"The only difference between me and a madman is that I'm not a madman."

This quote is from Salvador Dali, but I don't know what book it's from, all I know about him is his surrealism, and his sexy beard.

Added is a chronology of Dalí, I don't know if that's helpful.

Dali Timeline

1904 Salvador B. Felipe B. Salvador Felipe Jacinto Dali was born in Spain on May 11th. Dalí was born on May 11th in Figueras, Spain.

1914 Dali attends the Catholic high school in Figueras, where he already has a talent for drawing.

1918 He was crazy about color. On May 2, he exhibited for the first time at an exhibition of local painters at the Municipal Theater in Figueras.

1919 Writes regular articles on art and begins contributing to Stadium, the review magazine of the Figueras Public High School.

1921 Enrolls in the San Fernando School of Fine Arts in Madrid, where he studies drawing, painting and sculpture.

1922 Exhibits eight works at the Damo Gallery in Barcelona.

1923 He is arrested for his anarchist tendencies and is imprisoned for 35 days in Figueras and Girona.

1925 Dali has his first solo exhibition at the Galeria del Duomo in Barcelona, attracting the attention of Picasso and Miró.

1926 Visits Picasso in Paris, who is impressed by Dalí's work.

1929 Second trip to Paris, to shoot Brouwer's film Andalusian Dogs. Meets and falls in love with Carla.

1931 First exhibition at the Galerie Pillay. The first exhibition was at the Galerie Pirie-Collet, followed by two consecutive exhibitions over a three-year period.

1932 The Soft Clock is shown for the first time in a group show at the Galerie Julien Levy. When it was first shown collectively at the Jullien Levy Gallery, it aroused great curiosity among New York art lovers and was the beginning of the success of Dalí's work in the United States.

1933 First solo exhibition at the Jullien Levy Gallery, New York. First solo exhibition at the Levy Gallery, New York. In December, he exhibited at the Galleria de Bellas Artes de Catalunya in Barcelona.

1934 Dali has his first solo exhibition in England at the Zwemer Gallery in London. In November, Dali and Gala arrive in New York for the first time on the ship Submarine Prynne.

1935 He gives a lecture at the Museum of Modern Art in New York entitled 'Surrealist Painting and the Paranoid Figure'.

1936 In May, Surrealist objects are exhibited at the Raton Gallery, with Dali's designs Kant's Monument and Coat of Arousal.

1937 Dali fled to Italy to avoid the war and lived in the home of Edward James. He lived in the home of Edward James. He and James studied and familiarized themselves with Renaissance and Baroque art.

1938 In January 1938, Dali participated in the Surrealist exhibition at the Galerie des Beaux-Arts in Paris with Taxi on a Rainy Day.

1939 Returns to New York for a solo exhibition opening on March 21 at the Julien Levy Gallery. Levy Gallery on March 21st.

1940 With the Nazi invasion looming, Dali leaves Europe again, staying in the United States at the home of Cress Crosby in Virginia. He stayed at the home of Crosby in Virginia. He was shipped to Pebble Beach in Carmel, California.

In October 1941, the ballet Labyrinth premiered at the Metropolitan Opera in New York City. The libretto, sets and costumes were all written and designed by Dali.

1942 The Museum of Modern Art in New York organizes a retrospective of Dali's work, which rotates to eight other cities in the United States.

1944 Theatrical productions of Café Chinita, A Sentimental Discussion and Tristan the Madman are performed.

1945 The atomic bombing of Hiroshima inspired Dalí to begin his scientific phase of 'nuclear' or 'atomic'.

1946 Returns to Europe, ready to settle in the Spanish port of Cogat. About thirty miles from his hometown of Figueras.

1949 Begins to be interested in religious themes, and also in the theory of harmonic geometry.

In January 1950, Dali published Memorandum in New York.

1954 A retrospective of his major works was held in Rome, Venice and Milan.

1960 February, solo exhibition "Columbus Discovered America" in New York.

1961 Premieres "Gala's Ballet" in Venice, with Dali designing sets, props and costumes. Choreographed and directed by Maurice Béjart. Choreographed and directed by Maurice Béjart.

1964 Dalí is awarded the Grand Cross of the Order of Isabel in Spain. In May, the book "Diary of a Genius" is published.

1965 A retrospective of all Dali's major works is shown at the Gallery of Modern Art in New York. At this time he became interested in photography and two-dimensional art.

1969 Publication of Perverted Lust, the culmination of his paranoia-ridden approach. Pérez Pi?eiro. With the Spanish architect Emilio Pérez Pi?eiro, he studies the preliminary plans for the Museo de la Figueras del Dali.

1971 The Dali Museum opens in Cleveland, Ohio. The first collection of Dalí paintings, Oui, is published.

1972 An exhibition of his photographs is held at the Nodler Gallery in New York.

1974 In March, a retrospective exhibition is held at the St?del Museum in Frankfurt, Germany. On September 18th, the Dali Museum in Figueres opens.

1975 Nikon sponsors an exhibition of photographs entitled "Dalí, Paranoia, Critical State Method, Objective Contingency and the Third Dimension".

1976 In October, the book "The Alchemy of the Philosophers" is deposited in the Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris.

1978 In April, the first hypercubist work is exhibited at the Guggenheim Museum in New York.

1980 A retrospective of Dali's major works is held at the Tate Gallery in London.

1982 His wife Carla dies. Dalí lives in seclusion in Emporda. Some of his works are new themes of his own devising, others are taken from Michelangelo's work.

1983 On April 15, the King and Queen of Spain cut the ribbon at the exhibition "400 Dali Selections from 1914 to 1983" at the Museo de Arte Contemporaneo de Espa?a in Madrid.

1984 On March 27, 1984, the Gala Salvador Dalí Foundation was officially established in Figueras. Dali Foundation.

1986 He is sick and closed to the public, with only his medical team and closest collaborators close to him.

1988 In November, his condition worsened and he was taken to the Hospital de Colón in Barcelona. In the hospital, the King of Spain visited him in person, and Dali gave him a copy of the poem he had written.

1989 Dali suffered a heart attack and died on January 23rd in Figueras Hospital. His body was embalmed. He is buried in the Dalí Museum.