Find the name of an American band... Three Brothers...

Jonas Brothers The Jonas Brothers

Hailing from the United States, Wyckoff, New Jersey, is a pop-rock band that gained popularity through the Disney Channel. The members are three brothers: Kevin Jonas, Joe Jonas, and Nick Jonas.

Oldest Brother: Kevin Jonas

Birthday: November 5, 1987

Born: Teaneck, New Jersey, United States

Formerly Paul Kevin Jonas II

Nickname: Kev

Height: 175 cm

Family: Eldest

Wife: Danielle Deleasa (married at Oheka Castle on December 19, 2009)

◇ ◇ ◇Kevin's Favorite Things ◇ ◇ ◇

Favorite Sports: Pole Vaulting, Bowling, Bowling, Bowling, Bowling.

Favorite Actor: James Dean, Hayden Panettiere, Rachel McAdams

Favorite Game: Monopoly

Favorite Subject: History, Latin

Favorite Holiday: Christmas

Favorite Singer: John Mayer

Second Brother: Joe Jonas

Birthday: August 15, 1989

Born: Casa Grande, Arizona, USA

Original Name: Joseph Adam Jonas

Diminutive Names: Joe, JJ, DJ Danger

Height. 174 cm

◇ ◇Joe's Best ◇◇◇

Favorite Drinks: Orange Gatorade, Mineral Water

Favorite Sports: Running, Wiffel Ball, Soccer

Favorite Actors: Natalie Portman, Jim Carey

Favorite Writers: Dr. Joseph Adam Jonas

Primary Name: Joe, DJ Danger

Primary Name: Joseph Adam Jonas

Primary Name: Joe, DJ Danger

Ht. Favorite Author: Dr. Seuss

Favorite Subject: Math

Favorite Sandwich Flavor : Chicken with Mayonnaise

Favorite Holiday: Valentine's Day

Favorite Ice Cream Flavor : Chocolate Marshmallow

Favorite Color: Blue

Favorite Animal: Kangaroo

Favorite Candy: Tootsie Rolls

Favorite Food: Crepes

Favorite Singer: Johnny Lang

Favorite Bands: Switch Foot, Copeland

Favorite Movie: School for Scoundrels

Favorite Hobbies: Collecting G.I. Joe dolls, Music, Creativity

◇ ◇ ◇Joe's Little Fun Facts ◇◇◇

Instruments Played: Guitar, Keyboards, Tambourine, Singing

Volunteerism before joining the band: Becoming a comedian

Pets: Cocco the dog (now deceased)

Pets: Cocco the dog (now dead) passed away)

Best friend: amelia

Something about Joe:

First thing taken out of the fridge: mineral water

First book read: Are You My Brothers? ( P.D. Eastman )

First amusement park visit: Six Flags

First job: shoveling snow

First time out of the country: Mexico

First song: A song from Petter Pan

JOE encyclopedic profile <Explanation of the life of JOE>.

He doesn't like it when a girl asks him to do something, he likes to do it himself.

He swore he couldn't sing.

His I-Phone is gray and blue. His ringtone is Backstreet's "Just Want You to Know."

He finally learned to do the splits during the filming of CAMP ROCK.

My favorite song on A LIT' BIT LONGER is "PUSHIN' ME AWAY".

He always drinks tea before he goes on stage.

He thinks the best thing his mom taught him in life was table manners.

His first kiss was at 16.

The most humiliating part of filming CAMP ROCK was having his stomach crushed and farting.

They ate 25-cent coins when they were kids, and JOE admits to eating five at one point.

JOE fell off the stage while filming U-TUBE's VIDEO in ATLANTIC CITY on January 5, 2008 and was immediately taken to the hospital, where he received stitches for a head injury.

If he were to go to college someday, his father says JOE would choose to major in theater arts.

His toothbrush is blue.

His first expensive purchase was NIKE DUNKS.

The first book he ever read was "ARE U MY MOTHER" - P.D EASTMAN

He always weeps when he touches onions.

