What exercises to do to help your health

Exercise and Disease Exercise and Mental Health Exercise Fitness Exercise Weight Loss Exercise Health Exercise Precautions ---- Life is in motion, exercise can not only promote metabolism, improve the cardiovascular system, increase our immunity, and exercise to lose weight, The role of body shaping is known to all, in addition to these, but also to improve mood and enhance our willpower. So exercise is good for our body and mind. How can exercise prevent common diseases? How do different sports affect our mental health? How does exercise work for fitness and weight loss? Four seasons of sports how to health, sports not only lies in the "movement", it is more important to master a reasonable method of exercise, scientific exercise can give us a healthy body!

Exercise and DiseaseHealthExerciseandDiseaseHealth different groups of people sub-health movement of adolescents and young people with excessive academic stress, lack of family function, environmental factors, school adverse factors

Suitable sports: aerobic exercise, antagonistic sports, sports games and mental conditioning, dance and fitness, ecological sports

Female irritability, Low back pain, swollen eyes with dark circles, dizziness, hair loss, cramps in the limbs

Suitable sports: walking, cycling, stair climbing, running, swimming, yoga

Men's upper body is long, waist circumference is larger than the hip circumference, deep crease, semen is yellowing, fingernails are bleeding, scrotum is enlarged

Suitable sports: jogging, walking, running-walking alternately, stair climbing, swimming, cycling

Middle-aged and old people with poor mental health, fatigue, sleepiness, depression, memory loss, apathy, loneliness, work-study difficulties

Suitable exercises: walking, jogging, health exercises, Tai Chi, softball, square dance

Office workers with headaches, neck, shoulder and back pain, eye fatigue, paralysis of the hands and feet, chronic gastritis, constipation

Suitable exercise: walking, biking, physical games, Gym exercise, regular physical examination

Common Diseases Movement Joint System Diseases

Pay attention to the correct movement, if you do not pay attention to the movement or do not exercise, the damage will be greater, the consequences of not going to exercise at all is that it will lead to the joints to become stiff, and all kinds of diseases more serious.

Arthritis osteomalacia osteoporosis frozen shoulder gout lumbar strain

Digestive system diseases

Frequent physical exercise, the function of the digestive organs also has a good role in improving. It can make the peristalsis of the stomach and intestines enhance, the secretion of digestive juices increase, and promote the improvement of digestion and absorption ability.

Dyspepsia constipation chronic gastritis enteritis fatty liver gallstones

Respiratory diseases

Total body exercise exercise includes upper limb-based exercise, as well as lower limb-based exercise. Whole-body exercise can increase the body's activity and cardiorespiratory load, and increase activity endurance.

Cold and flu rhinitis bronchitis asthma tuberculosis

Genitourinary diseases

Regular physical exercise can strengthen the immune function, prevent obesity, and improve blood circulation, reduce the pelvic cavity, prostate local congestion state, all of which are beneficial to the prevention and improvement of genitourinary diseases.

It's a good thing that you're not a big fan of the way the world works, because it's a good thing that you're not a big fan of the way the world works, because it's a good thing that you're not a big fan of the way the world works. The fact is that women who exercise regularly tend to have higher levels of hormone production, more regular menstrual cycles, and more radiant skin and hair compared to those who sit still for long periods of time.

Endocrine disordersBreast enlargementMenstrual irregularitiesPolycystic ovaryDiabetesHyperthyroidism

Circulatory disorders

Regular exercise gets your blood flowing throughout the body while strengthening your arteries and veins and preventing them from deteriorating. That's why circulatory disorders are part of an exercise routine.

High blood pressure, high blood fat, coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, heart disease

Nervous system diseases

Regular physical exercise, nerve cells in the constant exercise will be able to improve the ability to work, more flexible and rapid response, command more accurate and coordinated, but also to improve and enhance the function of the nervous system.

Insomnia, poor memory, migraine, Alzheimer's disease, epilepsy, sciatica

Immune system diseases

Long-term moderate regular exercise can increase the number of immune cells in the quiet state, can strengthen the body's immune function, enhance the ability to fight disease.

