Samba is a very distinctive dance. It is a mass, and the dance movements of samba are improvised by the dancers with the rhythm. Female dancers mainly twist their hips with small dexterity, while male dancers often show their dancing skills with various dexterous movements under their feet besides hip movements.
Samba dancing is a performance. The hip-twisting movement of female dancers combines the substantial changes of modeling dance posture and various footwork, and creates various formations according to the number of dancers. Male dancers dance with various percussion instruments.
Samba dance also has a sense of rhythm and liveliness. Samba dance with lively rhythm usually brings considerable excitement to the competition, and its focus must be on good body balance and correct distribution and application in fixed-point dance steps and Z-shaped movements.
When dancing samba, you should pay attention to the fact that samba's unique foot bouncing action is produced by the knees and ankles of the center of gravity bending and straightening each other. Every time you bend and straighten,
Occasionally use 1/2 beat, and the flexion angle varies with the dance steps, sometimes "slightly" and sometimes "not". Another difficult movement is oblique stabbing of pelvis and buttocks. Without these two movements, samba is difficult to show.