E119 Tea Silk Rhubarb ----

Yizhou China N34E119 Soybeans Iron ore Silk ----

Naha Japan N26E127 Rice Sugar ----

Osaka Japan N34E135 Sake Lacquerware Ivory ----

The New World

Ports Country Location Specialties

Vera Cruz Mexico N19W96 Corn Vanilla Gold and Silver --

Havana Caribbean N23W82 Granulated Sugar Tobacco Lime Copper Ore --

Merida Mexico N21W89 Pumpkins Tomatoes Chili Peppers Emerald Sugar Gum

Teluxe Mexico N15W85 Corn Chili Peppers Tobacco Coral Cochineal

Podo Vero Mexico N09W80 Corn Potatoes Cocoa Guano ----

Jamaica Caribbean N18W76 Fish Sugar Cocoa Rum ----

Maracaibo Mexico N11W71 Pumpkin Emerald Beef ----

St. Dominic's Caribbean N18W69 Tomatoes Sugar Cocoa Tobacco ----

Saint John's Caribbean N18W66 Bananas Sugar Rum Coral --

Carnane Mexico N05W53 Tomato Cocoa Vanilla Silver --

Pernambuco Mexico S07W34 Corn Gold Timber Fur --

The Great Voyage of the Four Treasures Raid

Vespas's Scales

[Conditions of Occurrence]

Enter Alexandra's Square

Holding gold above 210,000

Protagonist's possession in Alexandra above 20

[Content of the event]

Kill the price hard five times, and buy it when the price drops to 30,000. That's the smart way to purchase it

If you buy it for the 200,000 price the other party is asking, the protagonist's charisma goes up by 1

The Oni's Chopper

[Condition of Occurrence]

Entering the inn in Nagasaki

Gyokyu is in the main fleet

[Content of the Incident]

Oni leaves his chopper behind and then departs

Rock's guide book for sailing the ship

[Conditions of occurrence]

Entering the inn in Lisbon

Between the 15th and 30th of every month

(Hedram's case) Charlie in the main fleet

(Lilu's case) Sevvy and Kami Yui in the main fleet

(Li Huamei's case) Yi An in the main fleet

[Event content]

As soon as Locke's portrait is found, a book drops from behind the north of the painting

Medical Paradigm

[Conditions for occurrence]

Entering St. George's Dock

Corullo in the main fleet

Protagonist's occupancy of St. George's is above 60

[Event Contents]

Corullo receives "Hospital Paragon" as a thank you gift after taking the man who collapsed in the harbor to the hotel

Corullo's charisma rises by 1 after the event

Miracle Bomb Necklace

[Conditions for Occurrence]

Docking at the port of call at the Greenhorn Inlet

More than 5 years have passed since the start of the game

Faye Nand in the main fleet

[Event content]

Asked "Do you believe in miracles?"

In case of answering "Believe", the necklace is given, and the main show and Fernand's luck

Air rises by 1

In case of answering "Don't Believe", the main show and Fernand's spirit rises by 1

Spirit of Seirei's Essence Rope

[Conditions for occurrence]

(In case of Raphael Rain) Entering the docks of Goya

(In case of Hederam )Entering the docks of Homuz

Lilu's case)Entering the docks of Ceylon

(Liwame's case)Entering the docks of Amman

Coluro has the main fleet in the midst of the main fleet

Protagonist's holdings in said city is 20 or more

Gold held is 200,000 or more

[Content of the event]

It is impossible to kill the price below 100000

Once purchased, the protagonist's charisma and Corullo's intellect go up by 1 each

Without purchasing it, the protagonist's spirit goes up by 1

Talking Long Shoes

[Conditions of Occurrence]

Entering the exchange in Malacca

Corullo's incident

[Event content]

Receiving long shoes as a gift from the mother-in-law of the exchange

Herophilos' medical book

[Occurrence condition]

