What does a wolf-backed wasp waist look like?

Wolf's back and bee's waist is narrow and smooth on both sides, and the waist is very thin, which is a metaphor for a woman's waist is very nice, and a man is very feminine.

The back line determines one's temperament and image.

Girls have a good-looking back line, so that when you wear a long dress, more attractive and sexy, so that you become a back killer.

With problems such as neck tilting forward and tiger's back, you look all out of shape and your temperament is greatly reduced. A thick back also makes you look old and many clothes are unmanageable.

The back is the second largest muscle group in the body, consisting of the latissimus dorsi, rhomboid, trapezius and other muscle groups.

The back is also one of the largest muscle groups in the upper body. Practicing the back can increase the body's metabolic level, promote the body's fat burning, and help you improve the speed of weight loss.

The practice of back, we can start from the "pull" training action, such as rowing, pull-ups, rope pull-down action to strengthen the back muscle, improve the tiger back waist problem thus, shaping the thin tight back. Girls more back training, you can make your back look more ageing oh!

When back training, we only need to train once in 2-3 days. Usually you can combine aerobic exercise to brush fat, such as running, jumping rope, aerobics, square dance and other sports to promote calorie consumption, stimulate blood circulation, improve physical fitness, help to strengthen their own physical fitness and resistance.
