The Folk Ditty

The folk ditty means one of the categories of Chinese folk song genres, generally referring to folk songs and dances popular in towns and markets.

The ditties, which reflect an extremely wide range of social life and are not constrained by a particular social class or a specific labor environment, were selected as the third batch of national intangible cultural heritage in 2011.


Most folk ditties are in the form of sectional songs, with multiple stanzas in a single song, often employing the four seasons, the five shifts, the twelve hours, and other time sequences, and stating the content in a multi-faceted and more detailed manner. In order to adapt to the needs of multi-paragraph words, its tune is generalized, condensed to express a certain mood (or soft, or sad, or joyful), tuneful, melodic, smooth, twists and turns, melodic line is rich and varied, strong expressive power.

A song with multiple phrases, often using the four seasons, five shifts, twelve hours and other chronological body, multi-faceted, more detailed statement of the content. In order to adapt to the needs of multi-paragraph words, its tune is generalized, condensed to express a certain mood (or soft, or sad, or joyful), the tune is strong, melodic, smooth, twists and turns, the melody line is rich and varied, and the expressive power is strong.

The rhythmic pattern is rich and varied, and the singing form is mostly solo, followed by duet and a leader and so on. City ditties are often accompanied by silk-stringed instruments, the use of introductions and over the door, as well as accompaniment in the instrumental flower decorations, the cavity of the pad cavity, etc., so that the ditties are more beautiful and touching music.

In addition to the seven-word sentence, there are also short and long sentences, in addition to two sentences, four sentences are common, there are often non-coupled three sentences, five sentences, and other structures; coupled with the richness of the liner notes and the metrical, so that the tune structure of the minor key is more mature than the bugle, the song is more mature and rich in change.