Chenjiaying Village is located in which city and which district

Chenjiaying Village, Danyushu Town, Yanqing District, Beijing

Chenjiaying Village is under the jurisdiction of Danyushu Town, which is located 5 kilometers to the southeast of the county town and 2 kilometers to the north and east of the town government, with a village area of about 1.8 square kilometers. The village **** 146 households, 462 people. 2009 total income of the rural economy was 7.253 million yuan, per capita labor income of 11,280.9 yuan.

I, the natural environment

Chenjiaying Village is a continental monsoon climate, temperate and mesothermal, semi-arid and semi-humid zone of the transition zone. The climate is cold in winter and cool in summer, with an average annual temperature of 8 degrees Celsius.

Second, the origin of the village name

Qing Dynasty, there is a village, because the villagers when the village was built for the Chen family name, so the name of Chenjiaying Village.

Three, history

Chenjiaying village in the Qing Dynasty has a history of more than 200 years, after the washing of time has been completely changed, but in the process of evolution of history and very fortunate to leave a trace of that year: now the brigade headquarters right in front of a century-old elm, according to the village elders said that the Qing Dynasty when the village was built, it is with the village weather **** existed more than 200 years, witnessed the village's joy and happiness. It has witnessed the laughter and tears of the village, in a sense it has become synonymous with Chenjiaying Village. 2000 Yanqing County Cultural Committee for the old elm tree specially rushed to Chenjiaying Village, after the identification of all parties, the stormy old elm for more than 200 years has become the Yanqing County protection of cultural relics, but also became the pride of the village of Chenjiaying and symbols.

In addition, and the brigade headquarters side by side of an inconspicuous broken house, but contains an ancient culture - temple. On the outside, it looks shabby and worn out, but inside, you can vaguely see the mottled images on the walls, and you can imagine the splendor it once had. The old man in the village said that this temple was also built during the Qing Dynasty, and it was the temple of the Dragon King that the people used to pray for rain. With the progress of history, it is difficult to deduce its original scene. But through these residual scenery can be associated with its once magnificent.

Fourth, glorious history

Chenjiaying Village is a century-old village with a long cultural heritage and excellent economic traditions, and the original Li Family Compound and Wang Family Compound are still preserved in the village. Just listen to the name can imagine what kind of big family. Only, with the change of the times the people living in it are less and less, slowly declining. But it has not been forgotten, but has become a symbol standing in the village. The century-old village of Chenjiaying has a long history, and I believe its future will be even more bright and dazzling.

V. Comprehensive situation

Chenjiaying village economy is mainly agricultural. The whole village is equipped with supporting canals and is irrigated by the Gui Shui River, and the watered land accounts for about 80% of the arable land. Crops are mainly corn.

Chenjiaying Village has a strong artistic and cultural atmosphere, with a 10-year history of rowing dry boats and twisting rice-planting songs, and is famous in Dayushu Township, where the Chenjiaying Village Dry Boat is sure to be seen every year at the Lantern Festival.


Chenjiaying village near the Badaling Great Wall, the Beijing World Park, Badaling Safari Park, the Great Wall of ShuiGuan, SongShan National Forest Park and other tourist attractions, there are Yanhuaihe Valley grapes, grapes, Yanqing, Yanqing GuoGuang apples, tubular meat, YongNing Tofu and other specialties.