The main thing to start with is diet and lifestyle habits. First of all, eat a low-fat diet, do not eat fried food and too greasy food and animal offal. Second, eat more fresh fruits, vegetables and crude fiber food, because fresh fruits and vegetables can provide the body with rich vitamins, and vitamins in the intestinal mucosa repair, play a very important role. Crude fiber food can keep the human body's bowel movement. Third, to reduce the intake of red meat and processed meat. Red meat refers to meat like pork, beef, lamb and other meats, processed meats such as grilled sausage, sausage, lunch meat, processed meats should not eat too much. Fourth, adhere to exercise, maintain a normal weight. Fifth, quit smoking, avoid excessive drinking
Lying on your back, lift one leg up by bending the knee and hold it with both hands, straighten the other leg, and slowly lift your upper body until your head and shoulders leave the ground, with your eyes looking at the toes of your straightened leg. Hold this movement and inhale, then breathe and switch to the other side. Keep your abdominals hard throughout the process.Tips: If you feel tired, you can choose to keep your head and shoulders off the ground to reduce the difficulty of the movement. Boat Balance A. Sit firmly, keep your back straight and lean back slightly. B. Slowly let your hands and legs leave the ground, and you can choose any position you feel comfortable with for your hands and legs. Hold for 15 seconds or more, repeat 10 times.Tips: You can do this according to your own body's condition. The farther your hands and legs are from your hips, the more difficult the movement will be. Squatting Exhaust A. Stand naturally, feet open shoulder-width apart, bend forward, keep your back straight, and grab the front of your calves with both hands. B. Slowly bend your knees and squat down until your hips reach the lowest position, legs open, elbows on the inside of your thighs, fingers together, and eyes looking straight ahead. Hold for more than 15 seconds and repeat 10 times.Tips: Keep your back straight throughout the movement. Cobra twist prone, hands on the ground, the upper body slowly raised, with the power of the waist to drive the body to one side of the twist, eyes to their feet, and then change the other side.Tips: hands elbow joints slightly bent, but do not shrug your shoulders. Double leg extension A. Lie on your back, bend your knees and lift your calves, hands on the front side of your environmental calves, forehead forcefully close to your knees. b. Inhale, straighten your legs, stretch diagonally upwards, stretch your hands in the direction of the top of your head; Exhale, draw a semicircle with your hands through the side of your body, restore the leg-holding position, repeat 5-10 times. tips: lie on your back with your waist a hand's space away from the ground, and if you are arching your waist upwards, you can lift your legs a little bit higher, to Reduce the difficulty.