Immune deficiency lupus erythematosus

Different organs exercise brain-healthy dancing, swimming, trotting

Strong heart walking, brisk walking, jogging, swimming, jumping rope, climbing stairs, cycling

Spleen-healthy stomach and twisting, sit-ups, moving toes, squatting horse stance

Liver-healthy yoga, tai chi, jogging, walking, brisk walking

Lung-healthy Swimming, blowing up balloons, patting the chest, throat moving, knocking the back

Bone strengthening weighted arrow jump, high leg, frog jump, jump in place

A阳壮阳 lift the anus, jogging, Za Ma Bu, deep squatting, push-ups, pedal bike

Eye protection badminton, table tennis, ironing the eyes, transporting the eyes

Spine protection head and hand against the wall, watching the opera, geese fly, dry land rowing


SportsandMentalHealthSportsandMentalHealth Yoga raises the level of neurotransmitters in the body, relieves anxiety and impatience, and makes people more confident, thus improving their mood and purifying their minds.

RunningThe brain secretes a substance that can bring happy emotions, so by running regularly, we can get mental health.

SwimmingSwimming can also help us regulate our mood, looking at the sparkling water, using swimming to help ourselves empty unhappy things, things that make us depressed.

Hiking outdoor sports can help our body and mind to relax, the mountain air and extra fresh, while looking at the beautiful outdoor scenery, while using anaerobic exercise to help the body get fresh air.

Tai Chi, because of its slow and fluid movement, can relax your muscles and calm you down while improving your balance, strength and flexibility.

Cycling cycling, the brain will secrete endorphins, so that people produce euphoria, people feel happy, feel young, healthy

More + SportsfitnessSportsfitness novice fitness beginners food fitness equipment awareness: in the beginning of the exercise before the fitness equipment one by one to familiarize themselves with once again, including how to go to the standard of the exercise movements, how to hair power.


Fitness program preparation: fitness schedule is very important, every fitness veteran will have a fitness schedule belonging to their own, and every once in a while this schedule will change.

Fitness diet plan: can not be based on their own take for granted to eat, diet is your body muscle supplements, you do not do a good job of dietary supplements, exercise how hard are in vain.


Fitness PrinciplesFrenuency (training frequency) Frequency depends on many factors, including the type of training, training intensity, the current level of training, and training goals, etc.

Intensity (training intensity) using enough to comply with the if you are to lose fat or increase endurance, you can choose lighter loads to do more times

Type (training frequency): You can choose to do more times to reduce fat or increase endurance. p>

Type (type of training) cardio exercises, resistance exercises, strengthening exercises, stretching exercises, specialized technical exercises, changing training to avoid boredom

Time (training time) aerobic exercise, 20-40 minutes is appropriate. For strength training, the whole body muscle contact needs at least one hour


Fitness equipment types dumbbells modify muscle lines, increase muscle endurance, make the muscles firm, strong muscle fibers, increase muscle power

Treadmill control the time and speed, consume the body fat, so as to achieve the effect of good weight loss

Exercise bike to improve the body's Physical fitness, expand your heart function and prevent high blood pressure

Elliptical machine can prevent, reduce and relieve cervical spondylosis, frozen shoulder and upper back pain, exercise and stimulate the sciatic nerve

Walking machine to improve the strength of the main thigh muscle groups, improve the ability to lift the legs, hips, and knees and ankles, to maintain the legs of the fitness

Recumbent sit-ups machine to train the lower back muscle groups, strengthen the back strength and Slim waist and stomach

Rowing machine on the legs, waist, upper limbs, chest, back muscle strengthening has a better role

Motorcycle so that fitness in the happy movement to effectively strengthen the muscular endurance and cardiorespiratory functioning

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Fitness must be according to their ability to withstand the amount of capacity to do, different ages, fitness sports are different. Children are growing and developing, do not choose high intensity, intense sports, do not take too long, running, swimming, basketball, etc. are good; the elderly sports to "vary from person to person, step by step, perseverance", walking, jogging, playing tai chi is more suitable. The office workers lack of exercise, but time is also relatively small, you can walk to and from work, the car, physical games, climbing stairs or go to the gym after work can be.

