When the old man died, he threw a crock to remove the evil spirits on the road to death. When the old man is going to be buried, it is a traditional feudal ceremony and a necessary ceremony for the eldest son to throw a crock. Because there are many demons and ghosts on the road to death to stop the dead from reincarnating and turn them into ghosts, but these are feudal superstitions and are not credible at all. After death, there is only an empty shell left. As for the so-called soul, dead end, Meng Po, heaven and hell, who has seen it? Therefore, the eldest son threw a crock to exorcise ghosts, and only rural people would believe it.
The eldest son fell a crock and carried the hearse to the coffin. In rural areas, it usually takes three days to mourn. On the third day, crocks were prepared at home, and crocks or braziers were used in some places. It is also said that by throwing a crock, the deceased can forget all kinds of things in this life. Moreover, on the day of the real funeral, before getting on the hearse, the eldest son must break the crock, and he must break it. The eldest son broke the crock, and everyone can carry the coffin together and carry the dead to the hearse.
There are many feudal superstitions in the countryside, and there are more rules and customs in such an important matter as death. Rural people generally believe that if the crock is not broken, the deceased will walk incompletely and cleanly, and the deceased will not rest in peace. These are some feudal superstitions in rural areas, which are unreliable, but rural people have rural customs and they must do so.