As a girl, do you think southerners have better personalities or northerners?

Northerners have better personalities!

My college roommate and many southern friends. Let's talk about the personality differences between Northeasterners and Southeasterners, how Northeasterners view Southerners, and how Southerners view Northeasterners. I'm trying to look at this from an objective and unbiased perspective. Women's Weaknesses Some people have no self-confidence. There is a type of woman who is very confident. They have had the inconsequential guy, Sidor, on their case since they were children. They are not average or poor for their age, they are not good at singing and dancing, they do not actively participate in all classroom activities. Sometimes the teacher asks questions in class, and the personalities vary.

This is not an absolute. In fact, southerners are more subtle while northerners are ruder and more direct. I think this has to do with the difference between the north and the south. The south has a warm, rainy and mild climate, which affects people's personalities. The north is very cold. In the north, the chain of relationships between people is much more complex, often mixing family, blood, interests, hierarchy and many other factors, and everyone extends a chain of relationships that intertwine with each other to form a large and unbreakable social network. Southerners don't get it!

What is the difference between Southerners and Northerners? Since "women's soil and water food", southern women are like dew and fog, northern women are like wind and electricity, there must be a fundamental difference! I was born in the North and have lived in the South for over four years. Some views may be biased. If you don't like it, don't spray it. Northern girl, southern girl, same girl, different temperament! Girls from the north, you will find they are brother and brother's wife (of course, you can't generalize).

Girls from the north are also of the gentle type. A friend of mine fell in love with a sister online in Northeast China. Definitions of north and south are fuzzy in Anhui province, the southern cities of Lu'an, Hefei and Anqing, while Bozhou, Fuyang, Huaibei and other cities north of the Qinling-Huai River fall into the north. When asked whether Anhui belongs to the south or the north, they are unable to answer, the Anhui people say.