JOE's favorite thing about school and learning is his desk. His favorite subjects are physics and social studies.

The first theme park he went to was SIX FLAGS in Texas.

He has 5 guitars a ****.

His favorite designer is LACOSTE and his favorite author is DR. SEUSS.

JOE's ex-girlfriend MANDY and a girl named AMELIA are his best friends.

His first trip abroad is to Mexico.

When he was a kid, he accidentally stuck his head on his favorite tambourine and had a hard time getting it off.

His first job was shoveling snow.

His first job was shoveling snow, and the most ridiculous New Year's wish he ever made was to be able to talk to animals.

The most ticklish part of his body is his neck.

The first CD he ever bought was Britney Spears.

JOE had a dream where he was being chased by a giant frog and Avril was following him everywhere.

His favorite Halloween costume is a cowboy.

JOE's mom says that when he was a kid, JOE liked to get his head caught in the fence so much that the paramedics had to be called to get his head out.

JOE is slightly nearsighted, so he sometimes wears glasses.

He says that if he could be Prime Minister, he would make lots and lots of marshmallow trees.

His favorite vacation spots are the Bahamas and Jamaica, and he hopes to go to the moon one day.

When little Frankie was born, JOE was so excited that on the first day Frankie came home from the hospital, JOE always woke up in the middle of the night to help his mom feed Frankie and change Frankie's diaper.

He said that if his house was on fire, the first thing he would save would be his guitar.

He wears red star socks, which he says bring him good luck.

He says that when he can't get a girl to like him, he turns to Kevin.

Joe wears a cowboy costume and rides a bull on Halloween night.

He's been homeschooled since 7th grade and hasn't been to school since.

He liked it when girls wore leggings, without the sock part, I think.

His favorite tie was his own zebra-striped tie.

His favorite show as a kid was called "BARNEY."

The most embarrassing thing he's ever done is invite a girl out to dinner and she says she's already eaten.

JOE was born on his parents' fourth wedding anniversary, a Tuesday.

His favorite brand of gum is ORBITZ and his favorite flavor is Original Bubble Gum.

His favorite <THE JONAS BROTHERS> songs are "STILL IN LUV WITH U" and "AUSTRALIA".

The best gift he ever received from a fan was a hippo.

He had a dog named Coco who had been with him since he was a little boy, but died during the JONAS tour in 2007.

His favorite flavor of pizza is grilled chicken.

His favorite ice cream store is Pinkberry.

If he were to leave acting for a new career, he'd choose to sell ice cream at Disney.

He prefers texting to calling.

His favorite holidays are Valentine's Day and Christmas, and he would like to travel to England, Australia and Asia.

JOE is the most feminine of the four brothers. He is the messiest, the most talkative and the laziest.

When people ask him about his ring, he always acts serious and says he's married.

He once almost crashed his JONAS tour bus.

His most prized body part is his hair, and he gets scared easily.

He sometimes listens to Beethoven before bed, and his VEDIO IPOD is white.

His favorite drinks are orange sports water, Red Bull, chocolate milk and water.

JOE has a bad habit of biting his nails.

Before becoming JONAS BROTHERS, JOE worked behind the scenes as a voice actor with KEVIN.

One of JOE's biggest nagging moments was when he asked Kevin and Nick four times, "What do you think of the way I'm dressed, and the way my hair looks?

JOE has a huge crush on an actress named CAMILLA BELLE. He says if he ever meets her, he'll get down on one knee and show her how much he loves her.

During JOE's tour, he made sure to bring his bear pillow with him.

If his hair doesn't look good, he's not going to feel good that day.

JOE says his biggest heroes in life are his parents and brothers.

His high school was Western Christian High School in North Haledon, New Jersey.

His favorite period in history is the 1980s. But if he had his choice of periods to live in, he would have preferred the 60's and 70's.

His favorite time period in history is 1980.

He likes to eat potato chips with his peanut butter sauce and sandwiches.

