I have insomnia, I can't sleep at night, my mind is always wandering, and it's hard for me to fall asleep. Please help me. There is no good way to do this.

Sleeping insomnia is a very normal phenomenon of people, but it is also a certain reason, at the same time, can also be self-regulation, the following is said to be some of the methods of self-regulation it:

Treatment (a)

One, do not be nervous, set up confidence, and to seek a reasonable and effective way to overcome insomnia, insomnia is not a serious disease, 1 day or a few days less sleep a few hours no matter what! It is not a serious disease. It can be combined with dietary therapy, traditional Chinese medicine, western medicine, acupuncture, physiotherapy, qigong and so on.

Second, for secondary insomnia, to deal with the basic disease or condition that causes insomnia, generally speaking, the cause of insomnia is solved, then insomnia will be cured.

Three, the treatment of primary insomnia, the most important thing is to adjust the sleep habits, restore the normal biological rhythm, sleep time is different from person to person, sleep time is shorter on the human body does not have much effect.

Four, general insomnia can be cured after the cause, psychological, physical relaxation treatment.

Fifth, clinically used sleeping pills are divided into three categories, namely, benzodiazepines, barbiturates and other non-barbiturates. Patients taking sleeping pills should not drive vehicles and maneuver machines to avoid accidents. It is not suitable for children, and should be used with caution in elderly patients. It should be used with caution in people with reduced liver and kidney functions, and is contraindicated in lactating women and pregnant women.

The dosage and usage of the above drugs should be in accordance with medical advice. A good night's sleep is a major sign of physical and mental health. Insomnia is the most common sleep disorder, which refers to the lack of sleep caused by various reasons, difficulty in falling asleep, waking up early, patients often have mental fatigue, dizziness, headache, tinnitus, palpitations, shortness of breath, memory, work efficiency decline and other manifestations.

Patients generally enter the sleep latency is prolonged, the sleep time is shortened, in the process of falling asleep physiological awakening increased. The main performance: the light sleep difficulty, easy to wake up in sleep, and difficult to fall asleep again; early in the morning to wake up too early. In severe cases, it is difficult to sleep through the night, often accompanied by headache and dizziness, fatigue, palpitations and forgetfulness, restlessness, and dreamy, etc. Patients often feel anxious and fearful about insomnia.

Treatment (II)

The following methods can also be tried.

I. Take off the day's events along with your clothes before going to bed

We don't go to bed because tension and trivia prevent us from relaxing. Remember the advice of psychologists: try to live in the present day, and don't let your mind be stuffed with painful memories of the past or unresolved problems of the future. Clear yourself of the negative emotions of anger, aggression and jealousy. Therefore, instead of thinking of revenge plans, it's better to think of something pleasant in the evening.

Two, Mozart's music and the noise of an electric fan - the best cure for insomnia

Compared with other classical music, Mozart's music is the most effective in curing insomnia. It normalizes blood pressure and pulse and reduces nervous tension. However, if you are not a fan of his music, you can also listen to other soothing instrumental tracks before bed.

It's best if the music has the sound of waves lapping against the shore and the cries of seagulls - it can be very relaxing. If none of this works, then turn on the electric fan; the monotonous humming will make you drowsy.

Three: Dog walking

Firstly, interacting with your four-legged friend will greatly reduce nervousness, and secondly, whether you like it or not, you'll have to lead him for a walk in the evening. A half hour walk before bedtime will do wonders to ease the nervous system. Make an effort to avoid negative emotions and anxious thoughts while you are strolling. All this will give you a peaceful dream.

Four:Don't have a proper meal after 7 pm

This is not only good for sleep, but equally good for your body. So if you didn't have enough for dinner, drink some yogurt or eat some fruit.

Five: Take a bath with essential oils or sea salt

Relax the water temperature should not be more than 37 degrees Celsius, soak for 10 - 15 minutes. Then get under the covers right away.

Help you recommend: practicing tai chi can adjust the nerve function activities, so that the highly stressed mental state is restored, and yin and yang reach a balance. Therefore, through the practice of boxing to nourish the spirit, can treat neurasthenia, forgetfulness and insomnia, the spirit of restlessness and so on.

Six: Let yourself go to bed on time

If you can do this, the problem of insomnia will not exist, because the body already "know" to sleep.