Entering a tavern located in the Arabian Cultural Circle

Corullo is in the main fleet

Corullo's observational power is above 150

[Event content]

Corullo speaks of Herophilos, the doctor who wrote the world's earliest medical book, and the rumors of that medical book being in the Mediterranean Sea

The Cane of Good Counsel

[Conditions of Occurrence]

Sailing out to sea from any city

Holding the "Golden Seal of the King of Axum", the card of the Hegemony in Africa

Holding the "Golden Seal of the King of Axum" in the Indian Ocean

Possessing the The Indian Ocean's Overlord's Certificate "The Vedic Book"

Holds the Southeast Asia's Overlord's Certificate "Kudri's Perpetual Amulet"

The main character has a possession of 80 or more of Calihete

(Rafayu's case) Folio is in the main fleet

(Hedram's case) Charlie is in the main fleet

(Lilu's case) Camino In the main fleet

(in Liwame's case) No characters in particular need of a ground field

[Content of the event]

Heard rumors that the crutch that will guide the holder towards good is near India

Protagonist has a spiritual ascension

Phidias's coins

[Conditions for the event to occur]

Entering the Alysandra Zorro's Exchange

Manueli is in the main fleet

Manueli's Thinking etc. is given at 15 or higher

Entering the shipyards of Greece

Manuel Yu is in the main fleet

[Content of the event]

Manuel Yu brings up the coins that were once used by the legendary sculptor Phidias, which were buried near Greece

Bayu Goodwill Peninsula

The Aristarchus Telescope

[Conditions of Occurrence]

City of Entry into the Arabian Cultural Sphere

Jenas is in the main fleet

[Content of Incident]

Jenas talks about the story of the Portuguese fleet that was shipwrecked in this vicinity 20 years ago in the Grand Region. He was told that the fleet's governor was in possession of a telescope made in ancient Greek times by the brilliant astronomer Aristarchus. Janus speculated

that the telescope might be on the shores of this vicinity

Hestia's Pot

[Conditions of Occurrence]

Docked at the port of entry at Cypress or Laguzza

[Content of the Incident]

Said that it was the pot that was made at the order of Hestia, the goddess of the hearth. If you use this pot

you will be able to cook the world's most delicious food. Heard rumors that it was near Greece

Gregorius' Crown

[Conditions of occurrence]

Entered the Bourse of Venice

Corullo was in the main fleet

[Contents of the event]

Corullo heard a rumor from the Bourse's keeper that an item related to Pope Gregorius was found from the former papal territory

This item was found from the former papal territory

Corullo was in the main fleet.

Boseko's Roar


Charlie's fleet is anchored in a city in the West African Cultural Circle

The main fleet enters a union of peers in any of the cities

[Description of event]

Charlie writes to say that he heard an unbelievable story in the West about the experiences of the Spanish merchant ships

Corullo hears rumors from the bourse keeper about finding items related to Pope Grylls from the former Papal territories


Gurvuta's Spirit Beast


Jaime's fleet is anchored in a city in the Indian Culture Sphere

The main fleet enters any of the cities in the Guild

Fernande is in the main fleet

[Content of event]

Jaime writes a letter telling of hearing of a Spirit Beast with the magical power of being able to see into the future

[Content of event]

Charlie writes of hearing of a Spirit Beast with the magical power of seeing into the future in the West.

The Arrow that pierced the Devil


Entering the shipyards of London

More than 20% of the sailors in the required number of sailors

Tielei is in the main fleet

[Description of Incident]

Tielei hears sailors gossiping about a rumor of an arrow used by angels in the fight against the Devil. Arrows, on the Isle of Skae or Louis near England

The Enchanted Leather Gloves

[Conditions of Occurrence]

Entering the Docks of Copenhagen

Jenas is in the Main Fleet

[Description of Incident]

Whenever Jenas is wounded in the maintenance of his ship, the dock lads will tell him that the The Leather Gloves of Magic fell

in the Netherworld

The Statue of the Devil

[Conditions of Occurrence]

Entering the Ruins of Jakarta

Fernande is in the Main Fleet

[Description of Incident]

If you answer that it was you who awoke the Statue of the Devil's guardian, you can obtain it, and if you answer no you can't, and you will not be able to obtain it.

