How to tell if a girl can chase

How to judge whether a girl

can chase

1. Is she willing to get close to you?

If you two sit together, her body will be unconsciously tilted to your side, do not mind your water cups leaning together, then there is a game, if you do not like it he may be hands around, back against the chair, we all know that this is a typical defense and avoidance action.

2. Does she get mad when you make jokes?

If she was not a person who loves to joke, then others joke too much she will be angry, even never take care of that person. But with you, there are times when you tease her and joke around, and she won't be embarrassed or angry.

3. The simplest eye contact?

Have you ever had the feeling that you often look at each other with a person? Does it seem like no matter when you look at her, you can always see her looking at you, especially in a bunch of friends, no matter which nook or cranny you're in, her eyes can always track you down accurately.

4. Does she pay attention to her image in front of you?

If you see a girl in front of you, a moment to comb down the hair, a moment to organize the clothes, even usually laugh up hahaha this moment to cover the mouth, it shows that she is very concerned about their own in front of you an image.