Infants and children children teenagers couples men and women pregnant parents and children middle-aged and elderly office workers

Body parts fitness

Some people want to work out specifically for the pectoral muscles, but they only work out to the biceps. Some want to develop a strong set of abdominal muscles, but for a long time without results. Muscle exercise needs to be targeted, different body parts have different exercise methods. Upper limb muscles can be trained through push-ups, bench press, lifting dumbbells, barbell jerk and other actions, the back is the key to practicing the inverted triangle body type, latissimus dorsi pull-downs, pull-ups, seated rowing is a common training method, thighs, quadriceps, thighs, thighs, quadriceps, thighs and back group of the biceps femoris, you can barbell squatting, seated equipment, seated instrumentation, leg extension, seated equipment leg lifts.

Upper limb fitness shoulder fitness chest fitness back fitness waist abdomen fitness leg fitness lower limb fitness

Seasonal fitness

Different seasons we are bound to be different in the choice of fitness programs, according to the different seasons, the choice of the most suitable fitness program, in order to achieve a better workout effect. Spring organs are still at the lowest level, this time should take a soothing fitness program, you can choose to walk, jogging and other soothing exercise; summer weather is hot, the movement to maintain a moderate amount of exercise, swimming is the best sport, there are badminton, fitness walk, etc.; climate change in the fall, hiking can enhance resistance; winter weather is cold, some running and other long time aerobic exercise, to help the body The first thing you need to do is to get a little bit of heat.

Spring, summer, fall, winter

Different places to work out

Many people always think that only to go to the gym, gymnasium and other professional places, exercise will be effective. In fact, this is not the case. There are different ways to exercise in different places in life. At home, you can lift dumbbells, practicing aerobics, straighten the waist, standing wall corner abdomen and buttocks, etc., office white-collar workers can insist on climbing the stairs every day, do head exercises, stretching the waist, etc.; if there is no equipment, you can do squats, push-ups, high legs, rolls, at any time and any place can start to exercise.

Home Office Walking Stair Climbing Gym

Exercise Weight Loss Exercisetoloseweight Common Exercise Weight Loss Ways Comparison Brisk Walking Advantages: consume a large amount of fat, tighten muscles.

Weight loss parts: abdomen, legs, buttocks

Exercise time: 3-5 times a week, more than 30 minutes each time.

Exercise points: keep your pelvis in a positive position, straighten your back and stretch as much as possible, and take bigger steps than usual.

The advantages of running: refining the muscles of the whole body, enhance cardiorespiratory function, improve immunity.

Weight loss parts: the whole body

Exercise time: the best in the morning, 45-60 minutes best.

Exercise points: body straight, swing arms back and forth, head and shoulders stable, short pace.

Hula hoop advantage: a whole body continuity exercise, massage waist and abdomen, treatment of constipation.

Weight loss parts: abdomen, arms

Exercise time: 4-6 times per week, each time 2-3 groups, each group 20-30 minutes.

Exercise points: the time can not be long or short, refused to be too heavy.

Swimming advantages: intensity, make people happy.

Weight loss parts: arms, legs, pectoralis major, latissimus dorsi

Exercise time: 3 times a week, more than 40 minutes each time.

Exercise points: freestyle, breaststroke, butterfly, backstroke, pay attention to safety, do a good warm-up.

Advantages of yoga: cultivate body and mind, soft movement, consume calories.

Weight loss: whole body

Exercise time: 3-4 times a week, 1-2 hours each time.

Exercise points: standing body forward bending, back wall leg press, side support leg lift, back leg lift forward bending.

Jumping rope advantages: weight loss and slimming, so that the whole body muscles are proportional and strong, exercise the respiratory system.

Weight loss parts: the whole body

Exercise time: when you first learn, just jump in place for 1 minute; after 3 days, jump for 3 minutes continuously; after 3 months, jump for 10 minutes continuously.

Exercise points: jump on the forefoot, hold the handles at each end of the rope with both hands, and try to keep your big arms close to the sides of your body.

Aerobics advantages: weight loss, shape the perfect body, enhance self-confidence, cultivate temperament.

Weight loss parts: the whole body

Exercise time: 40-60 minutes each time.

Exercise points: adjust the knee pads, do good preparatory activities, timely hydration, step by step.