Help you recommend: Li is in college to develop the habit of sleeping naked. At that time, living in the collective dormitory, girls pay attention to privacy, bed curtains a pull, since a small world. At that time, the girls often exchange beauty and skin care tips ......

Seven:Watching boring books or TV programs - a good hypnotic method

Before going to bed will be the brain quickly filled (similar to memorizing a lot of foreign language grammar in one night). An interesting fact: when we feel uninterested and bored, our blood pressure decreases, we are depressed and very eager to sleep. On the contrary, when we are preoccupied, we do not feel tired. Therefore, experts advise insomniacs not to work at night or watch interesting programs.

Eight: Eat some caviar or feel the cold before going to bed

You can eat mustard on caviar - this method has helped many people fall asleep quickly. You can also try another method, which is a bit cruel but effective: leave the covers, freeze for a while, endure it, even if you're already shivering, and then cover up, which is as pleasant a feeling as a hot water bag under your covers on a cold day.

9: Drink a glass of warm milk or warm honey water before going to bed

Most people drink it and go to sleep like a child. At the same time it insomniacs in the "medicine is not as good as food" today, if the use of appropriate therapeutic diet, in addition to adverse reactions, and has a certain hypnotic effect ......

The following suggestions can only be applied to the general public in their daily lives of mild insomnia. Those who suffer from severe insomnia due to illness, or those who suffer from insomnia due to long-term sleep disturbance, need to find a doctor for treatment.

Treatment (3)

I. First of all, establish confidence

Occasional experience of insomnia in life, do not have to worry too much, believe that their own body will naturally adjust to adapt. People's physical and mental elasticity is very large, this article has cited cases, 200 hours of continuous sleeplessness, can still maintain normal physical and mental functions, a night or two of insomnia will not cause any difficulty. After occasional insomnia, if you do not worry about the pain of insomnia, you will naturally sleep when you are sleepy. The more you worry about insomnia, the harder it will be to sleep at night.


The most effective way to avoid insomnia is to live a regular life and make a habit of going to bed and waking up at regular intervals, so as to establish your own physiological clock. Sometimes it is necessary to go to bed late in the morning and still get up on time; in the case of weekend vacations, to avoid sleeping too much; sleep can not be stored, sleep more useless.

Three. Keep moderate exercise

Keep half an hour to an hour of exercise every day, in order to flexible body organs. However, strenuous exercise should be avoided as much as possible before sleep. Some people want to make the body tired and easy to sleep by strenuous exercise before bedtime, which is wrong.


Relaxation before bed

Avoid excessive labor or laborious work within half an hour before going to bed. Even if you have to take an exam tomorrow, never go to bed with a difficult problem in your mind. Listen to soft music before going to bed to help you sleep.

Five. Design a quiet bedroom

Try to isolate your bedroom from noise and make it a habit to sleep with the lights off.

VI. Simplify the bed

To make the bed for sleeping only; do not read in bed, do not call in bed, do not watch TV in bed. This is because the habit of regularizing one's sleep is often disrupted when other activities are carried out in bed.

VII. Moderate diet before bedtime

Before bedtime, if necessary, you can eat moderately; milk, bread, cookies and other foods that help you sleep. Too full to sleep is not good; and coffee, cola, tea and other stimulating drinks, especially not conducive to sleep.

VIII. Drinking alcohol is not conducive to sleep

Many people have a misunderstanding of alcohol and mistakenly believe that drinking alcohol helps you sleep. It is true that it is easy to fall asleep after drinking, but the sleep induced by alcohol is not easy to last. Once the alcohol is gone, it's easy to sober up and hard to fall asleep after waking up. And alcoholics are prone to more serious suffocating insomnia.

9. Appropriate sleeping pills

Can be appropriate sleeping pills. Side effects are minimal.

X. What to do if you fail

If the above suggestions don't work, it is recommended that you keep the habit of going to bed on a regular basis. If you are unable to sleep, get up and do the least disturbing activity. It is not advisable to overwork your body and mind at this time. If you want to use pushups and other activities to try to make yourself sleepy from exhaustion, the effect will be counterproductive.

Xi, most of the insomnia is rooted in the fact that we have troubles and do not have the wisdom to face the complexity of life.

Some of these methods are used by me when I have insomnia, and I feel quite good, but I hope they will be useful to you as well, and I wish you a speedy return to normal life and a good night's sleep every day.

