Describe the beautiful movement of square dancing paragraph

By night, this is the scenery is exceptionally glorious. The center of the square spewed out lights shining colorful fountains, lit up around a colorful lights, changing colors at any time. Shining the whole square is like a grand, colorful stage. Here from time to time some people come to dance, they along with the pleasant songs, dancing beautifully, so that passers-by here can not help but applaud them!

The dance transmits autumn waves of general flirtation, gentleness and soft pulsating spring. Because of the constant repetition, constantly taking the long and short, the action gradually into the skillful, soft and beautiful level. Square dance, enrich the turbid and single life, but also rich in their own small world, get rid of the bitterness, depression and detention, pass a long time, harvest confidence, scenery every interest, fell into the field of vision of a slice of splendor, exudes a slice of spring.

Age can not bind them, the world's vision can not bind them, to use the twilight jump out of youthful vigor and vitality, they think so. Their team is getting bigger and bigger, and they have finally found the vigor and joy of their teenage years. They don't need to be praised, and every dance is a proof of that.