What are some words or idioms that start with the initial letter L in pinyin?

Liu Lang's former degree

Liu Yi's reply to the imperial decree will be remembered for a hundred years, and will be remembered for generations to come, and will be remembered for generations to come, and will be remembered for generations to come.

Two-footed bookcase Two-footed wild fox Two-ribbed knife Two-two-three-three-three Between talks

Establishment of industry and state Establishment of invincibility Establishment of cones Establishment of footing Lili sentence and clear words

Lili sentence and clear words Lili seaweed and spring flowers Li ping leaning on the knife Li not losing the righteousness Lili teeth and velvet teeth

Lili teeth and can teeth Li out of the hole Likely to gain and loss Likely to lose Likely to have interest Likely to lose interest Likely to lose interest Likely to lose interest Likely to lose interest Likely to lose interest Likely to lose interest Likely to lose interest Likely to lose interest Likely to lose interest Likely to have interest Likely to have interest Leaching blood and draining the liver Leaching blood and draining the heart Routine routine routine public affairs

Routine straight forbidden briefly Slippery teeth Query Yang Yu Jin wheeler kettle waiting for cooking Chestnut dangerous fear

To bring the river and mountain Tono Fodder horse Compassion for the new and abandon the old Compassion for the new and loathe the old Township teamed up together Come to the

Linking up the paperwork Linking up together Come to the Lian not clean Clean and dedicate to the public Lian can send money

Cheap and just Lianquan let water Lian stubbornly and standing up to cowardice Lian Yuan Tang Gao Wei Converging Convergence Towers light

Collecting bones blowing soul Converging after the end

Falling flowers have intention, flowing water has no heart Falling flowers fleeing Falling wells and throwing stones Falling wells and throwing stones

Falling traps Falling generosity Falling widows and orphans Falling mu Mu Mu Falling hard to fit in

Fallen and unrestrained Fallen and uncoupled Fallen rivers and streams Fallen soup crabs Fallen and uninhibited

Fallen geese and sinking fish Falling leaves and falling leaves return to their roots Falling leaves and falling leaves and falling leaves know the fall Falling yings and falling yings colorful dragon fly and phoenix dance

dragon fly and phoenix soar dragon fly and phoenix soar dragon fly and tiger jump dragon and phoenix present auspiciousness dragon liver and leopard fetus

dragon liver and phoenix brain dragon liver and phoenix marrow dragon ghosts and snakes dragon and phoenix chick dragon and phoenix wing

dragon hu zhi zhou yi yin longhu fengyun longhu wind and tiger wind and cloud dragon and tiger change dragon wu barbarous dian dragon wu shuo dao

dragon river and tiger waves dragon essence and tiger ferocity dragon colt and phoenix chick dragon lifting up yunxing dragon lifting up yun belonging to

dragon building and phoenix city dragon building and phoenix pond Long Yang Weeping Fish

Dragon Bellowing and Tiger Whistling Dragon Swimming in the Qu Quarter Marsh Dragon Mastering the Guests Dragon Imperial Guests Dragon Leaping and Phoenix Singing

Dragon Leaping and Hongjiao Dragon Leaping and Tiger Crouching Dragon Fighting and Tiger Contesting Dragon Fighting and Xuanhuang Dragon Fighting and Fish Hacking

Dragon Chapter, Feng Cai Dragon Chapter and Feng Letters Dragon Chapter, Feng Zi Dragon Chapter, Feng Zi Dragon Chapter, Lin Kok Dragon Chapter, Xiubiao

Long Stinging, Geometrical Divergence Dragon Struggling and Tigermaking Tiger Fighting Dragon Fighting and Tigers Warfare Dragon Opening Tiger Eyes Dragon Posture and Phoenix Phenomena

Cage for the People Cage for the Birds, Pond Fish 籠鸟池鱼 cage bird in a cage bird in a cage song of the deaf

隆刑峻法 陇头音信 楼船箫鼓 楼阁台榭 楼阁亭台

楼台亭阁 露才扬己 露餐风宿 露钞雪纂 露胆披誠

露胆披肝 露红烟绿 露红烟紫 露己扬才 露马脚

露面抛头 露水夫夫 露宿风餐 露往霜來 露尾藏头

露影藏形 Luo shi has a husband