He loves watching High School Music, and his favorite part is Corbin's portrayal of Chad (the curly brunette).

His favorite TV shows are <HEROES> <BOY MEETS WORLD> <LOST> <FRIEND>

When JOE was very young, he liked to carry a piggy bank with him and never left it, and one time his mom decided to throw it away before he got it. JOE asked, "How is my piggy bank in your hand?"

JOE can't stand loneliness and boredom and is always looking for new ideas and things to do, but sometimes he likes to go running in the park by himself in the morning and doesn't like to be followed.

JOE used to have a pair of silly piggy slippers.

He likes shiny and colorful clothes and accessories, and wants to stand out in his outfit. His favorite colors are blue and purple.

Sunglasses and shoes are JOE's favorite things to collect, he likes exaggerated sunglasses frames and shoe colors, especially gold and silver.

When they went to the White House, JOE met the president when Mrs. President was talking, the president came over and JOE said: "I like your shoes oh, I'm going to get a pair."

If hugging a girl feels like hugging his brother, he'd rather not hug, to hug the opposite sex, to be real for a longer time.

His original girlfriend (I think it is MANDY) birthday when mailed to JOE a piece of birthday cake, when JOE received to open the ice cream has been melted in his hands, and the woman said received, the woman asked you ate? JOE said it melted.

One of his breakups was on Valentine's Day.

In middle school, JOE really liked a girl, the first day of school, the girl was walking by herself, and the school was playing music, then JOE planned to run and jump to a step and then jumped down just in front of the girl, but, in the end, he fell over, face to the ground.

In kindergarten, JOE really liked a girl, but he didn't know how to say it, and after half a day's thought, the first thing that came out was "I like your red marker". He thinks he's an idiot.

He thinks KISS is about kissing, not makeup, so he doesn't like it when girls kiss with thick lipstick and lip gloss. He also likes to KISS at sunset when the two are alone.

Younger brother: Nick Jonas

Birthday: September 16, 1992

Born: Dallas, Texas, USA

Formerly known as Nicholas Jerry Jonas

Younger names: Nick J., Nick <

Height: 174 cm

Characteristics: Curly head

◇ ◇ ◇Nick's Best ◇◇◇

Favorite Baseball Team: New york Yankees

Favorite Sport: Baseball

Favorite Actor: Matt Long, Keri Lynn Pratt

Illness: Diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes while on tour in 2005 and managed with the OmniPod diabetes management system

When was Nick on stage discovered: Found out he could sing while getting a haircut at a barbershop

Favorite subjects: Geography, Spelling

Favorite festivals: Baseball

Favorite actors: Matt Long, Keri Lynn

Favorite performers: Matt Long, Keri Lynn

Favorite Holiday: Thanksgiving

Favorite Singer: Stevie Wonder

Favorite Band: Fall Out Boy, Switch Foot

Favorite Baseball Player: New York Yankees Captain Derek Jeter

Favorite Movie: Finding Neverland

Favorite Song: Stevie Wonder 〈Superstition〉

Favorite Football Team: Dallas Cowboys

Favorite Hobbies: Collecting Baseball Cards, Playing Baseball, Golf, Tennis, Music, Creative Writing

◇ ◇Nick's His favorite city is Chicago.

NICK is FRANKIE's favorite brother because he's always willing to help FRANKIE with music and band stuff. He also shares a room with Frankie.

He doesn't like too much cream when he eats cake.

He reads his Christian Bible and prays before he goes to bed.

Nick thinks fans would be surprised to learn that he likes to play golf.

Nick is the most competitive of the three brothers.

If he had to describe himself in three words, Nick would choose "urgent," "goal-oriented," and "passionate.

Nick prefers a girl who is not too pushy or aggressive.

Nick prefers home-cooked food to restaurants, but his favorite snack is Taco Bell.

He says the secret to his image is that he likes to roll up his sleeves.

His favorite song to sing in the shower is Elvis Presley's "Alison."

He says the most important lesson he learned from his mom was to know how to show respect.