Additionally, the physical condition of the protagonist and his/her partner characters (Kurabirdi in Rafuyu's case, Gyuohat in Hedram's case, Kamiyu in Li

Luzhu's case, and Shion in Lihua Mei's case) will be changed to a state of near-death

Statue of the King


Entering the Cathedral of Santiago in Sejuvia


The Cathedral is the only place in the world where the statue of the devil can be seen, but it's not the only one. Church

Holding the Indian Ocean's Overlord's Certificate of "Tallyho Benji"

Folio is in the main fleet

[Content of the event]

It is said that there is no way to move this statue as long as it is not the one that this statue chooses by itself. The only way to bring it back is if you hold Africa's

Bully's Witness "King Axem's Golden Seal" on your person. If you don't have the Africa's certificate

"The Golden Seal of King Axem", you can't take it with you, and you'll be in a state of near-death.

Image of the Madonna


Entering the ruins of Sofa

Tielei is in the main fleet

[Event content]

If you choose to take the statue of the ship's bow, which is known to be a calming influence on the mind, you will be able to obtain it, and the luck of the protagonist and Tielei will rise by 1

If you can't take it with you, then of course, it's impossible to obtain it. If you can't take it, you can't get it, and your charisma goes up by 1

Statue of the Killer Whale


Entering the Inn of the Great Orphan

Jaime is in the Main Fleet


Jaime took the statue of the killer whale away from the castle without authorization when he went to visit

Statue of the Beluga Moby Dick



At the sea, the statue of the killer whale is taken from the city without authorization.

Encountering a beluga whale at sea

[Event content]

If you avoid the beluga whale instead of attacking it, you can obtain it. If you attack the beluga whale, you can obtain it by defeating it