Sit-ups advantages: increase abdominal muscles, relieve seminal emission, improve physiological function.

Weight loss parts: abdomen

Exercise time: 3 groups per day, a group of 50-80.

Exercise points: stay at a 45-degree angle and last more than 30 seconds, hands do not hold the head.

Stair climbing advantages: let the body heat up, enhance metabolism, consume the body's food conversion of AT.

Weight loss parts: thighs, calves, buttocks

Exercise time: about 40 minutes.

Exercise points: each step upward two or three steps, smooth and strong movements, maintain proportional breathing, remember to stretch.

Different groups of people to lose weight men squatting, aerobics, Kegel exercises, cycling, bench press, push-ups, volleyball more +

Women playing badminton, swimming, water fitness bicycle, yoga, dancing, running, Pilates more +

Middle and old people jogging, brisk walks, swimming, tai chi, should not be strong, fast speed exercise more +

Children's high leg step, side lunge turn, non-study state to go out and play more+

Workers walk, jogging, air bicycle, sit-ups, lying down on the abdomen more+

Housewives sit-ups, stair climbing, weight loss exercises, yoga, walking more+

Postpartum slow walking, walking, weight-loss exercise, yoga, breathing exercises, lifting the legs exercise more+

Slim thighs exercises for weight loss in different parts of the body

Leg lifts, squats with double-armed side raises, Pilates side leg lifts, glider side lunges more+

Slim calves exercises

Yoga, leg lifts, practicing splits, jogging, weight loss exercises more+

Slim face exercises

Cheeks exercises, suction hose, head lifts, chin tightening, oral thrusts more +

Tummy Slimming Exercises

Plank supports, curl-ups, belly dancing, foot cycling, aerobics more+

Waist Slimming Exercises

Staggered leg exercises, gym ball exercises, arm flexors, ab planks more+

Arm Slimming Exercises

Prayers, circle drawing, water bottle lifting, pulling exercises more+

Lean Back Exercises

Swing to slanting back, chest out and shoulders open, twisting and alternating arms, paddling, dumbbell exercises more+

Lean Neck

Jaw and Neck Confrontation, Flat Turning of the Head and Neck, Head and Neck Down, Head Down and Head Up, Rotating Head and Neck Conversationally and Conversationally, Neck Lifts more+

Butt Lift

Straddle Leg Hip Lift, One-Legged Squat, Vertical Dumbbell Deep Squat, Leg Swinging Sports, turn the leg movement more+

More+SportsHealthCareSportsHealthCareSportsHealthCare four seasons stretching in the spring: stretching the limbs, exhaling the old and the new, the line of qi and blood, smooth meridians and joints, and invigorate the spirit

Walking: to eliminate fatigue, but also to promote the body's blood circulation and gastrointestinal digestion

Other: spring swimming, jogging, swimming

Summer walking: exercise effect is good, enhance leg muscles, improve cardiorespiratory function

Deep breathing: expanding the role of the chest and abdomen, to ward off fatigue, awakening the body's vitality is ideal

Other: swimming, fitness ball, yoga, tiptoe

Autumn rope skipping: the mass of fitness exercise, simple and easy to learn, time-saving and inexpensive, almost everyone will

Aerobics: local shaping, but also to improve intestinal digestion, reduce the amount of food

Other: badminton, cycling, climbing, running, walking

Winter skiing: enjoy the speed, exercise the body's balance, coordination and flexibility

Yoga: the internal organ system, eliminating the body's toxins, supple body, lifting the psychological pressure

More+ExerciseattentionSportsattentionWarm up before exercise, don't eat before one hour of exercise, don't drink a lot of water before exercise, pay attention to the proper attire

Drinking moderate amounts of water during exercise and intermittent breaks can regulate cellular osmolality; a workout should not be too long, 20-30 minutes is appropriate

They are not the only ones that can regulate cellular osmolality, but they are the only ones that can regulate cellular osmolality, and they are the only ones that can regulate cellular osmolality. 20-30 minutes is appropriate

After exercise can not immediately rest, can not immediately bath, should not drink to quench thirst, should not eat a lot of sugar, can not smoke to quench fatigue


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