By the way, in order to ensure that insomnia does not reappear, be sure to do a good job of preventing insomnia Oh, the following are some of the methods of prevention:

Prevention of insomnia

◎ Scientific sleep four elements

If the daily sleep of eight hours a day to calculate, the person's life is one-third of the time is in the sleep of the time spent. Good or bad sleep is closely related to a person's mental and physical health. There are four elements of sleep that have a great impact on the quality of sleep.

1. Sleeping utensils

Both the southern bed, or northern kang, in the placement or repair, should be north and south of the direction, people sleep head north foot south, so that the body is not interfered with the geomagnetic. The hardness of the pavement should be moderate, too hard pavement will make people because of its stimulation and have to turn over from time to time, it is difficult to sleep peacefully, after sleeping around the body aches and pains; pillow height is generally to sleeper's shoulder (about 10 centimeters) is appropriate, too low easy to cause cervical vertebrae physiological bone spurs. In the summer, the pillow should be often turned over to the sun, so as not to let the germs into the mouth and nose, lung diseases increase.

2. Sleeping position

Heart disease, it is best to lie on the right side of the heart, so as not to cause pressure on the heart and increase the chances of morbidity; brain pain due to high blood pressure, should be properly padded pillow; lung patients in addition to high pillows, but also to change the side of the sleep often, in order to facilitate phlegm and salivary discharge, the stomach to see the distension and liver and gallbladder diseases, to the right side of the sleep is appropriate; limb pain in the place of the person, should be avoided to press the pain and lie. The pain in the limbs, should be avoided by the pressure of the pain and lie down. In short, the choice of comfortable, conducive to the condition of the sleeping position, help to sleep.

3. Sleeping time

Sleeping time should be maintained generally 7 to 8 hours, but not necessarily forced, depending on individual differences. Sleep fast and deep sleep, generally no dream or less dream, sleep on the 6 hours can be fully rejuvenated; slow to sleep and light sleep eyes, often more dreams and nightmares, even if the sleep on the 10 hours, it is still difficult to refreshing, should be through a variety of treatments in order to obtain an effective sleep, just prolong the sleep time is harmful to the body. As each person has a different physiological rhythm, the arrangement of sleep morning and evening should be different from person to person! As a matter of fact, different physiological rhythms lead to two types of sleep, i.e. "night owl" and "lark". Conform to this physiological rhythm, conducive to improving work efficiency and quality of life, and vice versa, is not conducive to health.

4. Sleep environment

Sleep is good or bad, and sleep environment is closely related. In a temperature of 15 to 24 degrees, you can get a peaceful sleep. In winter, the smoke left behind by smoking after closing the door and windows, as well as the leakage of incomplete combustion of gas, will also make people can not sleep well. People who live near a source of high-frequency ionizing electromagnetic radiation and who suffer from long-term sleep problems not caused by their own illnesses are advised to move to a distant place. To summarize, if people can master the four elements of scientific sleep, they can effectively improve the quality of sleep and put more energy into work. Scientific sleep is a new requirement for people in modern life.

How to improve the quality of sleep

Many things can affect the quality of sleep. Dr. Holger Hein, director of the Sleep Disorder Treatment Hospital in Grosshansdorf, Germany, suggests ways to improve the quality of sleep. Dr. Holger Hein, director of the Hospital for Sleep Disorder Treatment in Grosshandorf, Germany, offers six good tips for improving sleep quality.

1. Keep your feet warm: Studies have shown that women with cold feet sleep less well than women with comfortably warm feet, and Dr. Hein recommends sleeping in thick socks.

2. Don't open windows: Substances that cause allergies and noise that interferes with sleep enter the bedroom through open windows. Sleep with the windows closed, Dr. Hein suggests.

3. Don't clean at night: Sprays and chemical cleaners used to clean rooms can irritate the respiratory tract, which can interfere with sleep, Hein suggests: clean the bedroom only in the morning.

4. Only tulips are allowed in the bedroom: Flowers are not allowed in the bedroom because they can cause allergic reactions. Hein suggests: only tulips are allowed in the bedroom, tulips do not risk causing allergic reactions.

5. Wipe off make-up: sleeping with make-up can lead to skin inflammation, and people who wear perfume at night should consider the possibility of triggering asthma.

6. Sleep 15 minutes more a day: Dr. Hein referred to a new scientific finding that women need 15 minutes more sleep a day than men.

Life will always be good and everything will be fine. Oh~^_^


A book "Sleep Encyclopedia"