List of coordinates for Age of Sail 4 Mighty Enhanced Edition


< p>Treasure


Mediterranean Sea

1.Golden Saber - North 34 East 32

2.Venus of Milo - North 43 East 12

3.The Minotaur's Great Axe - North 35 East 26

4.Poseidon's Roar - North 38 West 28

5.The Speaking Boots- -North 31 East 26

6.The Magic Sword of Judah - North 32 East 34

7.The Shield of Minerva - North 37 East 28

8.The Pot of Hestia --North 32 East 20

9.Hierophilus' Book of Medicine -- North 43 East 38

10.Warlord's Sacred Lance -- North 37 East 26<

11. The Chisel of Phidias - North 38 East 20

12. The Scales of Visas - North 40 East 25

13. The Karl? Marti's Armor - North 43 East 3

14.Hermes' Prayer - North 43 East 29

15.The Blackened Double-Bladed Sword - North 39 East 1

16.Gregorius' Crown - North 40 East 15

17.Indian Glazed Sword - North 30 East 18

18.Scipio's Armor- -North 33 East 10

19.Fairy's Colored Silk - North 36 East 35

North Sea

1.Silver Light Two-Handed Sword - North 68 East 16

2. Sword of Raocoon - North 55 East 11

3. Helm of the Immortal - North 54 West 0

4. Sword of Atonement and Soul Suppression - North 60 East 27

5. Statue of Titus - North 54 East 16

6. Pale Blue Elephant Wooden Shield - North 43 West 4

7. Enchanted Leather Gloves - North 56 East 8

8. Roengrin's Sword -- North 53 East 9

9. Axe Lance -- North 64 West 15 (near the supply village of Hecla)

10. Aetirah Set --North 55 East 20

11.Sword that shoots through devils -- North 58 West 6

12.Piglet statue -- North 57 West 1

13.Holy Sword of Urxcariba - North 50 West 4

14.Statue of the King - North 62 East 6


1. Statue of the Virgin Mary - --South 23 East 14

2.Armadillo's Tin -- South 15 East 46

3.Crimson Linking God's Armor -- South 4 East 39

4.Silver Helmet --North 21 West 17

5. Drops of Lime Juice -- North 0 East 6

6. Illustrated Bible -- South 18 East 36

7. ...Shield of Karnem the Brave - North 3 East 10

8. Berserker Knight's Armor - North 5 West 3

9. Loyal Crescent Blade - South 25 East 46

10. Peacock Robe -- South 47 East 37 (harder to find, need to open the big map)

11. India's Glazed Sword -- South 10 East 40

12. Medical Paragon --North 8 East 50

13.Coffee Tree -- South 9 East 39

14.Babangida's Matching Sword -- South 34 East 23

New World

1. Torok's Knife - North 22 West 97

2. Shakin - North 15 West 85

3. Ten-colored Parrot - - North 18 West 77

4. Elven Clothing - North 15 West 61

5. Tula Warrior's Helmet - North 28 West 95

6. Tomato Seedling (Original Product) -- North 18 West 94

7. Warrior's Little Goose Flute -- South 4 West 35

8.** Statue -- North 26 West 77

9. .Cocoa Nut (original product) - North 11 West 83

10.Jago Spirit's Shroud - North 19 West 104 (hard to find, needs to be along the coastline of South America)

11.Miracle's Bomb Necklace --South 14 West 38

12.Tobacco Seedling (original product) -- North 10 West 75

13.God's Blessing's Bracelet -- North 26 West 82<

14. Red Crane Feather Shoes - North 21 West 76

Indian Ocean

1. Bloodbath's Crescent Blade - North 16 East 41

2. Honeycomb - - North 25 East 66

3.Wave Sword - North 25 East 63

4.Elephant Turtle's Shield - North 8 East 78

5.Marvelous Pot --North 28 East 33

6. Shield of Blessing -- North 23 East 38

7. Spirit Beast of Guvota -- North 21 East 72

8.Saladin's Silver Armor - North 29 East 32

9.Starshade's Celestial Gauge - North 7 East 81

10.Aristarchus' Telescope- --North 28 East 51

11.Statue of the Great Wyvern -- North 5 East 72

12.Walking Stick of the Good Guide -- North 15 East 80

13.Brave Sun and Moon Blade --North 18 East 57

14. Timur's Locked Battle Robe -- North 27 East 49

Southeast Asia

1. World Strange Tales - -North 1 East 41

2. Sword of Courage - North 1 East 120

3. Shield of Medusa - South 40 East 144 (harder to find, in Australia)

4. Sky River Star Map - North 0 East 132

5. Lion's Tooth's Saw - North 9 East 99

6. Banana Tree (original artifact) - North 0 East 108

7. Seeds of the mangosteen fruit - North 0 East 123

8. Dragon statue - North 7 East 117

9. Dolphin statue - --South 6 East 115

10.Devil Statue -- South 11 East 130

11.Pearl Shell -- North 12 East 102

12.Cool Cloth of Armor --South 8 East 126

East Asia

1. Pink Apron -- North 39 East 127

2. Helmet of the Overlord -- North 37 East 122

3.The Ghostbuster's Cleaver - North 39 East 139

4.The Orca Statue - North 34 East 137

5.The Planer That Doesn't Need to be Sharpened- -North 36 East 137

6. black corset of a ninja - North 34 East 136

7. armor gauntlets for teaching scripture - North 33 East 130

8. silkworm ( Proto-Products) - North 39 East 123

9. Kublai's Great Sword - North 34 East 120

10. Zhao Zilong's Gun - North 21 East 108

11.Sun Tzu's book on the art of war - North 30 East 120

12.Hua Tuo's traditional Chinese medicine - North 28 East 121

13.Goryeo celadon incense burner- - North 36 East 126

14. Broken Blade's Martial Arts Clothing - North 51 East 141

15. Huizong's Northern Song Painting - North 24 East 118

16. Demon Sword Muramasa - North 45 East 149 (near the supply village Hokkaido)

17.The Queen's Robe - North 38 East 117

The above are the treasures I found with Hedram. The full treasure is 208.

