Cutting cut vegetables (two hands of the pinky hook, ring finger and middle finger and up, cut down).
Rolling (ring and middle fingers bent, index fingers moving to the sides).
Wrapping dumplings (three fingers together, moving up and down and thumb touching).
Pounding garlic (the little fingers of both hands hooked together to move the thumb).
2. Pounding rice with fingers
Pounding rice with the right hand (heart of the right hand goes up, and the thumbs of both hands move as if pounding rice).
Dustpan and fan (same hand shape as above, left hand index finger and middle finger move upwards like fanning).
Chicken Chicken Peck Peck (same hand shape as above, the middle finger of the right hand touches the middle finger as if pecking rice)
3. Finger Lesson
Finger Lesson (the five fingers of the two hands touch each other on top of each other).
The gate is open (thumbs apart).
The little gate opens (little fingers of both hands apart).
The second gate is open (index fingers of both hands apart).
The back door is open (ring fingers of both hands apart).
The middle door is also open (middle fingers of both hands separated).
The children all came in (cross your fingers and clasp your hands).
The classroom door opens (thumbs apart)
The teacher walks in (left index finger up).
All rise, (crossed fingers all extended).
Sit down (cross your arms and clasp your fists).
Count off
1 (hand shape as above, right index finger extended, then immediately lowered).
2 (left index finger extended, following movement as above).
3 (right middle finger extended, following action as above)
4 (left middle finger extended, following action as above)
5 (right ring finger extended, following action as above)
6 (left ring finger extended, following action as above)
7 (right pinky extended, following action as above)
8 (left pinky Extend the little finger of the left hand, the following movements are the same as above)
Everyone morning exercises one, two, one (first stretch the left hand fingers, then switch to the right hand. On command, the right and left hands take turns stretching)
One, two, one (first stretch the fingers of the right hand, on command, the right hand and left hand take turns stretching)
Stand still! Dismissed (stop the movement when standing down, hands in cross shape, release both hands when dismissed).
4. All gather
Thumbs up (two fists against each other, thumbs up).
March in unison! One, two, one, two, one! Attention, in line (thumbs bent forward with the command, thumbs withdrawn at the command to enter the line). Point to the column! March in unison (index fingers extended)
One, two, one! Attention, in line (index fingers bent at the command, index fingers withdrawn at the command)
All in line! March in unison!
March! One, two, one, two, one! Stance! Dismissed (the fingers accelerate to do the bending movement, stop the movement at the standstill, when the dismissal command, the two hands separate).
5. Finger Glasses
One Hook Gold (two hands back to back, pinky hook).
Second hook silver (ring finger hook).
Three hook copper (middle finger hook).
Four hooks of iron (index finger hooked).
One hook out of an old gentleman (both hands turned inside out, holding a thumb in the middle).
The old gentleman is gone again (both hands spread out).
Where did he go? Inside the store to buy glasses (pointing forward with his index finger).
The old gentleman chose a good pair of glasses (hook both hands to each other, thumb and forefinger min circle to make glasses, place in front of the eyes).
6. Finger cart
The cart is small (middle finger and thumb of both hands).
Small car skillful (both hands ring finger cross, both hands index finger each hooked ring finger).
See whose cart is clever (middle finger stretched forward).
See whose cart is well made (thumbs close together to form a cart shape).
7. Finger Drumming
Tap the drum up (both hands move the index finger),
Tap the drum down (both hands move the little finger).
Beating up and down at the same time (index finger and little finger at the same time).
Opened in the middle (index and middle fingers move up, ring and little fingers move down).
You beat the drum and I beat the gong (the mechanical hand moves the index finger up and down, the right hand moves the little finger up and down).
I beat the drum and you beat the gong (left hand moves the little finger, right hand moves the index finger).
All of us beat together (move index finger and little finger together).
The river opens in the middle (index and middle fingers move up, ring and little fingers move down).
10.Five Fingers Song
Thumb brother meets, bends over
Index finger, middle finger, big sister, dance
Renouned finger, little brother, meets, touches head
Pinky sister together, pulls hooks. Add it in)
12. Little Hands Clapping
Little Hands Clapping, My Little Hands Raise Up
Little Hands Clapping, My Little Hands Clap Up
Little Hands Clapping, My Little Hands Hide Up
Little Hands Clapping, My Little Hands Put Together
Little Hands Clapping, My Little Hands Spin Up
The Little Hands Clapping, My Little Hands Turn Up
14. Five Brothers
The oldest has strength, (extends thumb)
The second has ideas, (extends forefinger, points to temple)
The oldest three is the tallest, (extends middle finger and raises it up)
The oldest has ambition, (extends ring finger)
The oldest is the smallest, and it is the youngest brother. (extends pinky)
Five brothers together, united in strength! (clenches into a fist)
15. Look at the little hand
Daddy look, mom look, the baby's little hand is really pretty;
Daddy look, mom look, the baby's little hand can't be seen,
Where is the little hand?
