Huan Ge Le Dai is an idiom

Huan Ge Le Dai is not an idiom, but also a Chinese word, and the single-word definitions are as follows:

I. Huan: huān?

1. Happy; pleased: ~ joy.

1. ~I'm happy to be here.

1. happy; pleased: ~ joy.

2. Referring to a favorite person (more often than not, a lover): new ~.

3. energized; active: the fire was burning very ~. The more it rains, the more it ~. The recreational activities were quite ~.

2. song: gē

1. a piece of literature or song that can be sung: poem ~. Min ~.

2. Singing: carrier ~.

3. music

[ lè ]

1. pleasure: joy ~. ~ thing. ~ unsupportable. The heart is ~ like a flower.

2. to take pleasure in: ~ this.

3. laugh: He told a joke that amused everyone ~.

4. surname (not the same as Yuè).

[ yuè ]

1. music: play ~. ~ instrument.

2. Surname (not the same as Lè).

4. Dance: wǔ?

1. Turning the body to perform various postures according to a certain rhythm: ~chuan.

2. ~ posture. ~will. ~sword. ~woman. ~Song.


2. To play around with: ~ cons.


Expanded Information

Evolution of the Characters of Huan

Huan Group Words: like, joyful, jubilant, cheering

I. like [ xǐ huan ]


1. have a good feeling for or be interested in a person or a thing: He ~literature, I ~math.

2. to be pleasant; to be happy: My daughter got into college, and my mother ~ was overwhelmed. Tell the good news quickly and tell everyone to ~~.

2. joyful [ huān lè ]

Interpretation: joyful (mostly collective): the plaza was ~ filled with singing.

3.欢喜 [ huān xǐ ]


1. happy; pleased: full of heart ~. Joyful for the Spring Festival. She couldn't hide the ~ in her heart.

2. like; favorite: He ~ plays table tennis. He is very ~ the child.

4.欢呼 [ huān hū ]

Joyfully shouting: enthusiastically ~. ~ Victory.