Forty-something women's panel maintenance method
Panel can reveal the most traces of age, more attention and maintenance, even at the age of 40, you can still enjoy a healthy style of skin.
No matter how psychologically healthy and bright, the pursuit of wisdom and intellectual growth, women in their forties look in the mirror, it is inevitable that a photo on the sad. Most women after 40 years of age, "should not mind that they still have no external 'attractiveness'". But 45 to 55 years old menopause will come and just come during the period, she will be concerned about more basic issues - her self-worth, such as her husband and children do not care about her, loneliness and boredom, depressed ......, the United States of Pennsylvania State University Professor of Psychology Novicko pointed out.
Middle-aged women's doubts about their self-worth often prompt them to care more about their appearance than they used to when they were younger, "probably the time in a woman's life when she cares the most about her appearance. Instead, people stop caring about appearance in their 60s and 70s because they have to deal with their own and their spouse's deteriorating health.
The first area that begins to age for women in their forties is around the eyes. This is the time when dryness, fine lines, sagging, and dark circles start to become more visible than before. So this time must be in the skin of the hydration above the effort, first of all to choose the moisturizing effect is very good eye cream. At the same time to pay more attention to the sun, and usually do some more masks, strive to do more than 2 times a week mask. You can spend a certain amount of time every day to strengthen the exercise.
Forty-year-old woman maintenance panel thing words
Forty-year-old woman to maintain good skin, but also choose some serum, focusing on the choice of deep moisturizing cream. As their own cosmetics among the top priority Oh.
At the same time, most of the forty-year-old woman's facial lines have begun to sag, pay attention to the choice of some of the skin care products that can give the skin to produce a lifting effect. Vitamin C-rich foods
In fact, aging does manifest itself in the panel after the forties, and how to take care of the panel at this time is indeed important. The panel below the dermis because of the loss of moisture, elasticity, coupled with the effect of gravity, and gradually with age and shrinkage, the epidermis and then relaxation, resulting in wrinkles. 20-year-olds pinch the panel about 2 seconds to return to its original position, more than 40 years old when it takes 4 to 5 seconds, more than 60 years old when you have to be 6-7 seconds to return to its original position.
Another problem with aging panels is that they look dull and age spots keep popping up. The sun and hormones are the cause of the "yellow face". 80% of them are caused by sunburns before 20 years old. That's why panelists around the world are urging moms, "Don't let your kids run around naked in the sun."
Panel doctors believe that if you reduce sun exposure and use sunscreen moisturizers when you're 20 to 30 years old, you won't look "70 years old" when you're 70.
As for the hormonal changes, and ebb and flow, will leave traces, women during pregnancy, the face of the birthmarks; menopause, and in the face, arms and hands, leaving brown and black spots.
Defending the panel to avoid appearing older, in fact, does not require too much time, as long as the principles: clean, moisturize, maintenance to reduce wrinkles, avoid the sun caused by spots on enough.
40-year-old woman maintenance method
Washing face
-panel expert reminded, regardless of your panel is oily, dry or neutral, wash your face there is only one principle, that is, must be gentle. That's because if you rub and scrub too hard, you'll pull the subcutaneous tissue loose, and "every extra time you wash your face too hard, you're aging your face one more step," says Kriegman, a professor of panels at Penn State College of Medicine.
-Choose gentle beauty products. Rough, hard, *** aggressive cleansers, astringent lotions and scrubs can damage the faceplate.
-Wash your face with lukewarm water.
-Lightly press with a washcloth, don't dry completely, but leave a dew-like layer of dampness on the faceplate.
-Because the hair follicles under the pores are pulled downward and sunken in by the earth's center of attraction, the pores enlarge after age 30. Use a gentle skin-conditioning lotion that closes the pores for 45 minutes and makes it easier to put on makeup and go to foundation. Wet a cotton pad, squeeze out the water, dip it in the toning lotion, and pat it onto your face in an upward circular motion.
Body panels age more slowly than those above the neck, due to less sun exposure. But by and large, the body panels become thinner, drier, and rougher in middle age, and in some cases, the panels even dry out to the point of itching. Cheeks, necks and arms also become uncontrollably flabby and saggy, which is related to loss of moisture and elasticity with aging, as well as gravity. But people who experience dramatic weight loss will sag even more, so weight loss should be consistent and gradual.
Accelerating the erasure of aging buildup of dull panel keratin can encourage the panel to look younger. Elisabeth Marty, a famous model and author of "A Six-Week Plan for Natural Health and Beauty After 30," suggests using loofah to scrub the bath, which is cheap and naturally healthy. This bathing method, which is popular in Europe, is actually the loofah cloth used by the Taiwanese.
The program is: use the loofah cloth to rub from the lower end of the body to the upper end to the heart area. Be firm when rubbing your hands, feet and limbs, and use circular motions when rubbing your hips, abdomen, chest and shoulders. Soon you will notice that the blood circulation is better, and your face is more elastic, shiny and smooth. "The sooner you teach your kids to bathe this way, the better," says Marty.
