In the ruins of the capital city of Lordaeron, near the gardens of the royal palace, the Dreadlords under Arkmund were discussing the next step in their legion's plan. Suddenly Arthas rushed in, "Demons, your masters have been defeated and the Burning Legion wiped out, your deaths will make everything perfect." Seeing this, the Dreadlord rushed off using teleportation. At this point Sylvanas Windrunner, the Dark Archer, and Kel'Thuzad, the necromancer, rush out of the bushes to greet their master. Kel'Thuzad: "I knew you would return, Prince Alses." Arceus: "Yes, but in this land you should call me king instead. Now, for the safety of this country, we need to exterminate the last remaining humans." Klsugard: "But, my king, the humans have begun to abandon their villages and are preparing to flee to the canyons. Once they are allowed to enter the deep mountains, it will be difficult to exterminate them again." Arceus: "Then we will kill them before they escape!"
Quests: ① Kill the human refugees, destroy the 9 villages inhabited by humans, and no more than 20 refugees can escape; ② Kill the 3 paladins, but if you just kill the paladins alone, they can still be resurrected by using the altar in the center, so you actually need to destroy the 3 altars in the center of the map in order to complete the quest!!!!
During the course of the quest, Arceus suddenly felt an inexplicable pain, suddenly he saw the Witch King in the Frozen Throne, he heard the Witch King's voice: "Danger is imminent, the power has already begun to decline, and there is not much time left (from here onwards Arceus, who was originally a Lv10, will slowly decrease in level, which will add a certain amount to completing the quest later on). difficulty)." As the quest ends, the pain comes back to Arceus once more, and the Witch King's voice rings out once more, "It is I, the Witch King. The Frozen Throne is in danger, and you must return to Northrend immediately." Arceus said to Kelsugard, "Get me back to the capital quickly, I will have a long journey ahead of me after that."
Interlude: A Kingdom Divided
The next night, somewhere in the swamps of Tirithnor, the banshee Sylvanus rushes to a secret meeting with what turns out to be 3 Dreadlords in the service of the Burning Legion. They have discovered that the power of the Lich King is on the wane, and that the power of Arceus will follow. Sylvanas recounts her hatred for Arceus, and she agrees to help the Dread Lords stage a coup to overthrow Arceus. After Sylvanas leaves, Balnazzar, the Dreadlord, says, "Personally, I don't trust her, her heart is still elfin, and she is not going to side with us." Dreadlord Pharimathras (Varimathras) : "Don't be hasty, her hatred for Arceus will serve us in the end."
Chapter 2 Moving Away from Lordaeron[
Early the next morning, in the square of Lordaeron's palace, Arceus and his most powerful henchman, Kelsugard, discuss the Lick King's warning. Arceus: "The Lich King warned me that if I don't get to Northrend quickly, all will be lost." Klsugard: "Not to worry my King, all preparations for departure are in place, the ship is in the harbor standing by and ......" Suddenly the Dreadlord appears in front of them and Alses is caught in the middle of an enemy siege.
Mission: bring Arceus to the city's get-out point.
Interlude: Sylvanas' Farewell
Alses follows the banshee across the river to the swamps of Tirisfal. The pain from the Witch King strikes again, and just before that pain wears off, Arceus and his party are suddenly attacked by Sylvanas' forces, and a cold arrow strikes Arceus. Arceus tried to resist, but he could not help that his body was no longer able to listen to him. Sylvanus: "That was an arrow I made especially for you, your body is paralyzed, this pain is just a little bit compared to what you brought to me." It was at this emergency moment that Kelsugard arrived, repelled Sylvanas, and sent Arceus to the harbor. Arceus: "You are truly my most loyal friend, Kelsugard. I don't know what the future holds, or even if I'll be able to return, but I hope you'll help me take care of this land, which is my inheritance." Kelsugard eyed Arceus' distant figure and said, "I will, Arceus, I will."
Chapter 3 The Dark Lady
2 days later, Sylvanas was in her camp, thinking about how she was still an undead monster even though she was free from the control of the Witch-King, and for that reason she felt very bitter.XH[
Then the Dreadlord, Pharymathus, suddenly stepped out of the portal, and asked Sylvanas to join the Dreadlord's camp, but was was flatly refused, and it seemed that it was time to speak with force again.9
Quest: destroy the Red Undead base.
