Is the couplet, "You are prosperous, I am prosperous, we are prosperous, wealth is prosperous, fortune is prosperous" a couplet?


Because of the couplets, in summary, is the six elements, also known as the "six phases", described as follows:

One is the number of words should be equal. The number of words in the first line is equal to the number of words in the second line.

Couplets should try to avoid "the same heavy word" and "different heavy word". The so-called the same word, that is, the same word in the upper and lower couplets in the same position relative.

The so-called heterogeneous heavy character, is the same word in the upper and lower coupling in different positions.

Secondly, the words are equivalent

Thirdly, the structure is proportionate

Fourthly, the rhythm is corresponding

Fifthly, the level and oblique tone is in harmony

Sixthly, the content is related

And the words "You are prosperous, I am prosperous, everyone is prosperous, rich and wealthy, fortunate and prosperous" violates the second and the fifth

so it is not a couplet

. >So it's not a couplet