There are treasures that you can buy in the same trade union or get while exploring relics, none of which are listed here. After you get your license, you will also get treasures by going to the same trade union, so you can turn around more often~~

Some treasures are so hard to find that you have to open the world map in order to find them, which requires finding the 24 supply villages. When exploring these villages it is best to hold the treasures of Lime's Drops, Hua Tuo's Chinese Medicine and the Golden Yellow Cat (which can be purchased, in the Indian Ocean), or else you are likely to be Game Over due to the sailor getting sick!

Super Equipment - Weapon: Demon Sword Muramasa (add sword skill 60) Defense: Karl? Marti Armor (plus Defense 60)

Also, you must press the coordinates after inquiring about the treasure (go to the tavern and buy a drink, and have a high power-up) in order to find the appropriate treasure. Otherwise, it's useless if you know beforehand

Relics and Maps of Age of Sail 4

Name Territory Place to buy maps:

----- ---------- ---------- -

East Asia: Forbidden City Hangzhou Kyoto

Tomb of the Wuling King Kyoto Osaka

Kinkakuji Temple Osaka Malacca

Southeast Asia: Ayutthaya Gia Din

Angkor Wat Malacca Jakarta

Polo Fudosha Jakarta

Indian Ocean: Stupa Kolkata

Taj Mahal Kaliheit Basra

Basra Mosque Basra Sofala

Africa: Temple of Simbawi Sofala

Mud Temple St. George St. George

Mediterranean: Church of Santiago Serbia

Pyramids and Sphinxes Alexandria

The Heart of the Rock Temple Beirut

Angkor Wat Melaka Jakarta

Polo Float Jakarta Beirut

Cave Monastery Istanbul Athens

The Temple of Patron Athens

Roman Arena Genoa Istanbul

North Sea: Stonehenge London Stockholm

Church of St. Martin in the Fields Hamburg

Stripes Church Stockholm

New World: Statue of the Warrior of Tula Havana Commission Lacrosse

Pyramid of the Sun and Moon Velacrosse Serbia

Tikal Merida

Machu Picchu Puerto Vero

New Overlord's Warrant and the related 14 Mysterious Minor Objects:

This time, for every Overlord's Warrant, it is the case that you need to collect 2 related Mysterious Minor Objects and get the map to find the Overlord's Warrant first. Also, the Overlord's Certificate in the Enhanced Edition is different from the fourth generation. Luckily, the map didn't change.

East Asia: Bamboo Artifact from Tang Dynasty + Illustrated diagram of the combination of bamboo artifacts = Bamboo from Coelum Map = Square tripod from Yin Dynasty

Southeast Asia: Jug with lotion + Ancient Kingdom coin = Currency from Bias Map = Crown of Toadhark

Indian Ocean: Unwilted Lotus Leaf + Great Plate from Guishang Dynasty = Leaf from Thorens Map = Head of Sulzerung

Africa: Mysterious stone plate upper part + Mysterious stone plate upper part + Map of Sulzerung

Africa. Africa: top half of the mysterious tablet + bottom half of the mysterious tablet = Map of Beliandro = Sheep's head and lion's body

Mediterranean Sea: oil lamp made of bronze + painted cloth = Map of the cloth of Kureyoroba = Mask of Agmanon

North Sea: red dye + old parchment = Map of the paper of Thales = Tribute wagon of Háráshuta

New World: boots and boots of the sun-illustrated knife + Ceremonial knife = Bitako Shi's blade map = Chemaku's axe

Notes on Age of Sail 4 plot strategy

Plot events:

The game's three new additions to the character game plot some of them are quite repetitive, here it is with the events in the body of the text instead.