16. Five fingers
One finger is too lonely
Two fingers can hold a pencil
Three fingers can fasten a button
Four fingers can carry a bowl
Five fingers can be used to carry a bowl
Five fingers can be used to carry a bowl
The power of unity is infinite
17. Five Fingers Rhyme
One Finger Dot Dot Dot (Extend one finger to dot the baby)
Two Fingers Tap Tap Tap (Extend two fingers to tap on the baby)
Three Fingers Squeeze Squeeze Squeeze (Extend three fingers to squeeze on the baby)
Four Fingers Scratch Scratch Scratch Scratch Scratch Scratch Scratch Scratch Scratch Scratch Scratch ( Two hands clapping)
Five brothers climbing up the mountain (from the baby's lower body to do climbing)
Some miles of Guru rolled down (in the baby's body from the top to the bottom of the scratching)
18. small hand clap
Small hand clap, small hand clap, small hand clap (clap your hands)
Fingers stretch out, (stretch out your index finger)
Where are the eyes? (ask in an exaggerated tone)
Eyes here, (point to your eyes)
Finger out. (Encourage your child with a look while pointing to your eyes.)
Flexible: You can change the eyes to any other body part, such as a nose, mouth, etc. This game teaches children about the five senses and how to recognize them. This game teaches your child to recognize the five senses and body parts and allows him to increase his body awareness.
19. Singing Opera
Thumbs, Thumbs, Drums, Four Brothers (Singing Opera)
Little Nunny (Grab the child's little hand and say it while pointing at her fingertips)
Climbing Up the Mountain (Point your index finger from your arm to your shoulder)
Listen to Your Ears (Pinch Your Ears)
Look at Your Eyes (Point Your Eyes)
Look at your eyes (Point Your Eyes)
Look at your eyes (Point Your Eyes).
Smell your nose (point your nose)
Taste your mouth (point your mouth)
Giggle (pause, suddenly put your hand to the child's neck and giggle, every time the child will be surprised and wait for this moment)
20.Mr. Huang has a piece of land
Mr. Huang has a piece of land, eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.
He raises chicks by the field (thumb and forefinger of each hand opposite each other, other fingers in a fist, up and down in a pecking motion), eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.
He has a puppy by the field (thumb to temple, the other four fingers fan up and down), eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Next to my brother is my sister. My sister is dancing.
Rolling out the skin (the right hand makes a rolling out motion on the left hand)
Harmonizing (the fingers of the right hand stand up on the palm of the left hand and make a stuffing motion, as if the fingers are scratching)
Wrapping a small dumpling (say a word, and use the index finger of your right hand to point to the fingers of your left hand in turn)
Who is the person who will be served the fragrant dumplings (use your right hand to wrap up the left hand finger, cover it, and ask the child)
(then use your right hand to wrap up the left finger, cover it, and ask the child)
When you are finished with the dumpling, you can wrap up the left finger with your right hand.
(Then the child passes the dumpling to his mouth when he says to whom it is to be eaten)
23. Finger Sleeping
Big Brother Sleeping (both hands with hearts up and thumbs bent).
Little brother sleeps (index finger bent).
Little sister sleeps (middle finger bent).
You sleep (ring finger bent).
I sleep (pinky finger bent),
All of us sleep (hands clasped together as if sleeping).
Big brother is awake (thumb straightened).
Little brother is awake (index finger straightened).
Little sister is awake (middle finger straightened).
You're awake, I'm awake (ring finger and little finger straighten successively).
All of us are awake (make a gesture of getting up).
24. Finger Rhymes
One finger rings the doorbell (Thumbs of both hands stretch out to ring the doorbell)
Two fingers pinch the beans (Thumbs and forefingers of both hands pinch it four times),
Three fingers button up (Thumbs, forefingers and middle fingers of both hands make a buttoning motion in front of the chest),
Four fingers lift the pocket (Thumbs, forefingers, middle fingers, ring fingers make a lifting motion),
Four fingers lift the pocket (Thumb, forefinger, middle finger, middle finger, ring finger of both hands make a lifting motion), middle finger, ring finger for the action of lifting the pocket),
Five fingers clap hands (extend five fingers palm forward, clap hands when both hands two clap hands),
25. (Swing left and right)
Changing into a kitten meow meow meow, (hold out your fingers and make whiskers around your mouth)
Changing into a rooster whoo whoo whoo, (cross your left hand at the waist, and put your right hand fingers together on the top of your head to make a rooster)
The teacher squinted and smiled, (make orchid fingers on your hands, and make a flower on both sides of your cheeks)
Praise me for my clever hands. (Clap your hands twice, stretch out your thumbs and sway left and right twice)
26. Hand roll exercise
Roll roll (make a fist with both hands and make a winding shape) one (stretch out your right index finger),
Roll roll two (wind the line, stretch out your right index and middle finger),
Roll roll three (wind the line, stretch out your right index, middle and ring finger),
Roll Roll four (winding, extending the right index, middle, ring and little fingers),
Up and down, (clapping twice on the head and twice on the bottom)
Front and back, (clapping twice in front of the body and twice in the back of the body)
I (rubbing my hands across my chest to point to myself) and you (pointing to the other side with the index finger of the right hand) come to make a game (spinning down from the head with the fingers of both hands spread wide apart)