2021-2022 Harker High School, California Admission Requirements at a Glance

As a college preparatory institution, Harker High School in California has good teaching conditions and a high success rate in applying for undergraduate programs at top schools. So, what are the application requirements for studying at Harker Middle School in California? The following and I come together to understand it.

2021-2022 Harker High School, California, USA Admission Requirements at a Glance


Basic Information

Founded: 1893

Nature of the school: co-educational

State: California

Grades: K- Grade 12

Enrollment: 1,854

Class Size: 10

Teacher-Student Ratio: 10:1

Advancement Rate: 100%

School Summary

The Harker School is an independent, co-educational, college-preparatory day school for grades K-12. It was founded in 1893 with the assistance of David Starr Jordan, President of Stanford University. Harker's mission has remained the same: to create an environment that promotes academic excellence, stimulates intellectual curiosity, anticipates personal accountability, and always instills a true passion for learning. The school is the largest independent, coeducational K-12 school in California, with a total **** establishment of four campuses: preschool, elementary, middle school, and high school, all located in downtown San Jose, California.

The school's curriculum is rich in the arts, computers, and journalism and media, in addition to academic courses. If students have a particular interest in the performing arts, they may apply to participate in the following areas of the Harker College Certificate Program Dance, Instrumental, Vocal, Acting, Musical Theatre, or Technical Theatre. Harker continues to create a quality education that energizes and diversifies its students, encourages and nurtures students to have a warm soul, to help each other, to give love to the world, and to strive to fulfill the commitment to make the entire community strive for excellence, Harker is such a vibrant, uplifting and inspiring place to be.

Huck's faculty is exceptional, with over 80% of teachers holding advanced degrees. Huck's students excel academically, with 91% of students scoring 4's and 5's on the 2011 AP exams. In addition, a large number of Harker School students receive National Merit Scholarships, with 66% of students receiving National Merit Recognition in 2012.

Extracurricular Clubs

Art Club, Enterprise and Entrepreneurship, Chemistry Club, Chess Club, China Club, Cleantech Club, Creative Writing Club, Bicycle Club, and Dance Club.


Basketball, soccer, land hockey, volleyball, softball, swimming, lacrosse, tennis, water polo, wrestling.

School Strengths:

Academic Excellence: In the last 3 years, 234 students have been admitted to Ivy League colleges, with an average SAT score of over 2,000

Faculty Excellence: 80% of faculty members have advanced degrees, and the curriculum is diverse with a wide range of extracurricular activities.

Academic Excellence: 91% of our students score 4 or higher on AP exams. And every year, a large number of students are awarded national and varsity scholarships and receive national honors.

NICHE rankings are 8th in the nation and 3rd in California, with an A+.


Micro-Macroeconomic Studies, Literature, History, Politics, National Languages including Chinese, Science Studies in various fields, Art, etc.

AP Courses:

English Literature, European History, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Psychology, Calculus, Statistics, Spanish Language, Spanish Literature, French Language and Culture, Japanese Language and Culture, and Japanese Culture.


Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Brown, Penn, Stanford, MIT, Caltech, Columbia, Dartmouth College, Duke University, Cornell University, University of Pennsylvania, Northwestern University, Washington University-St. Louis, Vanderbilt University, Rice University, University of British Columbia, Emory University, Georgetown University, Carnegie Mellon University, University of Southern California, University of California-Berkeley, University of California-Los Angeles, University of California-Davis, University of California-Santa Barbara, Boston University, New York University

The University of Chicago

The school year starts twice a year, mostly in the fall, generally concentrated in August and September, the specific start time of each school to determine their own, there are also some schools that start in the spring, January to March mostly.

Application Requirements:

1. Educational Requirements: Graduated from junior high school, graduated from junior high school, freshman or sophomore year of high school

2. Age Requirements: Minimum age requirement is 14 years old

3. Academic Requirements: Grade point average (GPA) of 80-90 points or above


The Crown of the United States: The United States of America. Notarized

Application Process:

(1) Study Abroad Counseling;

(2) Selection of Schools;

(3) Applying to Schools;

(4) Interviews;

(5) Offer of Admission;

(6) Applying for a Visa;

(7) Pre-Departure Orientation;

(8) Enrollment