Forbidden City events:

After someone tells the protagonist that there are strange old men in Quanzhou, etc., go to the Quanzhou Tavern. The strange old man gives the protagonist a key that he says is used to open the Forbidden City, a relic of Hangzhou. When you get to the Forbidden City, open the gate labeled "Han" and you will be given a choice, which has to do with the rhyme of the poem "Gold and Copper Cloth Money", and the following choices are "Zhou", "Tang", "Tang", "Tang" and "Tang". The next choice should be "Zhou", "Tang", "Qin", and finally get the mysterious small object "Tang Dynasty Bamboo Art" (if you fail, you can go to Quanzhou Tavern to find the old man to ask for the key again).

Ayutthaya event:

This event is not used in the Wooding episode. In Southeast Asia, after someone tells the protagonist to go to the ruins of Ayutthaya in Gia Din, he sees a lot of statues of animals, which should not belong to Buddhism. Returning to the ruins of Angkor Wat in Malacca, many of the same animal statues are found, and the syllables of the songs sung by the villagers are regular to each other. The protagonist will have discovered that the elephant and the snake have a special significance in this statue. He then goes to Ayutthaya, the ruins of Giauddin, and finally obtains the mysterious treasure "Ancient Kingdom Coin".

The Astronomical Observatory Incident:

The Wooding episode is a bit different. When someone told the protagonist that the pattern of "Moa Din's Astronomical Observatory" and the pattern of "Qin Ji Maha's Mausoleum" were very similar, the protagonist was told that the pattern of "Moa Din's Astronomical Observatory" was very similar. When we arrived at the "Tomb of Qinji Maha", we found the exact same pattern carved on a wall. The group guessed that the 10 patterns represented 10 numbers. So they combined the patterns on the wall with those on the astronomical instrument, and a set of numbers came out. Back at the Basra Ruins Basra Mosque, we found the inner courtyard, which had a beautiful view but had obviously not been visited for a long time. Candles labeled with numbers are arranged in order, and the protagonist immediately thinks of corresponding the numbers found in the mausoleum to the candles. After lighting them accordingly, there is no response. Is it a mistake? He goes back to the "Tomb of Chinki Mahal" (the Wooding storyline cannot be continued at this point, and needs to be completed with the addition of Cher later on) and discovers new stones and a new pattern, and, more importantly, the idea of a 12-digit number system. In the "Basra Mosque", the numbers are converted into 12-digit numbers (multiply the number in the tens digit by 12 and add it to the digit in the first digit, e.g., 23 is converted to 2x12 + 3 = 27), and the corresponding candles are lit. The mysterious item "Lotus Leaf that does not wither" finally appears under the beautiful pentagonal stone.

The Boat Ride:

Each episode will be different when playing the boat ride mini-game. When someone at the docks tells the protagonist that the clue to the Overlord's Certificate might be inside one of the ruins in Africa. After arriving at the "Temple of Simbawi" in Sofala, you meet a strange old man who asks the protagonist to play chess with him. After the game, the old man wants to thank the protagonist. Follow him and when you get deeper into the forest, there is a river crossing mini-game. The plot of Zobel is that you can't have two strong men at the same time. First, you have two old men cross the river, one of them comes back, then one strong man crosses the river, then the other old man comes back, and repeat this once to finish the game. Chaska plot is not unmarried men and women can not stay together, only the old man can row the boat, the order should be able to be: first let Chaska cross the river, the old man and then send another person, and then pick up Chaska back, and then pick up another person, and finally pick up Chaska across the river. The Wooding plot is that there can't be more men than women, and the order of boat rides could be 1 man, 1 woman - man back - 2 women - 1 man, 1 woman back - 2 women - 1 man back - 2 men -1 man back -2 men. After crossing the river, the old man tells the protagonist to take the treasure from the tree cave and get "the second half of the mysterious tablet". After saying goodbye to the old man and heading back to the city, the protagonist realizes in a different way that a week has passed.