Chapter 4: Returning to Northrend
Three weeks later, Arceus's fleet finally reached the icy southern shores of Northrend, where they encountered a small band of Blood Elf warriors, who were quickly destroyed with the help of the Crypt Lord, Anorac.z "Z0o
Quest: Destroy the Elven base.
Just as Arceus was feeling smug, Calceus appeared in front of him, "This small group is just our scouting force, it won't be so easy to defeat Lord Eudian's forces." Calcedes said, "Our forces are very strong, we are almost to Icecrown now, you are too late to save your Witch King, await your punishment, Arceus." With that, Arceus disappeared without a trace. Just then, the Witch Demon King's voice once again sounded in Arceus' mind, "Hurry up, my enemy is already very close, we don't have time." Looking at Arceus' agonized expression, Anorak hurriedly asked, "Are you alright, Arceus." Arceus: "It's fine, my power has weakened again. He's right, I'm afraid we won't make it to Icecrown in time." Anorak: "We must choose another path, Death Knight. The ancient destroyed kingdom of Azjol-Nerub lies at our feet, and there is a shortcut to Icecrown. Though this path is more dangerous, it will get us to Icecrown in time. "So Arceus goes to the junction of that shortcut and kills the guard there under Anorak's guidance.Anorak: "This passage may be dangerous, but it is worth trying." Arceus: "Good, let's go." 3ly
Chapter 5 The Defeat of the Dreadlord
Meanwhile, in the accursed land, Falimathus brings Silvanus directly outside the base of the Dreadlord Detheroc, "Detheroc has taken control of the last remaining humans and has them stationed on the periphery, with his own forces deeper in the base. " Falimathus says, "With the forces you have gathered now, a direct attack would be suicide." Sylvanas: "I'm certainly not going to attack directly, my witches will occupy the humans who are weak in consciousness and then have them open the gates for us." So Sylvanas sent out a few banshees to occupy the consciousness of a few human soldiers who were out on patrol, and those soldiers smoothly blended into Deseroc's base. At night, while everyone was asleep, Sylvanas and Falimathus sneaked into Desselok's base). L#;(4
Mission: 1) Kill sleeping enemies. After sneaking in, the enemies are in a sleeping state, and if you don't directly attack him or the units around him, the enemies won't wake up, so you can use this time to wipe out the enemy's living forces one by one; ② By striking at the enemies in the previous mission, the enemy's strength has been greatly weakened, so now you can wipe out the bases of Gallicus and Deserok in one fell swoop.
When Desselok was killed, the magic cast on Garithus and the others was automatically lifted. Silvanus asked Garithus to help her destroy the last Dreadlord, Banazel, while she would help Garithus reclaim the lost lands. "Alright, I'll gather my men and wait for you outside the city gates." With that Garithus led his men away. Pharymathus: "What, you're giving the land back?" Silvanus: "Of course not, humanity will face an easy end." 2
Chapter 6 The New Powers of Lordaeron
The next day, on the outskirts of the capital city of Lordaeron, Sylvanas and her allies prepared to begin their assault on Banazel's fortified defensive positions. Sylvanas: "Garithus, while you attack from the rear I will lead my forces from the front." Garithus: "Not a bad strategy, ma'am. Any strategy will do as long as I can get my capital back." Silvanus: "Well then, let us attack together."
Mission: destroy Banazel's base.
When the battle was over, Pharymathus was forced by Sylvanas to helplessly kill his kind, Banazel. And then the arrogant, tactless Marshal Garithus was also killed by Falimathus, and even his body was eaten by the ghouls. Sylvanus: "This city is ours now, and I am no longer one of the undead. From now on we will be known, we have finally found the way to survive in this world, whoever dares to stand in our way, I will definitely not let him have a good ending." Evil once again enveloped the ruins of Lordaeron.
Chapter 7, Part 1 Deeper into the Underground Spiderweb Caverns
Arceus and Anorak had been walking for hours on end when they came to the entrance to the underground passageway, when some dwarves suddenly appeared. Arceus: "Dwarves of Muradin, it can't be, didn't they die out?" Dwarf: "After you killed Muradin, we did suffer extinction. But under our leader Baelgun we survived by hiding in the ruins of this city, we will never let you in." With that said the dwarves began to attack Arceus and the others. Arceus: "No time for games, Sapphiron (Frost Dragon), attack!" Under Sapphiron's attack, the dwarves ducked into the crypt, and Anorac and Arceus followed the dwarves into the underground passage. a1=E
Quest: kill Baelgun and the dropped key opens the gate to the ancient kingdom.
