Miracle world, the min force dragon dance 90 level should be how to add points, equipment what

Long you count to ask the right person, I have played the Dragon pure Min Li, pure force Min, Dragon Dance, force Min Longge, Min Li Dragon Dance, force Min Dragon Dance.

First of all, the dragon dance according to your major skills to select skills to add points:

A, dragon dance 167, majoring in transformation, for out of level 10 flame burst.

Skills: level 10 Demon God Seal, level 10 Dragon Transformation, level 10 Extreme Cold Burst, level 10 Flame Burst, level 6 Shadow Hunting, level 1 Storm Attack.

Two, Dragon Dance 187, majoring in Transformation Skills, for out of level 10 Crippling Shadow Hunt.

Skills: level 10 Demon God Seal, level 10 Dragon Transformation, level 10 Extreme Cold Burst, level 10 Flame Burst, level 10 Shadow Hunt, level 1 Storm Attack.

Three, Dragon Dance 175, major in Dragon Dance skill for out of level 10 Extreme Blade.


Transformation: level 10 Dragon Transformation, level 10 Extreme Cold Burst, level 10 Flame Burst, level 7 Shadow Hunt, level 1 Storm Attack.

Dragon Dance: level 10 Mark of the Demon God, level 10 Sacred Mark, level 10 Heavenly Wrath Strike.

Plus points each have their own strengths, so there is no most accurate only their favorite, I said slightly:

For example, the heavenly wrath of a blow to hit the monsters line, PK's knockdown probability is very low, to know the miracle of the world of defense more than 1,000, the skills are basically ineffective, even though you're a magical attack, so some people learn the level 1, in order to get close to the body.

Limit of the blade with the sacred mark, some people out of the 1 level, I would say not as good as out of the limit of the blade or not, to be out of the 10 level. Fear is generally used by the opponent to save his life when he gets close, but most dragon dance (including all professions of the dragon), only the transformation is the most powerful, so many people do not learn 175 dragon dance, because your transformation can resist, but not change the body can only kill the small. However, it is difficult to kill the dragon change, because there is no control skills, but can resist or sure, PK generally no one cares about the dragon change. So there are dragon dance player's play is dragon transformation level 10 (in order to save life), transformation skills do not learn and major in dragon dance skills, to 175 dragon dance proficiency is the main, armor, fear and other skills are out of the full, and some even learn the spear blade posture, after all, is not the main transformation.

Dragon Dance learn full of their own opinion of the best proficiency after the transformation:

Turning force for pure Dragon Dance:General level after the high level of agility to add a little agility, generally not more than 100 agility.

Misconception is: do not think that added 100 agility for force sensitive dragon dance, or the main power, so the main dragon dance weapons, force sensitive and dragon dance ancient equipment as a supplement. (Suggested to consider before turning force sensitive)

Turning force sensitive for force sensitive dragon dance: both can take wear dragon dance equipment, also can wear force sensitive equipment.

Misunderstanding: the Dragon Dance plus is very high, so the force sensitive equipment will not wear too high level, but the attribute equipment than the skill suit attack and defense value is high, so the attack output will not be too bad. (Suggested level is considered after 100)

Turning Min Li for Min Li Dragon Dance:

Misunderstanding is: don't think Min Li Dragon is good, Min Li is suitable for leveling, but in the attack output is very weak, not suitable for PK, more suitable for pulling monsters. After the dragon change, your agility is high, the attack speed is fast, your transformed attack speed can not BT to the unchanged attack speed, otherwise the dragon change is BUG.

Don't think that the min Li storm is high is a good thing, the storm is to increase your damage by 50%, to know that you are the min Li, your attack output itself is not high, so the storm can not be stormed much at all. (

Lastly, I suggest: first Dragon Dance, and then out of agility, slowly turn to the force of Min Min.

Weapons with spears, the reasons are as follows:

1, dragon dance skills for magic skills, sword and spear magic attack is as high.

2, the dragon dance is generally rely on transformation, stance is ineffective against transformation, so generally the dragon dance is not learn stance, and the spear has the highest attack.

3, the spear for instantaneous moves, dragon dance 2 big skills, heavenly wrath of a blow and limit of blade, and limit of blade with the spear is a direct cost of blood and then posing action, while the sword with the sword is posing after action and then cost of blood.

20 points to write so much, seems not worth 0.0

If you can add some points, huh ...... hope it is useful to you.