How do you learn to dance and where do you meet?

After Christina's appearance, in order from the dress store to the prosperous street to the square and then to the street, you can meet the dance teacher, and then you can open the dance course.

The following is the course notes

1. etiquette course: go out and visit the royal city, and the guards talk to the triggering

2. dance course: Christina's appearance, go out and go to the order of The dress store - the busy street - the square - the street trigger

3. Expert level course: After the course graduation in the 5th year after April 1, go to the class can be reached (dance theory no expert level), note that only one course can reach the expert level, so please choose the subject to expert level. The course reaches the expert level after going to class daily can earn 10G

4. art course works: art class to a certain extent the teacher will let the daughter paint a work (once 100G), the total **** can be painted 3 times, from the low to high level are flowers, abstract paintings and trees, the art festival need to have a work to participate in the (if the feeling is high but the level of the work is not as high as the same can not be in the harvest festival), after having a work of art, we can not win the harvest festival. The art festival requires a piece of artwork to participate (if you have a high feeling but not a high level of artwork, you won't be able to win at the Harvest Festival).

There are also various part-time jobs available

Part-time jobs

Restaurant worker: 11 years old, babysitting part-time job more than 5 times, after the second year of April, the busy street, meet Emma to get the job

Maid: 11 years old, etiquette classes more than 5 times, after the second year of April, the square, meet the teacher to get the job

Lumberjack: 11 years old, martial arts classes more than 5 times, after the second year of April, meet the teacher to get the job

Woodcutting: 11 years old, martial arts class 5+ times, after 2nd year April, square, meet teacher to get job

Hotel Worker: 12 years old, introduced by Jip to automatically appear

Market Worker: 13 years old, after 4th year April, street or market, meet boss's wife to get job

Hotel Worker: 14 years old, charisma 100 or more, square, meet boss to get job, dance class graduation gets 6G pay raise

Hotel Worker: 14 years old, charm 100 or more, square, meet boss to get job, dance class graduation gets 6G pay raise


Housemaid: 14 years old, 5 or more theory lessons, after 5th year, April, Plaza, meet the teacher to get the job, 6G pay raise for theory graduation

Hotel Maid: 14 years old, 150 or more charisma and temperament, after 5th year, April, Plaza, meet the shopkeeper to get the job

Suspicious Hotelier: 15 years old, 150 or more charisma, after 6th year, April, Black Street You can get a job by meeting the boss and getting an 11G raise for graduating from the dance program (note that if you've been to the Suspicious Hotel, you can't get out of the King's Marriage, the Queen, the Magistrate, or the Bishop)

Working at the Casino: 15 years old, 150+ Charisma and Temperament, and meet the boss to get a job on the Black Street after April 6 (not related to the Scam Master ending)

⊙Three chances for a raise on each job, and some jobs, after graduating from certain courses

Working in the casino is a good way to get a job. After graduating from a specific course

Homemaker: Theory course

Hotel: Dance course

Suspicious hotel: Dance course