No matter what the ads say, you have to recognize up front that moisturizers don't add moisture to the panel; they just help you store it on your face and body after a bath, thus filling in the grooves of wrinkles and making the panel look smooth.
After showering, you don't need to towel your whole body completely dry, just wipe it lightly, leaving a slight dampness, and then rub the moisturizer to lock in the water inside the cells, and there are two moisturizers a day, and it doesn't matter so much what brand you use.
Moisturizer you can use salicylic acid AHA, prompting the renewal of sun-damaged panel cells, so that the texture of the muscle smooth and strong, it is best to discuss with the panelist to discuss the appropriate dose for you to use.
You can also choose a lotion that won't clog your pores. But pay attention to the pH value PH, especially allergic panels, to choose close to the characteristics of the panel weak acid, pH value should be between 4.5 to 5.5. Some products are labeled that it is "pH-balanced PH-balanced" is not to see the significance, because it may mean pH-balanced acid which is good, and it may mean pH-balanced alkaline which is not good.
Get a good night's sleep
Getting enough sleep removes tight lines and stress from your face and makes you look radiant. Here are the steps to cleansing before bed:
- Remove your makeup. Never sleep with your makeup on, and remove it thoroughly.
-Clean your faceplate three times a week with a deep cleanser with a brush.
-Wear wrinkle cream and eye cream to bed
-Rub some oil or cream on your lips because the lips are thin and blood is carried out close to the epidermis, so water can easily evaporate, resulting in dry and cracked lips.
One of the most important things you can do to keep your skin looking young is to wear sunscreen. It doesn't matter how scruffy you used to be and how often you've gone out with a bare face, wear it now and you're guaranteed to look young for decades to come.
-The easy way is to wear a moisturizer that also protects against the sun.
-Make sure you have a sun protection factor of 15 or higher.
Never smoke
Smoking blocks the blood from delivering nutrients to your face, causing wrinkles.
8 Exercise
Aerobic exercise such as brisk walking, jogging, bicycling, swimming and dancing, *** the blood circling back to the panels, so that the panels are well nourished with collagen tissue. Collagen is a protein that helps the panel tissues to be strong and smooth
Ways to maintain the body of a woman in her forties
Supplementation of estrogen
It is well known that estrogen has a special significance for women, and a woman who is deficient in estrogen will cause problems such as early menopause, premature aging, dullness of the face, obesity, and so on. So to supplement estrogen, you can eat some soybean products, such as soybeans, black beans, red beans and so on are good choices.
Supplementation of calcium
Women to menopause before and after the loss of calcium in the body will increase the problem, so at this time, women should be appropriate to supplement calcium, usually eat some calcium-rich foods, such as milk, bone broth, cabbage and so on are good choices.
Diet is mainly light
High-protein and high-fat food should be eaten as little as possible, while remembering not to eat late-night snacks, because women to 35 years old, the body's metabolism has been slower than usual, if this time in the late-night snacks or do not pay attention to light diet, it is very easy to cause obesity.
We also need to exercise more often
Exercise is one of the best ways for women to maintain a good figure, by which is for women after 40 years of age to pay more attention to daily exercise, in order to maintain a good figure, you can choose to walk, swimming, jogging, yoga and other aerobic exercise, not only to maintain a good figure of women, but also to help promote the health of the body. By its after dinner if you can keep the habit of walking, walk and feel the beautiful environment, but also help the fat burning, and swimming is a kind of whole-body exercise, not only can you practice a good body, but also can promote metabolism, enhance personal body resistance, it can be said that the daily appropriate to do some exercise for the 40 years old woman is a very important thing.
Dancing is one of the favorite things to do in the new era of girls, of course, the dancing woman looks quite elegant, in fact, for modern women, daily according to their own preferences, choose a kind of dance, such as Square Dance, Latin Dance, social dance, these dances can help the body fat burning quickly, on the weight loss in fact, it is a great help, but also to help the women's health, the women's health, the women's health, the women's health, the women's health, the women's health, the women's health, the women's health. And dancing also allows women to cultivate the body, calm the mind, to promote the health of the body are also will be of great help.
Doing housework
Housework is something that most girls do every day, and some people take housework as a burden, but I don't see it that way, and if you pay attention to the way you do housework, then doing housework can also promote the body's weight loss. For example, when mopping the floor, you can exercise the whole body, arms, feet, waist can get a movement. And when washing clothes, it is possible to exercise to the hands, waist fat to promote weight loss will also be of great help. And if you take housework as a way to lose weight, then the whole person will be more comfortable to do, the mood will be more beautiful.
Maintain adequate sleep
Too much sleep can cause obesity, but the same if the lack of sleep, it will also cause the problem of obesity, by which is for more than 40 years of age of women, daily may have to face the child's school pressure, the pressure of the workplace, and their physiological changes, etc., at this time pay more attention to maintain a quality sleep environment, which will help to lose weight Oh. The first thing you need to do is to get a good night's sleep.