Before Baelgun died, he told Arceus that something terrible would be unleashed from beneath the earth, and that the earthquakes it created would collapse the cavern. And when Anorak and Arceus opened the door to the ancient kingdom, they indeed felt this peril. But in any case, all that could be done now was to move on.
Chapter 7 Part 2 Forgotten Powers
Anorak: "We have entered the interior of the old kingdom, Arceus. Be careful, I suspect the dwarves are still hiding somewhere." i#{cJ
Quest: find the exit of the ancient kingdom and kill the forgotten things.
Chapter 7 Part 3 The Passage to the Upper Kingdom
After a while, Anorac and Arceus came to the entrance to the Upper Kingdom, when all of a sudden the earth began to shake, and part of the top of the tunnel began to crumble, and falling rocks blocked Arceus and Anorac in two different places. Arceus: "The entire passage is blocked, I don't have time to dig them through, I need to find another exit as soon as possible. Hopefully Anorak and the others will survive as well." After Arceus passes through the pontoon bridge he can run into Anorak, who turns out to have escaped the earthquake in the spider caves. The group continues on and before long they come to the exit of the entire cave. Anorak: "This is the exit, we just need to get out of here and we're below the Icecrown ice belt." kIg
Quest: escape from the upper kingdom.
Interlude: the climax
A few hours later, near the Icecrown Ice Belt, Arceus and Anorak finally arrive inside the Undying Legion's fortress, while Yudian and his men have just arrived near the Frozen Throne. Arceus once again hears the voice of the Witch King, "Arceus, my warrior, you have finally arrived. There is a gap within my prison, the Frozen Throne, from which my power is flowing out, and this is the reason why my power is constantly weakening." Arceus: "But how did this happen?" Witch King: "The mysterious sword you hold, the Frost Sorrow, was once sealed in the Frozen Throne as well. It was I who drew it and placed it in the snowy plains because I believed it would lead you to me, and as I envisioned, it did. But we are now in great danger, my creator, the demon lord Kilgardan, has sent his henchmen to try and destroy me. If they reach the Frozen Throne before you do, all is lost, including the entire undead army. Go, my warrior, and I will give you the greatest strength I can." As the Witch King's voice faded, Arceus' weakened strength returned, "I know what we should go for now, it is time for us to end this game forever."
Chapter 8 The Concerto of Fire and Domination
A few moments later, inside the fortress of the Undying Legion, Arceus and Anorak were discussing their next move. Arceus: "Time is running out, we must enter the Frozen Throne before Yudian does." Anorak: "The throne's chamber is located in the center of this frozen canyon, and in order to open it we must first unseal the 4 stone towers surrounding it. Yudian's men have taken control and unsealed 2 of the stone towers, we must repel them and retake those two seals." n_
Mission: open the seals on the 4 stone tablets before Yudian does.
The chamber is finally opened thanks to Arceus' efforts, and with Eudian still trying to rush towards it, Arceus stops him. Arceus and Eudian, who had different beliefs, stood in the wind and snow sizing each other up, when suddenly Arceus swung his Frost Lament and slashed hard at Eudian. Eudian struggled to block the blow, but was already shaken by Alses' terrifying power. The two sides fiercely fought for several rounds, and in the end, Yudian, the kingpin of a generation who constantly pursued the strongest power, fell forever. The victorious Arceus didn't even look at Yudian's corpse on the snowy ground, striding towards the Frozen Throne.
End: The Assassin
Arceus walked slowly down the snow and ice covered steps in the chamber to the seal that held the Witch King prisoner. Witch King: "Come, return this Frostbite and free me." Arceus swung up the Frost Lament hard and slashed it on top of the Frozen Throne, instantly the entire Frozen Throne was shattered and the helmet containing all the power of the Witch King fell out. Arceus picked it up and slowly brought it on his head. When Arceus opened his eyes again, he had gained the infinite power of the Witch Demon King. Witch King: "Now we are one".The 10,000 year old ice belt of Icecrown had completely collapsed, leaving only the tower-like staircase in the center that supported the throne. On top of the throne sits the new king of the undead legions, looking forlornly at the crumbling earth ......