He wears soccer pads when he performs, which he says prevent him from slipping on stage or sometimes injuring himself when he kneels.

Nick admits that he loves playing Guitar Hero, but he's terrible at it.

He never believed in luck. He never believed in luck, but he thought it would be cool to be able to fly.

He is involved in a charity called the Children's Transformation Foundation. It helps children with diabetes.

He loves texting more than MY SPACE and AIM.

Nick can do "one-handed cartwheels".

His favorite way to spend a rainy day is watching a movie. After watching movies and TV, he always posts his thoughts about the episode online.

His favorite class in school was "spelling" and his favorite science subject was "geology".

One of his favorite accessories was his American soldier's hat.

His first trip to a theme park was to SIX FLAGS in 1997.

Nick says the only thing that makes him cry is onions (just like JOE)

The first expensive thing he ever bought was a GBA.

One of his most ridiculous New Year's resolutions was to stop drinking soda, but that was impossible for him.

The first song Nick ever sang in his life was a song from "Piddles and Pans". The first song Nick sang in his life was a song from "Peter Pan".

He says his parents were his biggest influence, and that as a kid he loved to dress up in strange and creative ways.

He has eight guitars and hates it when his older and younger brothers take his stuff without asking.

If the house is on fire, he'll save his Bible and his guitars first.

He has no trouble sleeping in all sorts of uncomfortable positions and places.

The first movie Nick was in was <BARNEY>.

His favorite hobby is reading, and his favorite holiday is Thanksgiving.

His first trip abroad was to Toronto, Canada.

Nick's best friends are Maya and Mandy.

The thing he finds easiest to laugh at is the stupidity of his brothers.

His favorite PIZZA TOP is cheese. He prefers Coca-Cola to Pepsi.

His iPhone ringtone is the theme song from James Bond.

He hates spiders. But his favorite hero is Spider-Man.

His favorite snack is pumpkin pie, and his favorite season is spring.

He thinks his signature feature is his curly hair. He doesn't mind being called "the curly-haired kid".

His favorite style of songwriting is to feel free.

His least favorite subject is math. Faith is very important to him and his family.

KEVIN says Nick can't stand it when people wear sandals with a pair of cotton socks. It's hilarious.

Nick's ring has the word "PONED" on it, which means "to disappoint" (how weird is that?), and once Nick lost his ring and went to DISNEY WORLD to buy a new one.

He doesn't like girls who are afraid to eat in front of him.

NICK can breakdance and juggle. He likes to drink Red Bull.

He wrote <S.O.S> from his own experience.

His go-to snack in the studio was HERSHEY'S chocolate.

Nick was actually discovered by a record label, but when things were going well, his manager realized that JOE and KEVIN were talented singers and performers, and canceled Nick's solo record and decided to release it as a group.

He's a baseball fan whose favorite team is the New York Yankees and whose favorite player is DEREK JETER.

He keeps his closet super clean.

He loves matcha frappuccinos. His favorite cereal is Cheerios. His favorite staple is steak.

His most itchy spot is the top of his feet.

He has type 1 diabetes, which was detected in 2005 while he was traveling.

His most prized possession is an Olympic gold medal (how did he get it?).

His most prized possessions are an Olympic gold medal (how did he get it?), his IPhone and his golf equipment.

He hates shopping, and if he has time, he'd rather play golf or write a song, so if something fits, he usually buys two of them and then doesn't have to go back for more.

What he says about MILEY: "Super cool, very cool girl, MILEY is very special and important to NICK".

He prefers the BlackBerry to the iPhone because he feels that he is a real person and he likes a practical phone.

He finds acting more difficult than singing because he sometimes gets nervous in front of the camera and forgets his lines and positions and so on.

One time when they were taking promotional photos for their self-titled album, Nick fell asleep because he was so tired, and no one woke him up. After an hour or so, when Kevin and Joe were done, Nick finally woke up and the photographer said, "Are you ready for your first picture?" He was still very fuzzy and totally unaware of the situation