Older people not only have aging troubles, may also be slow metabolism and easy to get fat, the accumulation of fatty substances in the body is not simply a personal image is affected, the body appears to change, but also may make certain diseases, compared to the body of a person with an even figure, the more obese the emergence of chronic diseases, the greater the risk of liver disease, so it is necessary to choose the appropriate method to lose weight, in order to let the weight of the stable control.
1, choose the right sports exercise
Elderly people also need to actively lose weight, there is obesity performance through effective means to promote calorie consumption, to prevent the accumulation of fatty substances in the body, in the process of losing weight exercise is an effective method, however, need to pay attention to the skills, choose the right sports for older people to carry out in order to get the benefits.
Generally from the lower intensity of the exercise began to try, step by step, slowly increase the intensity, in order to promote calorie consumption, accelerate the burning of fat substances. Usually appropriate walking, square dancing, do yoga, these sports although the intensity is not big, not like running, swimming so violent, but still can consume energy, so as to achieve the purpose of weight loss. If there is no exercise at all, it is easy to get fat.
2, control the daily diet
There are techniques to lose weight for the elderly, such as controlling one's diet. If you can work on this aspect of the diet, understand what food is easy to get fat, timely avoidance, nutrition to meet the needs of the energy do not get too much, the same on the weight loss help.
Some people get a lot of food, eat a lot of food every meal, but also often eat late-night snacks, will be too much energy to provide excessive nutrition and gradual obesity, and over time it will be difficult to control the weight of the good. If you can eat three regular meals to protect the digestive system, away from high sugar, high-fat food, every meal seven or eight minutes full, these good methods to adhere to, not only the lack of nutrients but also effective weight control, the elderly body will be even.
3, away from alcohol
Elderly people want to slim down and lose weight, the effective way is not to drink. Now more and more people have health problems because of drinking more alcohol, the liver is easy to be damaged, and then disease. In addition, after drinking many people also appeared obvious beer belly, abdominal obesity is the main feature.
If you can do a drop of alcohol, by refusing alcohol to reduce the pressure on the liver, to maintain the stability of the internal environment, so that the body metabolism is normal, the natural weight stabilization, otherwise too much alcohol will also affect the endocrine, metabolism is slow and there are diseases, it is very difficult to stabilize the weight.
4, maintain a good life: elderly people if there is obesity, must improve the bad habits, usually can not eat snacks, fried food, drinks, sweets, try to quit smoking and drinking, and maintain a good routine.
5, work and rest to maintain regular
Work and rest regularly, early to bed and early to rise is one of the ways to lose weight. Many people fall into the misunderstanding that every day to sleep so long instead of less activity will gradually gain weight, in fact, enough sleep is not the same as too much sleep, for the elderly every day to have at least six hours of adequate sleep, in order to maintain endocrine stabilization, improve the basal metabolic rate, but also allows leptin normal secretion out.
And in the case of the body metabolism smooth calorie consumption in a timely manner, in order to let the sugar substances, fat into energy to provide, so as to better lose weight. If you continue to stay up late, lack of sleep, may accelerate the aging outside the impact of endocrine, the subsequent basal metabolic rate is reduced, obesity will continue.