Steps of quickstep

Basic level group steps (quasi-syllabus)

quarter turn

Natural rotation

Turn right (naturally)

Hesitantly turn around naturally.

Natural pivot

Progressive pursuit (progressive pursuit)

Forward locking step

Backward locking step

Cross chassis

Backward pivot

Change of direction

Double reverse rotation

Right drunk chase (after turning right 123) (inclined chase to the right after 3 steps of natural turn)

Right drunk chasing step (after the fourth step of unlocking step) (after the fourth step of rear lock, inclined chasing to the right)

Chase and turn left ((chase the reverse turn)

Zigzag, back lock and running end.

Intermediate Group Steps (Member Outline)

Fast reverse opening (fast reverse opening)

Forward to the right.

Ski turn (telegraph)

Cross swing

fish tail

Four runs (four runs)

Turn right, unlock and finish running (natural turn, back lock, finish running).

turn right

Steps 5-6 (Section 6)

Steps for Senior Group (Peer Syllabus)

Six quick runs


Rumba cross

be slightly drunk