Machu Picchu Incident:

After Chaska begins his ritual, fireworks, drinks, joy and happiness abound. While watching the dancing, the protagonist notices the different Inca tribes dancing their own steps, and suddenly the secret of the ruins comes to mind, and Chaska spills the beans. This is exactly what solves the mystery of Machu Picchu's secret! In the ruins of Machu Picchu, the stone slabs are opened according to the dance steps taught by Chaska, in order: center - bottom center - top left - center again - top right - center left - top center Center-right center-right top. Get the mysterious "Ceremonial Knife".

Hamburger Church Event:

The Zobel episode does not have this event. After someone tells the protagonist to go to the church in Stockholm. When you go to the wooden slatted church, the priest will tell the house behind the church that the person who inherited the Overlord's Witness lived in, and tell the protagonist to go and see if there are any clues. It's a beautiful yard, but there are a lot of unnatural aspects to the yard. Draw a floor plan of this yard, specifically labeling its unnatural places. A map of Hamburg was found in a chest, so let's go to Hamburg and check it out. Upon arriving at St. Martin's Church in Hamburg, I discovered that the floor plan of the church was the same as the courtyard. Compare the two maps, and accordingly, look at the special places on the courtyard plan, and remove the items from those places on the church plan (be careful, don't make a mistake). Get the "red dye".

The Shearer Incident:

When the party is first joined by Mikhail Lertz (Zobel and Wooding episodes are both encountered in Kaliheit, Chaska episode is in Cape Town), he tells the protagonist that he knows the secret of the Overlord's Certificate, and also knows of an Egyptian, Shearer, who is also searching for the Overlord's Certificate, and asks to be taken on the journey with him. Micha?l Leutz is a museum doctor with vast knowledge, and the protagonist agrees, with Micha?l joining the party. Then in the pyramid of relics in Alexandria, the protagonist finally finds Shel, who is preparing to take the Overlord's Certificate. Now it is necessary to unlock the secrets of the stone tablets in the stone room, in turn, fill in the "2, 8, 34, 98", which turns out to be the Fibonacci sequence, the Golden Ratio. The difference between the protagonist's cleverness and his inability to open the treasure chest is that the protagonist opens it easily. He gets a mysterious small object called "Cloth with Patterns". Only a person with the status of a Hegemon can get the Hegemon's Certificate, as Prof. Lutz tells Scherer. Kjell suddenly decides to follow the protagonist and follow the great man to unlock all the secrets of the Overlord's Certificate. Shel joins the team.

Event of Urian:

When Urian arrives at the tavern in Hangzhou, he hears Urian talking to the tavern girl, Meihua, who is hoping to get the treasure "Silla's Crown", and in order to please her, Urian prepares to go to the capital to look for clues. After Yuriyan leaves, the protagonist asks Mihwa for a clue to the Silla Golden Crown and agrees to show it to Mihwa. When the tavern in the capital inquires about the "Silla Gold Crown", the tavern girl tells the protagonist that someone has gone to the royal tomb in the capital to look for the treasure. He goes to the tomb and finds the Silla Gold Crown. Urien sees the protagonist holding the treasure in his hand and regrets it. The protagonist thinks that the treasure has nothing to do with the Certificate of Hegemony, and gives the Silla Golden Crown to Yuriyan so that he can go and please Meihua. At the Hangzhou Tavern, Meihua is very happy to get the Silla Gold Crown. Yuriyan also thanks the protagonist. When he learns that the protagonist is a sailor, he asks to join the team. Yuriyan becomes a partner.

Hidden Event: How to include Aziza.

1, encounter Aziza's fleet at sea

2, get the Bloodbath Crescent Blade

3, go to Basra's tavern

4, the subordinate navigators are the duo of Al and Gyokyu

5, defeat Aziza's fleet again