Does anyone have the song that the blue female alien sings in the movie (The Fifth Element)!

In The Fifth Element, it's called The Diva Dance, and it's actually an adaptation of a cantata from the Italian opera Lucia Di Lammermoor (Lucia di Lammermoor), a work by the famous composer Etani. Gaetano Donizetti.

Original Title: "The Scented Candle is Already Burning" The scene in the original opera is: the heroine Lucia, under the deception and coercion of her brother Heinrich, has no choice but to marry the nobleman Arthur Buclaw. Lucia is forced by her brother Heinrich to marry the nobleman Arthur Buccleuch. After killing her husband Arthur on their wedding night, Lucia goes insane and fantasizes about her wedding to her lover (and brother Heinrich's enemy) Edgar in a frenzied aria

Lyrics in Italian:

Il dolce suono

Mi colpi di sua voce! .ah, quella voce...

M'e qui nel cor discesa

Edgardo! lo ti son resa

Edgardo! ah Edgardo mio!

Si, ti son resa!

Fugiti io son da' tuoi nemici.

The version performed by VITAS in the past two years is more well-known and the music video is more gorgeous

Here's a link to the full version: /upload/upload_music/divasong.mp3

As for the music video, I suggest you watch the VITAS version, it's beautiful