What is the meaning of Frowning and coloring

The meaning of "eyebrows flying with color" is: color: face; expression. Both eyebrows are raised; the excited and pleasant expression jumps up on the face. Describe a very excited and pleased look. The structure is a joint idiom. The pinyin is méi fēi sè wǔ, and the traditional form is 眉_色舞. The era is modern idiom. The sentiment color is positive idiom.

For more details about the idiom brow_fēi sè wǔ, we introduce you through the following aspects:

I. Grammar

Brow_fēi sè wǔ combines; as predicate, gerund, and complement; describes a person's complacent demeanor.


He must have heard some good news, and he looked as if he had a frown on his face.

Third, source

Qing Li Baojia, "The Present Condition of Officialdom," Round 1: "As soon as Squire Wang heard this, he couldn't help but dance with a fluttering brow."

Eyebrows Flying and Colorful Dancing proximate synonyms

Eyebrows open and smiling

Eyebrows Flying and Colorful Dancing antonyms

Sad face, drooping head, sad eyes, sorrowful eyebrows

Eyebrows Flying and Colorful Dancing Idioms Solitaire

Eyebrows Flying and Colorful Dancing, Dancing and Playing with Writings and Laws, Fazoxing and God's Needle, Pinning and Consulting the Times, Discontinuing the Winds and Cleaning the Winds, Clearing Ears and Pleasing the Mind, Heart Powerful and Delicate and Brittle, and Brittle and Not Stalwart, 坚守不渝


英语:very happy;日语:喜色_面(きしょくまんめん)である,得意(とくい)_面;俄语:чрезвычайно обрадованный;其他:vor Freude strahlend visage rayonnant de joie

Eyebrows Flying and Color Dancing Related Idioms

Color Flying, Eyebrows Flying, Eyebrows Flying, Eyebrows Flying, Meat Flying, Eyebrows Dancing, Phoenix Dancing, Dragon Dancing, Ying Flying, Swallow Dancing, Wandering, Red Flying, Red Flying, Flying Dragon and Phoenix, Luan Flying, Dragon and Serpent Flying

Words Related to Eyebrows Flying and Color Dancing

Color Flying, Eyebrows Flying, Eyebrows Flying, Flesh Flying, Eyebrows Flying, Eyebrows Flying, Eyebrows Flying

2.I was really disheartened by the way he was beaming with pride.

3. Let's welcome the New Year.

4. I was disheartened by the way he looked at me, his eyebrows fluttered and he was so proud of himself.

5. One look at his beaming face told me that he was happy about something.

6. When she talked about that competition, she burst into a frown.