A spring rain after the square of flowers are blooming in the two field what are the tones respectively

When "场" is pronounced cháng, the main meanings and word combinations are as follows: 1. a flat open space, a place used by farmers to turn grain and mill it, e.g., to beat a field, to start a field. 2. used for the passage of events, e.g., a rain. A war.

When the word "field" is pronounced in the third tone, the main meanings of the words are as follows:1. a large place that is adapted to a certain need, such as a playground or a square.2. a stage, such as an arena.3. a place for a certain kind of activity, such as a shopping mall.4. a place for recreational and sports activities that have a venue, such as a ball game.5. a place where people can play sports, such as a sports field.6. a place where people can play sports, such as an arena.